Let Go The Cold White Moonlight, I Choose The Rebellious Overlord Flower

Chapter 62 The Unlucky Sisters Of The Xu Family, "I Have A Friend"

Chapter 62

"Old Dou, I'm back~"

The vitality girl kicked open the door with a bang and shouted loudly.

She seemed to be in a good mood, with a bright smile on her pretty face.

"Zhizhi! Take it easy, our house has changed three doors!"

However, at this moment, a weak female voice came from inside the door.

"Hey, sister, you're back? Are you on vacation~ Where's old Dou?"

"work overtime!"


Xu Muzhi has an older sister who is studying in university.

His grades are completely opposite to Xu Muzhi's, he is a top student.

But character...

"Zhizhi, you're back! Hurry up, hurry up, take me to Baiyin!"

"This group of teammates is so good! Even I can't handle it!"

"Quick, you bring it up for me, I'll be bragging when I go back!"

"Old Dou won't come back tonight, we'll fight till dawn!

"Hey, sister..."

A more mature woman with somewhat similar face to Xu Muzhi walked out quickly.

She casually wears baggy shirts at home, half uncovered, and doesn't care about showing off her good figure.

The hair is loose and unkempt, and although the face is exquisite, there are some black and tired dark circles under the eyes.

Old cultivator!

Seeing Xu Muzhi come back,

Then she looked excited, took her sister's arm, and was about to go to her room.

Xu Muzhi: ...

My sister's room was a bit messy, with various posters on the walls, and cartoon figures on the side cabinets. Compared to the messy room, this place was wiped clean.

Snacks and half-drunk sodas were messed up in front of the computer desk. 13

On the screen, it seems to be a video website, with unknown animations playing on it, and there are colorful bullet screens jumping across the screen.

Xu Muyun is a dead house!

Compared with the TV dramas, shopping, celebrities, handsome guys, etc. that ordinary girls like, she is a different kind of existence.

Hobbies games, anime two-dimensional!

This is Xu Muzhi's sister.

When she was in high school, this unlucky girl always skipped classes to go to Internet cafes, and now that she is in college, no one can control her.

Out of these two sisters,

Old Xu's family was also quite unlucky.

One is the little sister Bawanghua, who burns her head by smoking and drinking.

One is a second-year middle school girl who died at home and watched anime online.

Father Xu is worried about these two unlucky bastards every day.

"Hey~ Zhizhi, let me tell you, I recently discovered a website! Tick Tock Danmaku! You know it's a treasure!"

Seeing Xu Muzhi looking at her computer, she immediately became a little excited.

Like a pious missionary, he said to Xu Muzhi.

"The people here are talented, and they speak nicely. I really like this place!"

"There are so many anime here! And there are no ads! What's more, you can post barrage! The person who created this website is a genius!"

"I'm telling you, Zhizhi, come here to watch anime from now on!"

"Hey~ I don't know how it makes money! What should I do if it fails one day?!"

When it comes to the fields he likes, Xu Muyun keeps chattering and chattering without stopping.

Xu Muzhi: ...

Sister, let me say something!

Influenced by this sister since childhood, Xu Muzhi also loves to play games and watch anime.

However, not as addictive as her sister.

And now... is not the time for her to play with these things!

"Hey~ This new show is pretty average! Don't watch it, come on, let's play games!"

What kind of sister is this!

My younger sister is in her third year of high school, so I dragged her to play games.

"Sister, I won't play anymore! I have to study tomorrow!"

Xu Muzhi said to Xu Muyun helplessly.


Xu Yun was taken aback,

Immediately, he let go of Xu Muzhi's hand,

As if hearing something unbelievable, his face was full of horror, and he took a few big steps back.

"You you you... what did you say?"

"You are not Zhizhi! Say, who are you?!"

Xu Muzhi: ...

Dear sister, are you tm polite?

"Really? Sister, what stimulated you? Really want to learn? Good thing!"

For a long time, seeing my sister's helpless expression did not seem to be fake.

My sister came back to her senses.

She wasn't playing tricks anymore, she looked a little serious, and asked Xu Muzhi.

It's not that she insists on dragging her younger sister to play and degenerate together.

It's because this guy really doesn't learn well!

My little sister doesn't study at school, so if you want her to study even after the holidays, that's just nonsense!

Instead of letting her go out to fool around, it's better to let her play with me and help myself get higher points!

However, today I don't know which one is wrong with this product.

I want to study,

Xu Muyun felt a little dumbfounded.

This is simply the sun coming out from the west.

"Really! Sis, you'll be looking for games from now on! I want to work hard!

Xu Muzhi nodded, looked into his sister's eyes, and said seriously.

Time is running out!

She has a bad foundation, so she has to work harder than others!

She wants to catch up with that person, she has to work hard!

She has made up her mind!

"Good! Good! Great!"

Although it was rejected, Xu Muyun couldn't help smiling.

As long as you are willing to look back, it is never too late!

As a family member, how could Xu Muyun not care about his sister?

Although she loves to play games and watch anime, her academic performance has not dropped!

But Xu Muzhi is different, she is really crazy, and her academic performance is also the tail end of the crane!

Then what if you graduate from high school? What will you do in the future?

She is always worried about her sister.

But she is not her after all, at this rebellious age.

It's not that it doesn't matter, it's that it does!

Don't listen to talk, don't listen to teaching.

What's the use!

I can only hope that one day she can come back on her own.

I didn't expect.... I don't know what stimulated this guy. I haven't seen it for a while, but.... Want to learn?

Xu Muzhi doesn't like to lie, she said yes, that's basically it!

Good thing!

Of course it's a good thing!

"What do you want to learn, my sister will teach you!"

Although the knowledge of high school is almost forgotten!

But for the sake of my sister, it's okay to rack my brains.

She immediately put down the games and anime that she was thinking about,

Helping the girl to unload her schoolbag, she asked with a smile on her face with concern.

Now learning to be a little crammed!

A bit late, but not too late!

Sister is very smart!

Even if you take three exams, it is better than those pheasant universities that have no requirements for scores!

"Uh....Sister, you can do what you want, you don't need to teach me!"

Xu Muzhi twitched the corners of her mouth, she fell asleep if she studied with her sister!

Did you study with that person, listen to him talk, laugh with him... incense?

"Damn! It's okay, college students are very relaxed! I'm free, I'll teach you! Let me tell you, I was the third place in Linhai No.

"Although I have almost forgotten about it in the past few years! But it's no problem to teach you!"

Xu Muyun smiled and said to his sister with a bold face, like a mother-in-law selling melons.

Games and anime can be put aside.

Xu Muzhi is going to turn back, so naturally, her sister must fully support her!



Sister, can I say that I despise you?

Looking at the enthusiastic sister in front of her, Xu Muzhi felt that her thoughts might not be polite.

"That, sister! I made an appointment with the same table to go to the library to study tomorrow!"

Xu Muyun:…………

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

It turns out that my sister is not worried about wasting her time! Everyone is looking for good people!

The clown is me!

Xu Muyun was instantly embarrassed, and his bold smile stiffened a bit.

"Cough cough~ Oh, that's it! Haha, that's fine! Your tablemate...  

Xu Muyun touched his nose and changed the subject with a dry smile.

Perhaps it is the intuition between sisters,

In an instant...she felt it.

My sister is at the same table...it may not be easy!

I haven't heard of her having a tablemate before, and it's even more said that she's studying with her tablemate!

Looking at this guy's expression, she can't fall in love, right?

never allowed!

Is it too much for the younger sister to get rid of the single before the elder sister?!

"Sister, don't worry! He is very good! He was originally from the experimental class! I believe he can teach me well..."

Talking about that person, Xu Muzhi couldn't hide his words, couldn't hide himself.

It's like showing off to her sister a treasure that only belongs to her.

I can't wait to put all the beautiful words on that person.

Xu Muzhi's eyes were bright, and she said to Xu Muyun with a smile on her face.

"Shout~ your sister, I also hanged and beat all the students in the experimental class!"

Xu Muyun pouted, seemingly disdainful.

Judging from her years of experience in love affairs!

This product is designated to be in love!

It's so obvious, the pink bubbles are almost drowning her!

What kind of person is he?

Don't be wicked, don't deceive your sister!

Don't look at this younger sister who is usually very tight, dyed her hair purple, and looks like a little sister.

But the family understands their own affairs.

What kind of girl is the younger sister, the elder sister naturally knows.

She's not such a self-indulgent bad girl, she's just a little playful, a little wayward, and a little lazy!

If someone is deceived...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help frowning.

"He can also hang and beat the experimental class! He is just low-key..."

Xu Muzhi didn't know what her sister was thinking.

She is still persistently trying to show her sister how good her treasure is!

"you like him?"

Xu Muyun moved towards her and looked into her eyes,

Suddenly, such a sentence came out, and the words pointed directly to the heart.

"Um... how can I... how can I like him?!"

When the girl froze, she immediately avoided her sister's sight.

He raised his head and said a little stiffly.

Xu Muzhi's classic mouth is hard!

Well, my sister really likes this tablemate!

Identification is completed!

"Uh...cough, it's not me! I don't like him! Sister, I have a friend who likes him! The friend he likes too, we are just friends! I will never be Someone's third party~"

girls don't lie,

But she still understands whether she can tell her lies.

Looking at her sister's expression, she instantly knew that the other party saw through her mind.

She is in a hurry, she is in a hurry, she is in a hurry!

She coughed slightly, trying to hide it, and forcibly explained it to her sister.

Xu Muyun:......

What kind of self-exposing truck is this?

The classic "I have a friend"!.

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