Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1115 - Master Human Sovereign

Chapter 1115: Master Human Sovereign

Translator: CKtalon

Zhou Wen packed up his things and placed the Immortal Culling Sword back into the Chaos Bead. After checking the area, he realized that all the important things were there. He hadn't lost anything. Even the Mourning Stick was there.

The only thing missing was the Bamboo Blade, which was now in Ji Moqing's hand.

Ji Moqing was climbing up the mountain with all her might. The people below were chasing after her. Ji Moqing looked like she was only at the Mortal stage, so her speed was not as fast as the others. She was about to be caught.

One of the pursuers released an eagle-type Companion Beast to grab Ji Moqing from the air, but just as the eagle-type Companion Beast flew into the air, a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air and instantly charred the eagle.

This gave everyone a fright, but they quickly realized the problem. They didn't dare summon any more flying Companion Beasts and only climbed up the mountain wall to chase after Ji Moqing.

No more lightning appeared as a result. Soon, they caught up to Ji Moqing. The man at the top reached out to grab her feet.

Ji Moqing held onto a crack in the mountain wall with one hand and slashed at the person's hand with the Bamboo Blade with the other.

Unfortunately, she was too weak and too slow. The man casually grabbed the blade of the Bamboo Blade and pulled Ji Moqing down, clamping her under his armpit.

"Let go of me. Do you know what you're doing? You'll regret what you've done," Ji Moqing said as she struggled.

However, she was too weak, and the man was an Epic expert. He didn't mind her punches and kicks; Ji Moqing couldn't injure him at all.

"Miss Ji, of course I know what I'm doing, and I definitely won't regret it." The man smiled and continued, "If you think that the person in your family can save you, you are gravely mistaken. Ignoring the fact that he doesn't know you are here, even if he knows, he won't be able to save you. On land, he can be said to be invincible, but out at sea, even if he really is a god that descended to the mortal world, he will drown."

"Who said I'm counting on Brother-in-law to save me? I'm not talking about him," Ji Moqing said.

"If you aren't counting on him, who else can you count on? Your father? You can't count on him either. He has gone to the South District and hasn't returned yet. He might not even know that you have gone missing," the man said again.

"Who said I'm counting on my father?" Ji Moqing pursed her lips.

"Oh, who else can you count on?" the man asked with a smile.

Of course, he knew very well that Ji Moqing had no one to rely on. The sea was not under the Federation. Even if the members of the six families came, they wouldn't dare do much out at sea.

"I'm counting on this," Ji Moqing said as she pointed at the Bamboo Blade in the man's hand.

"Counting on it? Do you mean that this saber will kill me? Or do you want me to return it to you and then extend my neck for you to kill me?" The man's words made everyone laugh.

However, Ji Moqing did not laugh. With a serious expression, she said, "Don't you find it strange? Why do I have this saber?"

"What's so strange about that… No… This is an Essence Gold saber, not a Companion Beast weapon. You didn't bring a weapon with you. There's no place to find a weapon in this vast sea. Could it be that this saber belongs to Mount Fangzhang?" The man immediately thought of something amiss as he looked at the Bamboo Blade in his hand with a strange look.

"Wu Zonglie, you are a reputable figure in the overseas alliance after all. Furthermore, you are Martial Fanatic. From the looks of it, you are just boasting. I never expected you to be so stupid. I think you should stop calling yourself Martial Fanatic. Just call yourself Martial Idiot or Martial Fool…" Ji Moqing said.

Wu Zonglie said coldly, "Don't think that we won't dare to do anything to you just because we want to use you to threaten your brother-in-law. Believe it or not, if you spout any more nonsense, I'll chop off one of your hands. Having one hand missing won't affect anything."

However, Ji Moqing wasn't afraid at all. She even said plausibly, "Is there anything wrong? When have you seen an Essence Gold weapon in a dimensional zone? Or do you think a dimensional creature will forge an Essence Gold saber in a place like Mount Fangzhang?"

"That makes sense." Wu Zonglie frowned slightly when he heard that. He looked at Ji Moqing and said, "Where did you get this Essence Gold saber?"

"Someone naturally gave it to me," Ji Moqing said.

"Who?" Wu Zonglie and company sized up their surroundings. Ji Moqing was right. Since there was an Essence Gold saber here, it meant that someone was here.

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you the truth. You'd better obediently return the saber to me and kowtow to me respectfully to beg for my forgiveness. When the owner of the saber comes, I can even put in a few good words for you so that he can spare your lives," Ji Moqing said seriously.

"It's not that I'm bragging, but there's no one in this world worthy of me, Wu Zonglie, kneeling and begging for mercy. Furthermore, out in the sea, even if there's someone here, they are from our overseas alliance. Why would anyone save you?" Wu Zonglie scoffed.

"What if this person isn't from the overseas alliance?" Ji Moqing asked.

"Even better. If those fellows from the Federation dared to come to the sea, I would let them know the glory of us powerhouses out at sea," said Wu Zonglie.

"You mean to say that you want to compete with Human Sovereign?" Ji Moqing sneered.

"Human Sovereign?" Wu Zonglie and company were alarmed.

"That's right. It's His Excellency, Human Sovereign. When he passed by this place, he saw that I had an extraordinary physique and was smart, kind, adorable, and extremely talented. Therefore, he took me in as his disciple and even gave me the saber to protect myself." Ji Moqing spoke without blinking, as though she was speaking the truth.

"Do you think I will believe you? If it's really as you say, why wouldn't Human Sovereign come to save you? Why would you have to come up with so many lies?" Wu Zonglie said disdainfully.

The last time Ji Moqing had escaped, it was because she had been so eloquent that she had managed to fool all of them. This had given her an opportunity to take advantage of.

This time, Wu Zonglie naturally wouldn't believe her no matter what. Furthermore, ever since the ranking battle five years ago, Human Sovereign had not appeared again. In this vast sea, the chances of Ji Moqing meeting Human Sovereign were even lower than striking the lottery. How could there be such a coincidence?

"That's something you wouldn't know. Although my master is an unparalleled hero, he's old after all. He's not very good in some aspects…" Ji Moqing blinked and said.

The expressions of Wu Zonglie and company turned odd. Wu Zonglie sneered and said, "Did Human Sovereign tell you that?"

"Of course not. Men all care about their pride. How can he tell me these things? However, I heard from Master that there's something wrong with his relationship with his wife. That's why he came here to look for the Elixir of Immortality. That's my guess…" Ji Moqing said.

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