Let Go The Cold White Moonlight, I Choose The Rebellious Overlord Flower

Chapter 86 A Big Daddy Can't Handle Two Cheating Teammates

Chapter 86

This should be the end of it!

At least Gu Lin thinks so!

Everything is calm again.

As always, he lives, studies, relaxes, and plays...  

The difference is that he has one more friend!

Occasionally, he would also chat with the gloomy girl on the fifth floor.

Gradually, she became more cheerful, full of hope for the future, and occasionally showed a faint smile.

Everything is getting better, and Gu Lin feels that he can probably save the other party from his previous fate!


Things don't always go as expected.

in the office,

"Mr. Zhang, is our Hanya causing trouble?"

"I must discipline her well..."

The middle-aged woman who came to give a gift once again came here,

She pretended to be smiling and asked Zhang Hai.

"Uh... No, Mother Qu! Don't worry, come and sit!"

"Student Qu has performed very well recently, and his grades have improved!"

Zhang Hai waved his hand and said with a warm expression.

"That's right! Thank you so much for your help! This child in our family has been ignorant since he was a child, so you should be more concerned.

The woman was overjoyed and couldn't help thanking Zhang Hai.

"No no no, this is the result of the child's own efforts!"

Zhang Hai smiled politely and continued: "I came to you, not to talk about this!"

"I just want to know about Qu's family situation and how you educate your children..."

Zhang Hai began to persuade the woman in front of him in a relatively euphemistic way.

"Mother Qu, although there is a saying in our cultural heritage that a dutiful son emerges from a stick, I think...to treat children, we still need to devote more affection!"

"We need to get to know our children seriously. If we really do something wrong, we need to correct them! However, they also need encouragement and care! I think Qu is the type who desperately needs your support and encouragement!"

The woman froze for a moment, and her face seemed a bit ugly: "Teacher, are you saying that I don't care enough about her? Are you saying that I don't love her?"

"Teacher, do you know how much effort I put into her since I was a child and how much I spent? I enrolled her in so many cram schools! I also thought about nourishing her brain and eating well.

The woman was a little anxious, and her tone was a little sharp.

"No no no...you misunderstood! I didn't mean that!"

"I'm actually a parent too. I think we can't just chase children's scores, children's skills... In addition, we also need to pay attention to their psychological state and spiritual world, what do you think? This is very important!"

Zhang Hai hurriedly shook his head and explained.

"They don't want scores at this time? What do they want?"

"What spiritual world? Teacher, don't say these are useless! What's the child?"

"Did Qu Hanya tell you something? This ignorant child... I don't know how hard her mother is..."

The woman was still stubborn, and could not understand Zhang Hai's words at all.

He even pushed the reason why Zhang Hai came to her for this conversation to his ignorant children.

"No! Mother Qu, classmate Qu didn't tell me anything!"

Zhang Hai is also a little helpless!

As a teacher, what he doesn't like to deal with the most is such a kind of stubborn parents who don't listen.

"Mother Qu, listen to me, the children have grown up, and they have their own independent will! You can no longer treat them as children, you have to..."

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a woman: "It's alright, alright! Teacher Zhang, I know it! You asked me to come here not to talk about my daughter, but to criticize me!

"Just teach her well! You don't have to worry about my side! I have raised this child so old, how can I still not know how to teach her? Leave it alone!"

"I'm still in a hurry to go to work today! Don't you have anything else to do?"

"It's okay, I'm leaving first!"

After all, without waiting for Zhang Hai to respond,

He just stood up and left.

Zhang Hai:......

Adults naturally have the arrogance that belongs to adults!

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Zhang Hai couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, you, Qu Hanya, you are very capable! Do you all know that you sued your mother with the teacher?"

"Tell me, how does mom usually treat you?"

"I feed you and clothe you. Am I offending you? Have I raised an enemy?"

"What a shame!"

"The teacher is going to put me on my forehead for abusing children?!"

"What's wrong with me?!"

During the phone call, the woman's sharp roar made people palpitate.

"Hurry up and keep your voice down! Don't you think it's shameful enough? Does the teacher mean that? The child is grown up, can you put away the things you used to do when you were young!"

The voice was a little noisy, and there were occasional whispers from men.

"Okay, you dislike me too, don't you? I'm so miserable...how did I meet you two nemesis?!"

Hearing the sharp female voice from the phone,

Qu Hanya couldn't help biting her lower lip, her originally good mood gradually fell to the bottom...

"I didn't! I didn't tell the teacher!"

She said a little stubbornly.

"No?! You didn't say what they wanted me for?!"

"Are you still talking to me?!"

"Alright, Qu Hanya, are you rebellious?"

"There is a little girl in your class, "Did you learn from her badly?!"

Qu Hanya only said one sentence, and then a woman slapped her on the other end of the phone.

"I don't! I don't!"

Tears gradually began to flow from the corners of my eyes,

She kept biting her lower lip, shaking her head, just repeating the same words!

"I do not have!!!!!"

"Why are you doing this to me!!!!"

"Don't I have any advantages at all?!!!"

"Why, you are not even willing to give me a little bit of the most basic trust?!!!"

"Mother! Mother! I am your daughter! Am I your own child?"

"Why are you doing this to me! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...."

"Woooooo... how long has it been since you smiled at me?"

"I've obviously worked hard! I've tried my best... woo woo woo..."

"What do you want me to do! You want me to die!!!!"

The depressing spring was finally compressed to the extreme, and it was unbearable!

The accumulated desperation, sorrow and fear burst.

The taut string finally broke at this moment.

Even Gu Lin helped her so much to appease her before...

It's useless right now!

Even a big daddy can't take two teammates together!

The future, is the future bright 2.8? Is there hope?

What if you escaped?

Mom will call her and control her remotely!

He is a monkey who is put on a tight band, and he will never be able to escape!

Her whole life is under the control of this person!

All her life, she will go according to her will!

Will the future she joked about with that boy really exist?

Do not!


She has no future!

The mother's shadow was like a mountain, weighing her down so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Make her suffocate, make her despair!

Does life like this... really make sense?

People live to suffer.

"I hate you!!!!!!!!"

With a ferocious face, she cried and howled, exhausting her last bit of strength, screaming towards the phone.

Then, he slammed the phone into the toilet. .

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