Chapter 95

"...Students, hold on a little longer! In the remaining ten days, we all know the truth of the journey of a hundred miles and ninety! Victory lies in the last perseverance, and the last perseverance is the most difficult. It is also the most exciting and most anticipated......"

In the playground, all the students of the senior year gathered together,

They were working on the chairs they had brought in, listening to the cadence of the dean's speech on the podium.

The college entrance examination is coming soon,

Students need such encouragement, mobilization before the exam!

This is what every college student will experience before the college entrance examination, and they will get their last strength here.

With all the hard work and perseverance over the past three years, they went to the exam and rushed to the future they dreamed of.

However, compared to the past, this time.... Maybe a little different~ The same!

On the podium, the teacher's speech is very high-spirited and passionate,

Below are young students who listened carefully and were encouraged.

But there are also students who are lethargic and have long been immune.

However....when the shouting came to an end,

"Finally, I wish the students to overcome all obstacles in the college entrance examination, and make the gold list! My speech is over, thank you!"

With the teacher's concluding remarks falling,

In the school broadcast, there were bursts of high-spirited tunes.

All the students couldn't help but froze for a moment, even those who were a little drowsy suddenly raised their heads and instantly regained their energy.

what is this?

Did the school play a song for them this time?

No, it seems to be sung by humans!

Same as last time... when someone jumped off the building!

With the prelude past,

Some rough male voices followed the accompaniment and passed to everyone's ears.

"Where is the world full of flowers!"

"If it exists then I will definitely go!"

"I want the tallest mountain to stand there, and it doesn't matter if it's a cliff!"

In vain, the blood in the chest seemed to be gradually mobilized by the music, and the heart was beating rapidly.

Gu Lin sat in the broadcast room, riding the girl's longing eyes and the teacher's sighing eyes.

Sing loudly into the microphone.

This song is for everyone!

Gu Lin also did not ask the school for any remuneration.

If people want to reciprocate what they do, life will actually lack a lot of fun.

live again,

At this age like a flower,

Everyone was a classmate and a friendship, and he also wanted to convey something to these classmates.

not everyone is like him,

Returning from the future, there is also a mysterious system, a carefree life, full of confidence in the future.

These young people, standing at the fork in this life,


In fact, he is still nervous, confused, hesitant, and overwhelmed about the future.

Of course, in the same way, they are also smug, full of hope, and full of perseverance.

This sounds contradictory,

But that's what young people of this age are!

Now, the school gave Gu Lin this request, gave him the opportunity,

Then he also wanted to take this opportunity to encourage these people and give them this rock!

In the last time, go and fight!

No regrets!

Maybe this power is not big, insignificant!

But that's all Gu Lin can do!

"Maybe my hands are clumsy"

"But I'd Like to Keep Searching"

"Give all your youth and leave no regrets~~~"

The tune gradually became more intense, and the song reached its climax,

Gu Lin, his eyes were rounded, his face was flushed, and the blue veins on his forehead were violent,

With a grim face, he poured all his emotions into the minister of songs.

He stopped and shouted excitedly at the microphone: "Run forward!!!!!!"

"In the face of cold eyes and ridicule!"

"How can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships"

"Fate cannot make us kneel and beg for mercy"

"Even if blood spills over my arms"

"Keep running!!!!"

"With the pride of a child"

"How can you see the sparkle of life if you don't stick to it"

"It's better to indulge in the burning than to survive"

"One day it will sprout again"

For a while, the playground was a little quiet,

Everyone froze in place, quietly listening to the impassioned singing coming from the broadcast.

Rock, sometimes, is the power that can give people a rise.

"run ahead!!!!"

"In the face of cold eyes and ridicule!!"

"How can life be felt without going through hardships?!"

don't know who,

stood up first, and sang along with that Gu Lin,

Repressed feelings are released.

one, two, three.....

All the students stood up one by one,

They are young and beautiful, they are impassioned, their blood is hard to cool,

Even if it's out of tune, even if it's broken,

Still blushing, singing along!

They have dreams, perseverance, and a vision for the future!

It seems that they want to shout out their future and dreams!

passionate singing,

It spread so far, so far, piercing the sky!

Spread the endless blood and pride of young people to the world!

"run ahead!!!"

The male duck voices of the students around me are a bit unpleasant,

The voice of the shouting person was so loud that it hurt the ears.

Ji Ruoxue couldn't help frowning, but

‥...seeking flowers...0

She also lowered her eyes and sang softly.

This is his song! Is this his wish?

"run ahead!!!!"

Among the crowd, Qu Hanya stood up,

He also shouted loudly along with everyone around him.

Her pretty face flushed red,

Songs always have the power to connect the soul!


In the same way, it is also broadcast like this,

It is also a high-pitched singing, giving her resonance and courage!

Naturally, she could tell that it was sung by that person!

He is such a person~


The singing on the radio, the singing of the students in the playground, spread far and wide.

"Gu Lin... I'm so lucky!"

in the office

Zhang Hai leaned on the chair and gently touched the thinning hair on the top of his head.


closed eyes,

He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

as a teacher,

He feels lucky to have coached the boy who screamed and sang on the radio.

He is so proud of him!

"run ahead!!!"

in the radio room,

pretty girl with red eyes,

At some point, I stood next to that boy,

Sing along with him loudly.

The teacher on one side was scared enough.

However, the two who sang have no scruples,

They looked at each other, laughed at each other, sang to each other,

The palms were also lightly held together, fingers interlocking.

The teacher on one side: ......

You don't treat me like a human being at all!

time passed slowly,

A song will eventually end,

Gu Lin panted lightly,

The campus was eerily quiet, and everyone was shocked by it.

The people on the playground stood quietly, feeling their rapidly beating hearts and their unsteady excitement.

Even the low-grade students in the teaching building who don't need to worry about the college entrance examination for the time being are encouraged and amazed by it.


In the broadcasting room, Gu Lin let out a sigh of relief,

He didn't introduce who he was, nor did he say the song.

Just holding the microphone, he said in a deep voice: "Ten years of hard work! Students, it's the last moment..."

"It's done!!!!"

The words are a bit vulgar, but simple and direct!

It is much more down-to-earth than the lengthy speech of the dean.

"Just do it!!!!!"xn

This pre-examination mobilization,

Probably the most special one in the history of Linhai High School!

But... also the most memorable one!.

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