Chapter 82



after class,

Gu Lin seemed to have something on his mind, he leaned on the chair and looked out the window,

He hummed a song softly, as if he was screwing something.

From time to time, he would look at a person on the side of the wall.

"One gi caught?"

"Gu Lin, what are you singing? A slobber song?"

"Is this the song you came up with again? It sounds good? Is it a dialect? seems to be in neon!"

"Can you still speak neon? Don't you like neon very much?"

The girl beside her leaned towards Gu Lin and asked curiously.

Gu Lin came back to his senses, smiled at Han Niuer, and explained: "I just don't like neon politicians and some silly hats! Beautiful music can lift people's spirits and change people's minds. No borders, girl!"

A black-and-white theory is not advisable anywhere.

Gu Lin really hates and resents some aspects of neon,

But equally, he also endorses certain aspects of neon.

This is normal and needs to be viewed dialectically.

In a certain sense, the D station he established has a bit of the light of the neon animation industry.

Of course, he just borrowed it!

sooner or later one day,

He will use this popularity and people's love for animation to professionalize and develop it into the animation production of his own nation!

"This song is called "She Has Lived". It is a song that depicts life and death. It is very powerful and can give people courage. It is suitable for female vocals. How about it? Do you want to learn it?"

He said with a smile.

"Has she ever lived?"

"Why did you choose this name?"

"It tells the story of a girl who was under heavy pressure and finally couldn't stand it, jumped down from a tall building, and finally turned into a butterfly and flew away! So call her once alive, this is a song to praise death!"

Gu Lin's eyes were soft and he explained softly.

"Is that so..."

Somehow, I heard Gu Lin's explanation like this.

Xu Muzhi was a little sad and a little sad.

She was thinking, if she was splashed with sewage by that golden pine, and hadn't been rescued by Gu Lin, she wouldn't be able to wash it off.

Carrying a stain all day long, being pointed out,

Will she not be able to hold on, will she collapse?

What about jumping down from a tall building, as in this story by Gu Lin?

She lowered her eyes and said to Gu Lin: "Okay! I want to learn, you teach me~"

"it is good!"

"Uh... Gu Lin~"

The two chatted for a while,

Xu Muzhi suddenly remembered something,

Glancing at a single spot in the classroom against the wall.

Then he touched his nose and asked Gu Lin tentatively, "Do you know that Qu Hanya?"

Take a closer look, this girl with a low sense of existence and a little gloomy seems to be pretty.

That is not to dress up!

Well, you can't dress better than yourself!

She occasionally heard people say that Gu Lin seemed to secretly gave her a red box.

Although she knew Gu Lin's intentions, she also believed in him.

But love is such a thing...

This is impossible to say!

She cares about him!

Naturally, I will pay extra attention, and I will not be able to restrain myself from thinking more.

Hearing others gossip about them, I still feel a little sour.

Just because you like it, it will be like this!

This is the case even for a carefree heroine like Xu Muzhi.

If a girl sees a boy getting close to another girl, and doesn't react at all, doesn't take it to heart, it means that the girl doesn't like him at all and doesn't care about him!

Of course, it doesn't matter about that either!

She believes in Gu Lin, her character, and her relationship!

So instead of getting confused, just ask directly!


Gu Lin was taken aback,

Immediately, he seemed to notice something, and observed the girl's face with great interest.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know~ What does Xu Suan-suan want to know? It smells like vinegar~"

Gu Lin smiled frivolously and teased Han Niuer.

"I'm not! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

The girl's ears are slightly red, and the classic hard mouth is online again!

Classic denies three consecutive.

"You are not allowed to call me Xu Suan! I didn't teach you Gu Suan last time!"

She scratched her neck and argued with Gu Lin childishly.

"Good sour, no problem, sour!"

"Don't force me to do it, Gu Lin! My fist is the size of a casserole, but I don't have eyes!"

"Wrong, wrong, Xu sour, I dare not~"

"You say it! You say it! You say it! Die!"

The two laughed as if they were familiar with each other.

Looking at the classmates around me, it seems that something has been stuffed without knowing it.

I am full.

Does no one care about them?


Is there still God?

Are there any kings?

Is this not about love?

It's not really about love!

I believe you said they were married!

"You haven't said it yet~ What's going on~"

After laughing, Xu Muzhi asked curiously.

"Damn, it's the parents of classmate Qu, who gave me a gift and wanted me to change my seat.

Gu Lin didn't hide anything, but simply told the story.


But it's not over yet,

Xu Muzhi's eyes widened, and he slapped the table fiercely.

"Fuck! It's too much, digging the wall and digging into the old lady's head!! Gan [I tm..."

The angry girl 560 stood up directly,

Comrade Xu, the little sister of Bawanghua, has landed again.

When dealing with people close to her, the cat will fold her claws to reveal the soft pads, but this does not mean that her claws have been cut.

Someone wanted to rob her, how could she allow it?!

Or the most important person to her, the person she likes the most?

This is not digging her corner, this is digging her treasure!


What a despicable way to bribe a teacher!

Gu Lin:…………

Classmates around:  …

big sister!

What's the deal with this?

Didn't you just flirt happily and spread dog food?

The woman's face is really the weather in June, it can change.

Become so scary in the blink of an eye?

Xu Muzhi had been restrained for a long time, and they almost forgot.

The big sister in this class has such a side.

"You owe me 78 daddy now!"

Then, however,

in the center of the storm,

Gu Lin tapped the table lightly, looked up at her, and dropped a simple sentence.


The girl who was still arrogant at first died instantly.

She twitched the corners of her mouth and sat down stiffly.

In such a situation, the students around me who were eating melons were taken aback for a while.

in this world,

Probably only Brother Lin can do this?

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