Let Go The Cold White Moonlight, I Choose The Rebellious Overlord Flower

Chapter 776 Everyone, We Must Be Together Forever And Ever...

Chapter 776

"Gu Lin~"

"I think, in the future, we will wait for us to get old and retire."

"Just find a place where no one can find it, find a paradise."

"Plant a circle of rape blossoms around it, and another circle of lavender."

"In the morning, we smelled the fragrance of flowers and watched the sunrise together.

"In the evening, we stood beside the windmill, and the sunset and sunset together..."

"Hey.....It's beautiful just thinking about it~"

The wedding car slowly parked in the countryside,

The handsome groom walks out with the bride in her wedding gown,

"This...... Gu Lin, good, so beautiful......"

The girl stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the scene in front of her,

The dome is vast, the sky is blue and white,

under the bright sun,

Below is a layered sea of ​​rape flowers and lavender. The yellow rape flowers and purple lavender complement each other, and the flower branches are swaying [the windmill in Xuanshi rotates gently with the breeze.

It's as beautiful as a fairy tale.

The dream she told the man at the beginning has been realized.

Gu Lin's daily life is not much different from ordinary people.

He doesn't like the luxury and extravagance of the so-called upper class.

He prefers a little bit of life, rice, oil and salt.

But here, it is one of his few willful extravagances.

As early as a year ago, he started planning here.

He remembered that Han Niuer was under the starry sky, her eyes were shining, and she was talking to him about her fantasy with a smile.

Xu Muzhi didn't know how much he spent to create such a place.

She didn't want to ask either.

At this moment, she just wants to snuggle in her husband's arms,

Doing those once said, fantasy dreams.

"I love you, Xu Muzhi."

Gu Lin pressed against her ear and said softly.


What nonsense are you talking about!

The girl trembled suddenly, and her pretty face suddenly turned red again.

Looking at the magnificent scenery around her, she unconsciously shook her legs.

Bad... kind of... thought about it.

Too many people.

She lowered her eyes slightly, glanced around a few times, and finally tried to restrain herself.


not far away,

The photographer seized the opportunity and pressed the shutter of the camera.

This couple is really perfect.

They don't even need any command.

Any picture, any action is the most perfect interpretation of love.

So beautiful.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Brother Lin, can we come and play in the future?"

"It's so romantic~"

A car behind followed 837, and the best man and bridesmaids also got off.

They stared at the magnificent scenery in front of them like in a fairy tale, and couldn't help but widen their eyes, amazed by it.

"Let's take a picture, everyone~"

I was almost seduced by the male succubus again, and wanted to be sucked in.

Han Niuer came back to her senses, couldn't help smiling brightly, and shouted at the people.

Then, he trotted over and grabbed two special people among the bridesmaids,

"Elbow, let's take pictures~"

The cold and indifferent, but beautiful girl Ji.

Gentle and charming, like a tender and talented woman in ancient books.

The two girls blushed slightly, looking a little shy for some reason.

Coupled with the sweet girl with a bright smile in the middle, it really constitutes the most beautiful scenery in the world.

"Hey, Zhi Zhi, we are also bridesmaids!"

"You're biased~"

"And me, and me~ I want to!"

The glamorous bridesmaids couldn't help complaining to the eccentric bride.

"You are different~"

Han Niuer winked at them playfully.

"Haha~ Come on little by little~"

"There must be an order~"

Immediately, as if joking again, he brought this topic to the past.

"Photographer, let's take a picture~"

She came to Gu Lin's side with two bridesmaids, and embraced Gu Lin quite familiarly.

The other two also posed in poses under the direction of the photographer.

how to say?

This is probably the most beautiful scroll in the world~

"Are you ready?"


The photographer shouted,

just pressed the shutter,

And at this moment, a head sneaked out from the side, and jumped in directly, joining the scene: Russia TM is here!"

"Leave me alone, it's too much~"

Teacher Daxu's sneak attack and overtaking!

Xu Muyun was also wearing a bridesmaid's attire, subduing all the temperament of the usual dick and funny girl.

She has a beautiful face, and she seems to have an aura of high-end beauty... If she doesn't speak.


freeze frame,

Four beauties, plus a handsome guy Gu Lin,

Together with the sea of ​​flowers and the blue sky, it constitutes the most beautiful photo in the wedding.

Han Niuer rolled her eyes at the unlucky sister, but she didn't say anything.

Today is the happiest day for her,

She feels the arms of the person she loves the most, looks at the people who love her around,

narrowed his eyes slightly,

There is a little (bjaf) water in the bright eyes.

He murmured softly: "Everyone must be together forever and ever..."

Gu Lin hugged his wife tightly,

Before I knew it, I also felt that my eyes seemed a little wet and blurred.


The sight in front of me seems to pass through space, beyond time,

He seemed to see the other side,

The narrow path of the hospital,

The pretty girl was holding the man in the hospital gown, smiling sweetly, and talking happily.

Good ones won't work.


what i want to say at the end

Well, let's end it like this. It should be regarded as an explanation for everyone.

I am very grateful for the support of readers who have seen this.

I did not write on behalf of the whole process, I can guarantee that every word and every sentence is typed out by myself.

I think I can stand up to the reward.

Regarding the most controversial single heroine and harem issue,

I would like to explain that the author's perspective and the reader's perspective on many issues are actually different.

Regarding Bai Yueguang in the previous life, I don't want to make her into a bad girl like a template.

Because there is a very basic logic problem here,

If she doesn't have her own charm, she won't be able to attract good boys just from her beautiful appearance.

Although she has a little flaw.

But everyone in this world has flaws.

There are no perfect people in this book.

Gu Lin is a bit indecisive, and Xu Muzhi is also a problem girl in the early stage,

Ji Ruoxue is indifferent and paranoid, Qu Hanya is withdrawn and inferior, because Teacher Xu bows down...

A complete person can be formed only when there are defects.

I think the protagonist I wrote is quite good.

Then the girl he can cling to to death must also be very attractive.

Miss Ji also has many advantages, self-confidence, independence, strong, brave, hardworking, smart...

She is beautiful, but her fate is bad.

I think such a girl is worthy of being liked.

Then when I write her like this, there is another contradiction.

That is the issue of single heroine and multiple heroines that everyone has been arguing for a long time.

Since the second female is a good girl, should I accept it?

If you give it to someone else, it will definitely explode!

two processing methods,

One is easy to get together and scattered, diluting pen and ink.

But the names of my book are only these two people,

Eighty percent of the whole book is also the story of these two people, do you want me to downplay the ink?

Then what did I do so hard to shape the character and character of this girl? Then I just write her as a bad woman [save trouble! But isn’t it closed again?

So there is only one answer left, to create their bond and walk into each other's lives, that can only be multiple heroines.

Xu Muzhi is indeed a well-deserved leading lady on the bright side, but in my opinion, Li Ruoxue is also the leading lady on the other side.

Half of this book can be seen as the sweet daily life of Xu Xiaohua and Gu Lin, and the other half can be seen as the process of Gu Lin redeeming Miss Ji and changing her paranoid self.

One is the retention and repentance of this life, and the other is the redemption and change of the previous life.

It also corresponds to the name of half of a person.

Smart readers should also be able to see that it is impossible to be a single heroine by shaping Miss Ji and classmate Qu in the early stage.

Unless the author is a literary youth with a stomachache,

But unfortunately not, the author is just a bit literary, but not much.

After all, he is still a layman.

I admit, I like stories with multiple heroines,

Reality is a dick, why don't people just flirt in novels~

But I don't like the irresponsible scumbag personality of many female protagonists and male protagonists.

So I endowed Gu Lin with the quality of taking feelings seriously.

But at the same time there is another contradiction,

That's when Gu Lin started to entangle with Ji Ruoxue in the middle period, and many readers who liked single heroines felt uncomfortable.

Then I really have no choice, because people's hearts and feelings are constantly changing, and I have tried my best to write about the psychological and emotional changes of the hero and heroine.

Did Gu Lin accept the second relationship with peace of mind? Not at all, and he has been struggling with guilt all the time.

As far as everyone’s substitutions are concerned, in all fairness, from Gu Lin’s point of view, when facing Ji Ruoxue, she said, ‘If I marry someone else...

be sincere,

Can you really have no reaction at all?

You must know that Ji Ruoxue is not as simple as a pretty passerby to Gu Lin.

Again, people's feelings are really complicated.

No matter how it is written, there will always be people who don't like it, but I have tried my best, and I think I still have a little bottom line as an author.

In fact, you will find that there is a reason for all the likes in this work.

It's not just because the main character is handsome, talented, rich...such a superficial appearance.

This can only constitute the possibility of attraction, but not the condition of liking.

In fact, to put it bluntly, every girl who likes him has been redeemed by him (except Teacher Daxu).

Let's talk about classmate Qu,

Let's be honest.....Student Qu really didn't have so many roles in the first place, and it was even planned as a transitional event before the college entrance examination.

But how?

After writing about her plot, her popularity suddenly increased.

Many people feel the same way. (In fact, her experience is indeed based on the prototype that the author saw with her own eyes)

And I wrote it myself, and when the butterfly was flying, I suddenly fell in love with this girl.

Damn, how can there be such a pitiful girl~

Therefore, the proportion of her was increased, and the role that originally belonged to Tian Tian was transferred to her.



I have thought a lot about her ending,

I also struggled for a long time, whether I should just write it down to the end.

But in the end it became so open.

Sweet love belongs to Xu Muzhi,

The company that walked up the mountain with Gu Lin belongs to Ji Ruoxue,

And in the corner of the coffee shop, there was always a gentle and kind girl waiting for him.

When his mind needs to rest, when friends get together happily, he can see her smiling face here.

The character of Han Niuer represents love, and Miss Li represents career, so classmate Qu actually represents family.

As for the deeper bond, Sese, I actually left a lot of foreshadowing, such as diaries, photos of bridesmaids, Xiao Xinyu...

The protagonists are also young, and even confessed their love.

This is left to everyone's imagination, she can do whatever you want her to do,

After all, I've had enough of being bombarded with one-woman and multiple-woman Democrats.

Alright let's talk about something easy,

Teacher Da Xu, in fact, there are quite a lot of seductive girls and house girls like this in reality.

I think she's pretty cute.

Because of the single-parent family, her father is always busy with work, and the pressure of being a sister made her become such a loose and frivolous character.

Maybe I have been talking about poaching roles all the time, so it has caused dissatisfaction among many serious readers.

A lot of people hate her.

But I actually like her a lot,

I think I have written her as a good sister in many details.

Although Kou Hei said she wanted to dig a corner, in fact she has been helping and protecting her sister.

And until now, hasn't she been successful~

Her positioning is to be funny, mainly to add some joyful elements to the article.

As for whether she succeeded in the end, I will leave it to everyone's imagination!

In fact, the author personally likes the plots in some small movies...

I can only say, Teacher Daxu, come on~

‘Gu Lin, you don’t want Zhizhi to know your secret either~’

Such tauren literature is also quite interesting.

There may be extra episodes in the follow-up...probably,

I don't know, do you really want to see the ending of my classmates Zhongqu and Teacher Daxu in my imagination?

Anyway, the single heroine party definitely doesn't like it.

Because there are not many readers who follow here.

It's hard to finish writing, and it's not cost-effective to write extra episodes.

The author is also pretty lazy.

(Note: The scale of Mr. Da Xu’s planned episode is too large, even if it is written, fl will not be published.)

But when I write this, let’s not say 100%, I think that compared to the 80% of Feilu’s authors, I’m actually quite responsible and “finished the story well.

As for the remaining female supporting roles,

Boss Tian, ​​a big sister who is close, classmate Bai Qingling, a "good buddy", a bad actress, a wild and willful primary school girl...

I can still only say that the pen and ink are limited, and I am afraid of being sprayed with brainless female stallions. Let everyone imagine it for themselves.

Anyway, I didn't say I was dead, and I didn't arrange for them to have feelings other than the protagonist.

Maybe which female supporting role will really hit which reader's point.

For example, I like Mr. Tian very much.

Uh.....well, I actually like them all!

The world of novels~ I like it, it’s not shabby!

It's up to everyone to YY who they like, anyway, they didn't give away, and even everyone has more or less emotional foreshadowing and hidden lines.

You are already mature readers "You have to learn to yy yourself.

But be careful, if there are too many, silly girls will get angry.

Ok, let's explain that.

And finally, most of the people I portray in this book are pretty good.

There are not many good people in this world, and there are not many bad people. Most of them are ordinary people who are struggling for life.

I erased many small evils.

Because I don't really like the kind of pretense and slap in the face where you can guess the end after seeing the beginning.

There is also no way to write too many mentally handicapped supporting roles, and I can't pass the test myself.

This also led to a weak sense of conflict and a lot less fun.

Hmm... Maybe it's my strength.

I also did not describe the intrigue of the upper class and the dark content of human nature.

Because I think it will be very tiring to read sweet romance novels, and I don’t like it.

In general, the world in the book can be regarded as my many beautiful fantasies.

The reality is definitely not like this, the reality is beautiful and cruel,

But there are always one or two winds in the world, filling my thousands of dreams.

Here to share with you,

I hope everyone can live the beautiful life of their dreams.

Whether you like this book or hate it, the story is finished.

Goodbye everyone.

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