Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1328 - Invincible Lucky Star

Thankfully, Zhou Wen's physique was sufficiently strong, so his face was fine. Otherwise, if he was hit on the nose, he would probably tear up from the pain. He might even have a nosebleed.

"Sorry… Sorry…" Wang Chan apologized profusely, not daring to approach Zhou Wen again as she tried her best to maintain her distance.

"I'm fine." Zhou Wen silently summoned his Luck Companion Beasts and wore them. He thought to himself, Luck and Misfortune are really very special abilities. Wang Chan's level clearly isn't high, but she can produce such a huge impact. Even I'm affected by her. Perhaps luck can really help me dodge the fatal seventh shot.

With this in mind, Zhou Wen thought of the Companion Beast that Wang Lu had transferred to him. Previously, he hadn't had the mood to take a look because of Wang Lu, so he wasn't sure what Companion Beast it was.

Invincible Lucky Star: Terror-grade (Evolvable)

Life Providence: Lucky Star

Life Soul: Super Lucky Star

Wheel of Destiny: Invincible Lucky Star

Terror Form: Luck Descent

Strength: 99

Speed: 99

Constitution: 99

Essence Energy: 99

Talent Skill: Great Wheel of Fortune, Lucky Time, Lucky Hand.

Companion Form: Soul

Zhou Wen was stunned seeing the stats. They were just too terrifying. It wasn't that Zhou Wen didn't have top-notch Terror Companion Beasts that could evolve, but he really didn't have one that added luck.

The key was that ordinary lucky pets—in other words, their Life Providence—added luck. This thing actually added luck to every ability. It was simply an excellent-grade Companion Beast with the luck attribute.

Just its Life Providence added 36 points of luck. With the augmentation of the Life Soul, Wheel of Destiny, and Terror transformation, Zhou Wen estimated that his luck would exceed 100.

Even if it did not exceed 100, it must have reached the limit of his luck value.

This isn't right. Wang Lu didn't even contract a Guardian and hasn't advanced to the Mythical stage. How did she obtain this Terror-grade Companion Beast? Zhou Wen was alarmed.

However, with a Companion Beast like Invincible Lucky Star—which could almost be considered a divine artifact—if he couldn't dodge the Calamity-grade bullets, he could basically give up on the strategy.

Unless there was an even more overpowered dodging skill than Heavenly Robe, it was impossible to dodge the bullets.

Zhou Wen looked at his phone as he walked. Wang Chan carefully followed behind him, not daring to get too close, afraid that her power of misfortune would affect him.

Croak! A huge toad suddenly appeared, startling Wang Chan. She took a few steps back, stepped on Zhou Wen's foot, and bumped into him.

"Sorry… Sorry…" Wang Chan apologized profusely.

"Don't apologize to me in the future, understand? With my relationship with your sister, there's no need for you to apologize to me." Zhou Wen felt pity for Wang Chan when he saw her like this.

Living under such pressure all the time, one would either explode in despair and become an extremely evil person who didn't care about anything, or one would always have to bear the pressure and suffer mental problems.

Over the years, it was already quite good that Wang Chan had remained unchanged.

When Wang Chan heard Zhou Wen's words, she widened her eyes and asked in surprise, "Could it be… you're going to be my brother-in-law?"

Zhou Wen nearly choked on his saliva. He took a deep breath and said, "I mean, I have a good relationship with your sister. She has helped me a lot. You don't have to be polite with me."

With that said, Zhou Wen was just about to greet Chang'e when she flicked out her tongue and swept Zhou Wen and Wang Chan over. She placed them on her back and headed for Lady Supreme Yin's temple.

In next to no time, the two of them arrived before Lady Supreme Yin's temple.

"Lady Goddess, I'm here to visit you." Zhou Wen got off the toad's back and shouted into the temple.

"You call this visiting me? It's more like you want my life!" Lady Supreme Yin's angry voice came from inside.

"Lady Goddess, what do you mean?" Zhou Wen feigned ignorance.

Lady Supreme Yin said coldly, "You brought a natural Body of Bane to my Moon. Do you think that I'm living too comfortably on the Moon and want the Moon to explode right now?"

"Lady Goddess, don't say that. She's just a little girl. She's not as powerful as you make her out to be. You are very resourceful. This little trouble of hers can easily be resolved by you," Zhou Wen flattered, but his boot-licking skills were clearly lacking.

Lady Supreme Yin laughed and said, "It's hard on you. From the sound of it, you haven't flattered anyone before. This flattery is too fake. However, since you have said so, let her stay."

"You are agreeable to it?" Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback. He never expected Lady Supreme Yin to be so affable.

"Why? You plan on taking her away?" Lady Supreme Yin said with a faint smile.

"I don't mean that. I just think that her physique is a little special. Will she cause you trouble if she stays here? In fact, I have a golden apple that can change her Life Providence, so I was thinking of using your place to change it for her?" Zhou Wen said as he took out the golden apple.

He had yet to use it. Wang Chan's Life Providence wasn't very good. Even if he resolved the current situation, the same thing would happen again if Wang Lu was injured again.

"Change her Life Providence? Has your head been kicked by a donkey? Or did your head get clipped by a door when you were young? You want to change a natural Body of Bane that's impossibly rare?" Lady Supreme Yin said angrily.

"Although this thing is very rare, it only has disadvantages and no benefits. What's the point of keeping it?" Zhou Wen deliberately said so when he heard Lady Supreme Yin mention how Wang Chan's Body of Bane wasn't simple.

Lady Supreme Yin said, "You are really ignorant. Don't you know that extreme Yang gives birth to Yin and extreme Yin gives birth to Yang? A Body of Bane does not seem to have any benefits, but haven't you ever wondered why as the owner of a Body of Bane, she has never been affected? Is this normal?"

"I'm just an ignorant mortal. Please enlighten me." Zhou Wen was secretly delighted. He never expected to accidentally find someone who knew the ropes.

If he could resolve Wang Chan's problem, he could provide an explanation when meeting Wang Lu.

"You've finally said something pleasant." Lady Supreme Yin pushed open the door and walked out. She sized up Wang Chan and said, "In the division of dimensional creatures, there are no Mortal, Legendary, or Epic stages. There's only the Mythical stage. However, Mythical creatures are also divided into three levels. Terror, Calamity, and Apocalypse. These are the three levels of Mythical creatures. Your so-called Mythical creatures are only the nascent form of Mythical creatures."

"I know all of that," Zhou Wen said.

"Since you know everything, why don't you do the talking." Lady Supreme Yin rolled her eyes at him.

"Please continue. I'll shut up." Zhou Wen shut his mouth.

"But regardless of whether it's Terror, Calamity, or Apocalypse, do you know the source of these?" Lady Supreme Yin didn't want Zhou Wen to speak, but she still raised a question for him.

Zhou Wen closed his mouth and shook his head.

"That is a bane. Only when humans encounter a bane will they be filled with terror. Only then will they realize how terrifying a calamity is. Only then will they fear the arrival of the apocalypse. In essence, a bane is actually the source of myths. Now, do you understand how precious the attribute of bane is?" said Lady Supreme Yin.

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