Chapter 74

"You are really good at picking places, and you will occupy the most expensive person in my place!"

Gu Lin pushed open the door of the office,

Looking at the two beauties, one big and one small, with similar temperaments,

Can not help but say something frivolous.


"Gu Lin!"

The two of them looked at the person who came, and couldn't help but let out a light cry from each other.

two beautiful women,

older, in mature uniforms,

A suit, trousers, light makeup, a pair of glasses on the bridge of the nose, a calm complexion, a tall stature, and a calm and calm demeanor. "Is there a confident self-confidence in the eyebrows.

Standard urban white-collar beauty.

Her name is Tian Tian. She graduated from Yuhang University and is a fresh graduate. She is outstanding, has good ability, has a good personality, and has an excellent resume!

In addition to being younger and having little work experience, there is no disadvantage at all!

That's what Gu Lin wants, because it's cheap for the time being!

His money didn't come from the wind either... well, it's pretty much the same.

Mature talent is too expensive and has a lot of heart, he can't afford it!

Gu Lin doesn't really need it for the time being,

It is only the early stage of his career, he will make the major decisions on the project himself, and the people below can just execute it.

Gu Lin gave 260 them enough time to grow!

When they are needed, they are enough to be on their own!

Tian Tian is the company's executive director of human resources,

Responsible for the company's original management, recruitment, and maintenance of the company's daily operations.

As far as status and power are concerned,

Gu Lin is probably the person with the highest status besides Gu Lin himself and Qi Hanhai brothers!

Qi Hanhai is in charge of foreign affairs, while Tian Tian is in charge of people.

The two learn from each other and supervise each other, and they can be regarded as a tacit understanding.

Gu Lin had looked for her several times before he tricked her into abducting her.

The highest salary was offered to her, and she was afraid that she would have nothing to do when she ran away and made a big cake for her.

It is the most expensive talent here in Gu Lin!

Of course, this woman's ability is indeed worth it!

As for the other person,

Gu Lin brought her here, and of course she is very familiar!

The girl who chased half her life in her previous life,

Ji Ruoxue!

But at this moment, looking at the person who came, her eyes and expressions were a bit complicated.

Even with mental preparation,

But since coming here today (bdfi), Ji Ruoxue's shock has never stopped!

"Okay, trouble you, Sister Tian!"

"Ji Ruoxue, I'll just entertain you!"

"I just discussed a big thing with my brother! We can move on to the next stage, you go talk to him and hammer out some details!"

"If you have any objection, come to me anytime!"

Gu Lin nodded towards Tian Tian and said with a smile.

"Okay, boss....I get it!"

Mature girls' voices are a little hoarse, but they are charming.

There is a kind of heroic feeling.

She glanced at the young girl beside her, then at the smiling boss in front of her, and nodded lightly.

To be honest, Tian Tian has never met someone like Gu Lin!

When she first met, she thought that Qi Hanhai was the real leader here.

Gu Lin is just a rich second generation who plays tickets!

Although the company was first started and the project started, everything is empty talk and the future is very vague.

But she herself is actually just a college student who just graduated!

She is not one of those so-called proud college students who are high-minded and low-handed, waiting for a price.

The other party was very sincere to her, and the salary was in line with her expectations.

Anyway, there are workers everywhere, selling their time,

As long as the money is enough and everything is easy to say, she naturally has no reason to refuse.

Even if this place fails and closes down in the future, she can add her resume and vote for others.

However, after getting along gradually,

Her cognition was completely subverted!

Those new ideas, ideas to create projects, the constant selection of funding...  

It's all brought by this young excessive brother in front of him!

It's really hard to imagine that he has made so many wonderful decisions, and he also has unique insights into the timing and future trends and trends.

Wise, capable, visionary, wise,

He has the characteristics of many successful people in their 40s and 50s.

But he himself does not lack the boldness, innovation and aggressiveness of young people!

The contradictory qualities of youth and maturity are skillfully combined in him!

It's really hard to imagine that this person is just a student who didn't graduate from high school!

Although somewhat unbelievable,

But Gu Lin is really the leader of all of them!

And it's the kind that's convincing!

Faintly, she still has an inexplicable intuition,

In the future, this person is destined to set off a storm and leave a strong legacy in this era!

And these people... will also follow him and put their names on the monument of time!

Become a trendsetter of the times!


The graceful figure left, and the door closed with a crisp sound.

Gu Lin narrowed his eyes, turned to look at the rest of the room, and asked with a chuckle, "How? This is what I told you! My project, my career!"

Gu Lin actually likes cronyism!

Because he understands these people!

For others, even if the ability is outstanding, it will take a greater cost of time to understand the personality of the other party.

However, for those who are familiar, this step is missing!

Sometimes, cultivating abilities is actually easier than cultivating people's hearts...!

Qi Hanhai is a very direct example!

Ji Ruoxue is a very powerful woman!

past life,

Gu Lin thinks so!

Her will, self-control... firm and powerful like a robot.

There is no lack of wisdom and creativity in itself!

She is just immature now, too young to graduate, and not yet grown up!

In a sense, she is even more deceived than Zhi Tian!

That is to say, the previous life died early, and I don't know whether the other party succeeded or not!

However, Gu Lin has an intuition that a woman like her will definitely succeed!

The difference here is that,

In her previous life, Gu Lin helped her start a business!

This time, it was Gu Lin who started his career one step ahead, and then handed out an olive branch to the girl.

"How do you feel? Do you want to join me after the college entrance examination?"

"Trust me, I won't treat you badly!".

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