Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1312 - Zhang Yuzhi’s Talent

Zhang Xiao was alarmed as he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "I was too anxious. I also wish for sis to be happy."

"Happy? I do hope that she can be sad." Zhang Chunqiu looked up in a particular direction and said with a complicated expression, "Born in the Zhang family, she doesn't even have the right to be sad. If possible, I hope that she can understand what sadness is. That way, at the very least, she will still be sis."

Zhang Xiao said gloomily, "If I had a choice, I would rather bear this on behalf of sis, but the one in the Fiend Tomb…"

"Shut up." Zhang Chunqiu, who had always been gentle and calm, suddenly flew into a rage. He stared at Zhang Xiao with a gaze akin to a saber.

Zhang Xiao was alarmed as his body trembled and he involuntarily took two steps back.

Although they were brothers of about the same age, Zhang Xiao had deep respect for Zhang Chunqiu. Usually, he would snap back at Zhang Chunqiu or even deliberately argue with him.

However, once Zhang Chunqiu was serious, Zhang Xiao didn't dare say anything else. Zhang Xiao had never seen such a situation of Zhang Chunqiu being angry. He was alarmed and almost didn't dare look up at him.

Zhang Chunqiu stared coldly at Zhang Xiao and said, "You have to remember that you are alive because of sis. You have no right to say anything about replacing her. It's the same for everyone in the Zhang family. Sis doesn't owe anyone in the Zhang family. Only the Zhang family owes her. If you really want to save her so much, leave your life behind. Without the Zhang family and us, sis wouldn't have to suffer any of this."

"Brother, I got it. That's not what I mean…" Zhang Xiao's face turned livid and pale after hearing Zhang Chunqiu's words, but he didn't dare argue. Even his words were incoherent.

Zhang Chunqiu didn't say anything else, nor did he listen to Zhang Xiao. He turned around and left.

Only when Zhang Chunqiu vanished from Zhang Xiao's sight did Zhang Xiao's expression gradually return to normal. He gritted his teeth and muttered, "Aren't you the same? What right do you have to be angry at me?"

The next day, Zhou Wen went to Zhang Yuzhi's garden again.

The Zhang Yuzhi today was like a different person from the Zhang Yuzhi yesterday.

She had dressed very formally yesterday, like a daughter of a rich family. When she was in front of outsiders, she was very polite. It was obvious that she came from a rich family and was like a high and mighty princess.

In fact, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that Zhang Yuzhi was a princess. The Zhang family's influence was much greater than any ancient country.

However, today, Zhang Yuzhi had her hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore jeans and a short sleeve black t-shirt. She also wore a long hat.

Although her figure was still very good and her long, slender legs were very attractive, she looked like a completely different person from yesterday.

"What's that?" Zhou Wen noticed a pile of things in the middle of the garden. It was covered by a large black silk cloth. He didn't know what it was.

Zhou Wen remembered that the garden didn't have these things yesterday.

"This is good stuff. Have you heard of the saying that music makes plants happy?" Zhang Yuzhi blinked.

Zhou Wen didn't hear Zhang Yuzhi's words, nor could he tell what she was saying. All he could do was remain silent.

Zhang Yuzhi seemed to have guessed that Zhou Wen would have such a reaction, so she continued mysteriously, "Based on research in ancient times, it's said that plants can grow better after listening to nice music. According to research, ordinary vegetables would grow better, becoming fresher and more vibrant than those vegetables that didn't listen to music."

Zhou Wen occasionally heard a few words. He only knew that Zhang Yuzhi seemed to be saying things like "vegetables," "music," and "happiness." He couldn't figure out what she meant.

"Let's begin work," Zhou Wen said helplessly.

Zhang Yuzhi curled her lips as though she wasn't satisfied with Zhou Wen's reaction. However, she still pulled Zhou Wen to the pile of items and lifted the black silk cloth.

Only then did Zhou Wen see that there was a set of drums.

"Didn't you say you wanted to clean up the garden? Why did you bring these things here?" Zhou Wen asked as he looked at the drums.

Zhang Yuzhi's eyes were crafty as she sat down in front of the drums and said to Zhou Wen, "Music will make flowers happy."

Zhou Wen finally heard this and immediately guessed what Zhang Yuzhi had said.

"Let me perform for you now. I've carefully practiced playing music. I have a nickname in the Zhang family—Little Mozart of the Zhang family," Zhang Yuzhi said as she picked up the drumstick and began striking the drums.

Zhou Wen didn't hear what Zhang Yuzhi was saying, nor did he know who Mozart was. All he could do was listen attentively to the drumbeats.

Zhou Wen looked at Zhang Yuzhi as his expression turned odder.

Zhang Yuzhi was engrossed in playing, but even if Zhou Wen didn't know music, even if he had never heard the drum music before, and even if he could only occasionally hear a small part of it, this didn't affect his belief that the flowers wouldn't be happy hearing such "music."

No, it didn't deserve being called music. It was more appropriate to call it noise.

However, Zhang Yuzhi seemed to be intoxicated. As she drummed hard, she seemed to shout at Zhou Wen.

However, Zhou Wen didn't hear a single word this time. The drumming caused a huge obstacle to his hearing.

It wasn't just the sound of the drums itself. The sound of the drums affected the various plants in the garden. Petals, leaves, grass, insects, and even dust and bacteria produced more sounds due to the tremors.

The amount of sound in the garden increased exponentially, preventing Zhou Wen from hearing Zhang Yuzhi's words. It was difficult for him to capture her voice amidst the chaotic cacophony.

Zhang Yuzhi said many things, but when she saw that Zhou Wen didn't react at all, she didn't get angry. Instead, she revealed a meaningful smile.

Zhang Yuzhi stopped the drumstick in her hand and said to Zhou Wen, "Zhou Wen, you're really smart. You're so smart that it's like… Clang…"

Zhou Wen focused all his attention on Zhang Yuzhi's voice. As the drumming stopped, the amount of sounds decreased drastically. He was lucky to capture Zhang Yuzhi's voice and hear her.

However, when Zhang Yuzhi spoke, she casually drummed again. Her voice immediately disrupted Zhou Wen's hearing, preventing him from hearing what she said next.

However, from the first half of her sentence, she was probably praising him for being smart.

"Thank you. You flatter me," Zhou Wen said.

When Zhang Yuzhi heard Zhou Wen's words, her expression appeared serious, but her eyes turned into crescents. This was because her last words were "as smart as a pig."

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