Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1105 - The Judge’s Battle

Chapter 1105: The Judge's Battle

Translator: CKtalon

"How can this be?" Standing in front of the cube, the woman staring at Di Tian wore a face filled with shock.

Di Tian had clearly already erased Human's ranking on the cube, but that erased ranking actually gradually appeared again.

Di Tian looked at the transformed cube in front of him and couldn't help but frown slightly. He attempted to wipe off the name 'Human' again, but the outcome was the same. Even if the 'Human' word on the ranking vanished, the Guardian in second place didn't advance.

After a while, the word 'Human' reappeared.

Seeing the words on the rankings disappear and reappear, many people were dumbfounded.

"Holy sh*t, what kind of sh*t is this? An erased name can still get back on?"

"The sky is falling. Those fellows from the dimension can't kick Human away?"

"You can do that?"

"Haha, this is interesting. Those b*stards from the dimension can't kick Human away, nor can they beat him. If they don't have other means, I'm afraid Human will be getting first place."

"Awesome, those b*tches must be hopping mad now, right?"

"Amazing. How did he do it?"

The various bigwigs of the dimension also wanted to know how it was done, but the cube itself was an ancient magical item. It wasn't man-made and had its own rules. The dimensional creatures' research on the cube was still ongoing. They could only use some loopholes in the rules to control it. It was far from being able to do whatever they wanted.

Di Tian had already tried a few times, but the outcome was the same. He was unable to completely remove Human from the cube.

The woman looked at Zhou Wen's figure through the cube's screen and said, "Your Excellency, it's a good thing you had foresight and prepared the Body Cleansing Stone ahead of time. Otherwise, I'm afraid first place will really fall to that person."

Di Tian had already given up on modifying the cube's rules. Clearly, it was useless.

"I didn't really expect it to be used," Di Tian said calmly.

"Your Excellency, who do you plan on letting use the power of the Body Cleansing Stone?" the woman asked.

Di Tian didn't answer as he looked at Zhou Wen in the arena.

The Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder experienced the invasion of the cube's laws again and again. The sutra symbols in the sutra became more complete and brighter. Zhou Wen didn't even need to deliberately engrave them on the Wheel of Destiny to maintain his state without disappearing.

Finally, the word 'Human' on the rankings stopped changing and stabilized at first place.

As the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder lost its energy supply, the sutra no longer changed. However, it didn't disappear. It froze.

Zhou Wen quickly realized that even the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder was difficult to permanently store on the Wheel of Destiny. It only lasted a little longer and didn't immediately vanish. However, over time, the engravings would slowly disappear.

However, this was extremely good news for Zhou Wen. This was because with the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder existing for a longer period of time. He didn't need to constantly engrave it. The time and effort he saved could be used to engrave other Essence Energy Arts, giving him the power of multiple Essence Energy Arts.

"Human's ranking has stabilized. Is him getting first place almost guaranteed?"

"It looks like the first place is secured."

"They can't even kick him away. What other moves can they have? I think Human's definitely first."

"Haha, I'll acknowledge this first place."

"As everyone wishes."

Just as everyone thought that first place was definite this time and there shouldn't be any suspense, a beam shot down from the arena like a holy light descending from the sky.

A distorted shadow slowly descended from the beam. This figure was very familiar to humans.

However, when they saw him appear, everyone muttered inwardly, unsure what he was up to.

Previously, this figure would change the rules every time it appeared, making it extremely disadvantageous for humans. No one knew how he would change the rules this time.

"Without a Guardian to defeat Human, it's useless no matter how the rules are changed."

"That's right. You can't kick Human away. No amount of tricks will work."

"That's right. Why waste time? Can't you just let Human get first place?"

Many people thought about it. It seemed that no matter how the rules changed, as long as no one could defeat Human, first place was undeniable.

If someone could defeat Human in the arena in a clean fight, the dimension wouldn't have resorted to so many tricks.

"Old Zhou should be safe, right?" Although he couldn't figure out how the rules could be changed to kick Zhou Wen out, Li Xuan still had some doubts. He felt that things weren't that simple, so he asked Wei Ge.

"Unless there's someone who can defeat Zhou Wen and participate in the battle, it's useless changing the rules." Wei Ge paused and said with a heavy expression, "I'm just afraid…"

"What are you afraid of?" Li Xuan pressed.

"I'm just afraid that Calamity-grade dimensional creatures will descend to participate in the battle," Wei Ge said.

"No way, right? Dimensional creatures will be greatly suppressed on Earth. Just like the fellow who fought Ya previously. At most, he can only use the strength of a Terror-grade. Such a Calamity cannot defeat Old Zhou," Li Xuan said.

Wei Ge shook his head and said, "I read quite a lot about ancient Mythical wars in the bureau. If there really were dimensional creatures participating in those ancient wars, they definitely wouldn't be as simple as a Terror-grade. There's a high chance that a Calamity-grade dimensional creature has existed on Earth. Perhaps they have a way to withstand the suppression of the rules on Earth."

"No way. Wouldn't that mean Old Zhou is in danger?" Li Xuan's expression changed slightly. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw a terrifying change in the arena.

Previously, every time Di Tian descended, he was only a distorted humanoid figure without a corporeal body.

However, the descent this time was completely different. As the light gradually descended, it gradually solidified.

A gorgeous emperor's robe, long white hair, and the faintly discernible golden armor under the emperor's robe made Di Tian appear like a god gradually walking out of the beam of light. His body became more and more corporeal as his aura became more and more terrifying.

"Don't tell me you were right?" Li Xuan said with a bitter smile.

"From the looks of it." Wei Ge shrugged helplessly.

Can Coach defeat a Calamity-grade entity? Feng Qiuyan calmly analyzed, but no matter how he analyzed it, he felt that the chances of victory were extremely slim.

Wang Lu hugged Ya'er and didn't say a word. She just couldn't hide her worry.

The ordinary people watching the battle realized what had happened as their expressions changed drastically.

"Are they sending the referee in because they can't beat him in a fight? Isn't this too shameless?"

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