Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1325 - Transfer

"As the saying goes, there's no disadvantage to having too much debt. I'll owe you more so that I can repay you later in one shot," Zhou Wen said.

Wang Lu burst out laughing as she rolled her eyes at Zhou Wen. "Which planet did you get that saying from?"

"Of course it's from Earth," Zhou Wen said.

"On Earth, there's no disadvantage to having too many skills. I've never heard of the phrase that there's no disadvantage to having too much debt," Wang Lu said.

"Is that so?" Zhou Wen asked, feigning ignorance.

"Alright, stop pretending. Since you're here today, you have to pay some interest," Wang Lu said.

"Alright, tell me where you want to eat. I still have enough money to buy you a bowl of seafood noodles—the kind that doesn't have seafood." After not seeing her for a long time, Zhou Wen didn't feel unfamiliar with her at all. Wang Lu was still the same Wang Lu as though he had met her not long ago.

"At the very least, you are now Luoyang's number three figure. Can you not be so stingy?" Wang Lu said angrily.

"What number three figure?" Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback.

"Apart from Leng Zongzheng and An Tianzuo, Luoyang is counting you. If you aren't number three, what are you?" Wang Lu paused before continuing, "Don't just stand outside. Go in. Tell me, how do you plan on clearing the Venusian dimensional zone?"

Zhou Wen followed Wang Lu into the Wang family residence and realized that it was a back door. There was a garden inside, but he didn't see anyone.

As Wang Lu led the way, Zhou Wen roughly explained how Hui Haifeng had entrusted him with the mission of entering the rankings and his plans.

"I've never heard of using luck to dodge attacks. Are you confident? Against a Calamity-grade creature, if your dodging fails, you will die," Wang Lu said worriedly.

"Don't worry. It's not like you don't know me well. I have other backup plans. Even if I can't dodge it, I won't end up being killed. I'll definitely return alive," Zhou Wen said confidently.

"It's good that you have a plan." Wang Lu sized up Zhou Wen and suddenly said, "Give me your hand."

"What for?" Zhou Wen asked in puzzlement as he extended his hand in front of Wang Lu.

"Didn't you want to borrow a Companion Beast?" Wang Lu said as she pressed her hand on Zhou Wen's right palm, her palm facing his.

A dazzling light flashed between their palms.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Wen felt waves of energy enter his palm and was alarmed.

He wasn't surprised because he was afraid, but because he was worried about Wang Lu.

He originally wanted to borrow Wang Lu's Companion Eggs and return them to her after using them.

However, he never expected Wang Lu to transfer a contracted Companion Beast to him.

With him possessing the Sky-Stealing Sun-Swapping Art, it wasn't a problem to transfer a Companion Beast, but Wang Lu didn't know the Sky-Stealing Sun-Swapping Art. God knew what price she had to pay to transfer a Companion Beast to Zhou Wen.

If an ordinary person transferred a Companion Beast, they would at least lose half their life. If they were unlucky, they might even die.

Although he knew that Wang Lu likely had some special means, there was typically a price to pay. Techniques like the Sky-Stealing Sun-Swapping Art were just too rare.

"Didn't you want me to lend you my pet?" Wang Lu said with a smile, but her actions didn't stop. The light from her palm intensified as it constantly transformed into a stream of light that stabbed into Zhou Wen's palm.

"If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have come," Zhou Wen said with a bitter smile.

Now that things were midway, Zhou Wen couldn't stop it abruptly. If he forcefully stopped it, not only would he injure Wang Lu, the Companion Beast that was being transferred midway would probably be lost.

"It's just transferring a Companion Beast. It's not difficult for me. However, I definitely take note of this debt. You have to repay it in the future," Wang Lu said.

Zhou Wen shook his head and didn't say a word as he waited for the Companion Beast's transfer to be completed.

The transfer of Companion Beasts seemed to take a long time. The transfer didn't complete despite half an hour passing.

What Companion Beast is this? Zhou Wen felt that something was amiss. However, the energy that had been transmitted wasn't as simple as the Mythical stage.

"Of course it's a lucky Companion Beast. Would I give you an unlucky Companion Beast?" Wang Lu curled her lips.

"Terror grade?" Zhou Wen stared at Wang Lu and asked.

"That's right. I won't be able to produce any inferior Companion Beasts," Wang Lu said.

Zhou Wen couldn't help but frown. The higher the level of a Companion Beast, the more difficult it was to transfer it. The price to transfer a Terror-grade Companion Beast was definitely not trivial.

Zhou Wen felt deep regret. He couldn't bear the responsibility if anything dire happened to Wang Lu.

About an hour later, the light in Wang Lu's palm gradually converged until it vanished, revealing an additional star pattern in the middle of Zhou Wen's palm.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Wen didn't look at the Companion Beast as he kept sizing Wang Lu up.

"What can happen to me? Are you hoping that I'll vomit blood and faint? Then, you can take the opportunity to save the damsel in distress and obtain both me and my wealth, so there's no need to pay the debt of the Companion Beast and all the past debts?" Wang Lu smiled and said, "Stop dreaming. I won't accept anything less."

Seeing that Wang Lu was indeed fine, Zhou Wen heaved a sigh of relief. "Don't worry. I don't dare say that I'll return you double, but I'll definitely return what I owe."

"Alright, stop wasting time. Make your preparations. You mustn't be careless and must have complete confidence. If you feel that something is amiss, don't force yourself," Wang Lu exhorted.

"Then I'll head back now. I'll touch base with you again after I'm done." Zhou Wen stood up and prepared to leave.

Wang Lu walked Zhou Wen to the door and waved goodbye. Only when he disappeared from her sight did she turn around and return.

After closing the back door, Wang Lu leaned against it and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. Her face turned pale as though she had been enervated. She slowly leaned against the door and sat down, as though she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The light and shadows in the garden changed as a dream-like figure walked out of the void. Her figure was holy and charming, like a combination of a devil and an angel. She slowly came in front of Wang Lu—she was actually a Guardian like a goddess from Greek mythology.

"You're a very strange person. I've seen many humans. They yearn to tell the entire world the modicum they've done. You paid such a huge price to transfer him the Lucky Star that is of great importance to you. Not only did you suffer serious injuries, you even insisted on sending him out, causing your injuries to aggravate. Do you have masochistic tendencies?" The Guardian used her finger to lift up Wang Lu's chin and whispered into her ear with her seductive red lips.

Wang Lu turned her head forcefully and shook off the Guardian's finger. She said calmly, "I don't need gratitude or pity. I naturally don't need him to know of such meaningless things."

"Then what do you need? That man? As long as you are willing to contract with me and have our powers combined, a glance from you will be enough to make all men prostrate before you, much less him." The Guardian's eyes shimmered, but her body emitted a holy glow. She reached out to touch Wang Lu's forehead.

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