Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1306 - Shattering the Stone Cocoon

Chapter 1306: Shattering the Stone Cocoon

Translator: CKtalon

Zhou Wen put on the Prisoned Dragon armor and landed on the stone cocoon. He didn't sense any energy fluctuations, nor did the gray patterns react.

This made Zhou Wen doubt his judgment again. If the gray patterns really sealed the stone cocoon, there should be a protection mechanism. Now that there was no reaction, Zhou Wen felt uneasy.

He squatted down and bent down to stroke the stone cocoon. He had only wanted to wipe the dust so that he could observe the gray patterns more clearly, but when he stroked it, many of the gray patterns were wiped away. This gave Zhou Wen a fright.

Zhou Wen was alarmed as he flew up again. He warily sized up the stone cocoon, the stone artifact, and the four apes.

He remembered watching some movies in the past. Once a seal was destroyed, the big boss inside would be released. At the same time, there would be some cool lighting effects. There might also be earthquakes and mountain crumbling.

However, after some observation from midair, nothing happened. The four apes didn't react, and the stone cocoon remained very stable, just like before.

Are these gray patterns really seals? Why are they dropping the moment I wipe them? I didn't use any strength! Zhou Wen wore an odd expression as he returned to the stone cocoon and attempted to wipe it.

The gray patterns looked like they were really just dust. They fell off easily without any effect.

After wiping a small area, the stone cocoon was already very clean. Zhou Wen dripped another drop of blood on it and thought to himself, It should work this time.


Zhou Wen's blood slid down again without any intention of seeping in.

The corners of Zhou Wen's eyes twitched. This was completely different from what he had imagined.

I don't believe it. Zhou Wen gritted his teeth and reached out to wipe the other gray patterns. As he wiped, he observed the reactions of the four apes and the Guardian cocoon.

There was no reaction at all. It made Zhou Wen suspect that the gray patterns were really just dust. They weren't what Zhou Wen had imagined.

As the gray patterns were wiped away, neither the four apes nor the stone cocoon reacted. However, Zhou Wen suddenly felt that the Truth Listener earring was gradually heating up.

This heat was very strange. It was different from Truth Listener's previous effects of converting curses into Essence Energy. Zhou Wen didn't sense any converted Essence Energy from Truth Listener. Instead, Truth Listener itself conveyed its thoughts.

Zhou Wen looked at the stone cocoon in a daze before sensing Truth Listener's thoughts.

Could it be that the four apes aren't eyeing me, but Truth Listener? With this in mind, Zhou Wen summoned Truth Listener.

The petite Truth Listener that resembled a golden-silk monkey landed on the stone cocoon.

Without waiting for Zhou Wen to give the order, Truth Listener grabbed at the stone cocoon.

Its claws were extremely sharp. Even if it didn't shatter the earrings, it still had the strength of a peak Mythical. However, when its claws touched the stone cocoon, there was a clang. Sparks flew between its nails and the stone cocoon, but it failed to leave any marks on it.

Truth Listener seemed to be in a hurry as it automatically shattered an earring without Zhou Wen's order.

As the earring shattered, Truth Listener's figure began to change. It became huge and ferocious, completely different from its adorable mini form.


Truth Listener attacked the stone cocoon again, but the outcome was the same. It didn't leave any marks on the stone cocoon.

Without any hesitation, he shattered the second earring. Truth Listener's figure became even more ferocious and ghostly.

Zhou Wen watched Truth Listener attack the stone cocoon. Although he didn't know what was going on, he could tell that Truth Listener seemed to be very interested in the Guardian inside the cocoon.

However, he didn't know if its interest was a blessing or a curse to the Guardian inside.

As Truth Listener attacked the stone cocoon, Zhou Wen observed the four apes below. Although the four apes remained motionless, their eyes were clearly different from before. They seemed to be glowing.

Furthermore, their gazes finally stopped staring at Zhou Wen. Instead, they stared at Truth Listener.

No, it should be said that they had been staring at Truth Listener from the beginning. However, Truth Listener had always been on Zhou Wen's ear, so he mistakenly believed that they were looking at him.

I should have figured. Monkeys only know how to look at monkeys. How can they appreciate the beauty of humans? Zhou Wen rubbed his lips in a self-deprecating manner, feeling that his lips were a little dry.

In the past, Truth Listener would completely lose control only when it shattered more than four earrings. It would then refuse to listen to Zhou Wen's orders.

However, this time, it shattered its earrings independently. This was unprecedented. After the earrings shattered, Zhou Wen felt his connection with Truth Listener weaken. He couldn't help but worry.

If this continues, it will probably be difficult for me to unsummon Truth Listener if it completely loses control. Zhou Wen was hesitant about whether he should take the opportunity to forcefully unsummon Truth Listener.


The fourth earring shattered. Truth Listener was already as terrifying as an ancient demon god. Its strength instantly reached the peak of the Terror grade. It was just a sliver short of advancing to the Calamity grade.

And this time, its claws finally penetrated the stone cocoon.

Zhou Wen saw a golden light emit from the crack in the stone cocoon. The golden light was crystalline and pure, making him tremble.

Purity made one find something beautiful, but if it was too pure, it made one feel fear and evil.

For example, a pure-hearted parishioner would make others feel that she was good and kind, but if she treated the teachings as the only principle in the world, it would make one shudder.

The golden light in the cocoon gave Zhou Wen such a feeling. It was so pure that it made him feel afraid.

However, Truth Listener seemed to enjoy it. Its nostrils twitched as the golden light that seeped out of the stone cocoon's cracks condensed towards its nostrils like smoke and was sucked in.

When the golden light entered Truth Listener's body, the golden fur on its body seemed to come alive as it was covered in a layer of pure, glass-like golden light.

Zhou Wen was surprised to discover that his connection with Truth Listener seemed to have recovered somewhat.

Truth Listener seems to be able to control its violent consciousness… Is it due to the golden light? Zhou Wen frowned as he looked at the golden light inside the cocoon. He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

As Truth Listener twitched its nose and sucked in the golden light that seeped out, it used its claws to crazily attack the stone cocoon. It widened the crack in the stone cocoon and the golden light that seeped out increased.

Zhou Wen stared at the crack, hoping to see what was inside.

However, other than the pure golden light, he couldn't see anything. It was clearly a small space, but it was shockingly deep.


Truth Listener tore open a huge hole as its strong body burrowed into the cracked stone cocoon.

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