Chapter 90

"Huh? This neon song is very nice! Have you heard it?"

"what's your name?"

"The school is here for us to live~? It's really good to sing!"

"What do you mean by a gi - what does it mean?"

This song is not actually to persuade people to cherish life,

But to those who muster the courage to say goodbye to the world,

Blessed to gain the freedom they wish,

In this world of the living, bless them far away.

This song is not actually sung by this girl sitting on the balcony in this world,

It was the previous life, the decisive Qu Hanya who jumped down from the tall building without hesitation and had already left.

Gu Lin asked Xu Muzhi to sing this song,

One, of course, is to inspire Qu Hanya with her own strength and let her find the courage to survive.

Second...if there is really no way to stop it,

He wanted to use this song as a farewell to the political reform.

She did nothing wrong!

She just lost a little hope and courage to survive.

If you really can't stand it and want to leave,

Then bless her that she can find the freedom she wants.

"What's the name of the song?"

The girl sitting on the balcony was stunned for a moment, and she asked Gu Lin in a daze,

She could hear that it was Xu Muzhi's voice!

Since it was sung by Xu Muzhi, it must have something to do with Gu Lin!

and inexplicably,

She had some resonance, and some daughter-in-law wanted to cry.

From that song, she could feel a touch of sadness, and bursts of uplifting power.

between life and death,

As if advising her,

Survive! Survive!

Take courage and survive!

"Calling the Eight Great Tanners to the Public"

Gu Lin smiled at her and said.

"what does it mean?"

She doesn't understand neon.

And Gu Lin waved to her and said softly, "Come here, I'll tell you!"

But Qu Hanya was silent and stopped talking.

The two just stood there quietly, listening to the song.

Gu Lin didn't persuade her not to give up, and Qu Hanya didn't jump directly.

The song gradually came to an end,

Xu Muzhi worked very hard. She didn't know Japanese, but she sang very nicely.

Zhang Hai on the other side has no time to enjoy the music made by the geek Gu Lin again.

He just watched anxiously, a little anxious, and a little helpless...

I just hope that the child can be safe.

"This song was taught to me by a very important person!"

"I sing this song here, I have a sentence I hope to tell everyone..."

After the song, Xu Muzhi breathed lightly,

Accompanied by Yoyo's accompaniment, her eyes were soft, as if remembering something, and said to the microphone: "The world is beautiful and cruel, and the pain you are experiencing now may be unbearable for you.

Want to give up, but the future is uncertain!"

"Maybe after a certain corner, you will encounter beautiful things and beautiful people. If you can, please be brave and continue to have hope! Living is not to endure pain, but to look forward to it. glorious future...……."

"Did I make her feel pain..."

At the same time,

The woman running fast on the corridor froze for a while, listening to the gentle words of the young girl on the radio, she lowered her eyes, and murmured a little dejectedly.

Everyone wants to save her.

And is it only her mother who is pushing her towards the edge of the island cliff?

The top of the stairs was in front of her, but she was a little scared and walked too heavily.

She is afraid!

She is afraid of not seeing people!

She was terrified to hear that the most important person had left.

But fortunately,

In a blink of an eye, she saw Zhang Hai sweating profusely.

"You are here!"

Similarly, Zhang Hai also saw her.

To be honest, Zhang Hai didn't really want this mother to come.

Because Gu Lin seems to have the ability to pull that girl back.

But, coupled with this woman who doesn't listen to advice and is uncontrollable...  

He's out of it!

"Mother Qu, the past is your right! But before that, I would like to persuade you to say a word!

"She is your daughter!"

"Wake up, don't push her out again!"

The woman was a little embarrassed, but she was wearing casual clothes, and she had lost one of her slippers.

His eyes were flushed, his expression was dull, and he didn't have the makeup that he usually had when we met.

"Thank you.....Thank you..."

She finally took off her stubborn coat from childhood to adulthood and slowly walked towards the corridor on the fifth floor.


A boy stood silently on the side, moving forward cautiously and carefully.

And the girl just sat quietly on the edge of the windowsill.

The moment the song came, it broke the balance of everything.

"Mom, you're here~"

The girl rolled her eyes, she smiled.

she is very happy,

Mother will come, mother's face like this,

At least it proves that my mother probably loves her.

It's just this love that makes her unable to adapt.

"Hanya, Hanya... darling, can you be obedient!

"Don't scare mom, okay!"

"Is it okay to get down from there..."

How long has it been since you saw her smile like this?

Seeing her laugh this time, but in such a situation...

How ironic!

The woman lost her usual sharp tone and her usual irrational stubbornness, and she moved forward slowly.

She said in a mournful voice, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Mom can't lose you!"

Qu Hanya bought it by begging for death.

She relented, she bowed her head, and she apologized!

"Come down, let's go home!"

"Mom will make you your favorite ribs!"


Seems a bit late!

"Mom.....I've worked so hard! I'm so tired! I've tried my best! I want to be nice to myself! I want to choose the right to end myself, is that okay? I'm sorry to disappoint you , can you let me go!"

"R!" [011711113101471191]

The girl bit her lower lip, shook her head lightly, and pleaded sadly.

She raised her voice a little and cried to her mother, "Stop! Don't come here again!"

Mother of the song: …………

The child begged her to let her go?

Begging her to let her die?

How can this be?

How could she say yes?

But she knew, she took a step forward,

This girl is about to leave her forever.

Children usually have a soft personality and will obey whatever they say.

However, if it reaches the threshold, it is very decisive.

"Mom, don't go to school, don't blame the teachers! They're all good!"

"I'm not good enough, I'm too cowardly, let you down, I think..."

The girl spoke her heart to her mother.

But the words were not finished yet,


His knee hit the tile with a crisp sound.

"Hanya, please! Mom, please! Mom is wrong! Mom is wrong!"

...ask for flowers...

"Mom is also the first time to be a mother! Give mom a chance, okay?"

"Mom has no mother since she was a child, she was bullied and ridiculed since she was a child, and she doesn't know what a qualified mother is like!"

"Mom has a stubborn temper, wants to save face, is mean, arrogant, and rude... Mom apologizes to you! Mom can change it!"

"Mom wants you to work harder, and you will have a good future in the future, so you won't regret it. I don't want you to be like my mother, uneducated, working hard..."

"It's not that mom looks down on you! It's not that mom doesn't praise you! Mom always said to everyone in my factory, 'My daughter is the best', 'My daughter is the best!'

"Mom is stubborn!"

"Don't be like this! Don't be like this, don't leave your mother... okay, okay..."

The woman knelt on the ground, weeping and crying.

Kneeling and moving towards the girl bit by bit.

"Han Ya, Dad also apologizes to you!"

"Dad is so cowardly! Dad didn't take good care of mom..."

"Dad didn't pay attention to your emotions!"

At the same time, a man with a loyal appearance ran over quickly, his eyes were red, and he said in a deep voice to the helpless girl.

"Don't, Dad, Mom, don't do this, don't come here..."

very messy!

My heart is so messed up!

She's clearly given up on everything!

She just wanted to say goodbye and left!

but why?

Seeing the appearance of mother crying and begging in despair, seeing the appearance of father's red eyes.

Qu Hanya was also upset.

She kept shaking her head, moving in the opposite direction.

However, in such a dangerous place, where can she move around?

One of his subordinates failed to hold on, and the whole person slipped.


Immediately he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Do not!!"


Qu's mother and Qu's father's eyes narrowed suddenly,

Mother Qu struggled to stand up from her kneeling position, but she couldn't control her balance and hit the wall directly.

The father of the song is too far away,

Watching helplessly, his daughter slipped down.

And just then,

A figure ignored by everyone flashed past.


close call,

The falling plain white wrist was firmly grasped by another powerful palm.


"You are really worrying!"

Gu Lin propped up the wall of the balcony with one hand, and grabbed the girl firmly.

He looked down at the girl's pale and pretty face covered with tears, and said with a soft sigh.

He let out a sigh of relief, showing a smile: "Do you regret it? Good girl?"

Looks like he's in luck!

Wouldn't it be too shameful if the Reborn went back to the past and nothing changed?

The moment a person jumps off a building,

will know,

Do you regret this death?

Gu Lin looked at the girl's shocked face.

He thought, she should regret it!

"Thank you...thank you...thank you..."

Walk through the gate of hell.

Qu Hanya bit her lower lip and kept whispering to Gu Lin.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"

As she spoke, she pinched Gu Lin's sleeve.

She wants to live!

"I told you so many times ~ don't apologize casually!"

Gu Lin said to her with a smile: "Come on, live well!"

"Go embrace what belongs to you, freshman!"

The cherry blossoms are falling, and they are born to die! .

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