Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1332 - Bullet Halo

"I'll go in first. You guys can enter later. At the very least, maintain a distance of more than 100 meters from me. Remember not to stand behind me. It's best if you enter through another door," Zhou Wen said to Wei Yang and company before walking towards one of the doors. After taking a few steps, he heard a gunshot.

The Calamity-grade bullet was too fast for people's vision. They only saw Zhou Wen's figure instant transmit a distance away, and behind him, a hole was punched through the metal wall.

"He dodged it? Instant transmission? This doesn't make sense!" The hearts of the spectators jumped as Xia Liuchuan said in surprise.

It was no wonder Xia Liuchuan was surprised. Instant transmission was indeed very fast, but it took a certain amount of time to activate it. This time was enough to kill him countless times.

Xia Xuanyue's tense nerves relaxed slightly. She thought for a moment and said, "It shouldn't be instant transmission. It looks like he's very fast."

"It's impossible to dodge a Calamity-grade bullet with pure speed. No matter how fast a Terror-grade is, it's impossible to be faster than a Calamity-grade. Furthermore, the speed of a bullet is even considered fast among Calamity-grades," Xia Liuchuan said.

"If it was instant transmission, there wouldn't be any traces left behind, but I saw the remnant traces," Xia Xuanyue said.

"That's strange. From the current data, a Calamity-grade attribute has a crushing advantage over a Terror-grade…" Xia Liuchuan naturally trusted Xia Xuanyue because she had a very strong vision.

It wasn't just the Xia family. Many large factions found it unbelievable that Zhou Wen had dodged a Calamity-grade bullet.

"Spatial ability?" Cave Era looked at Jiuyue.

Jiuyue shook his head and said, "No, instant transmission isn't that fast. He can't dodge a Calamity-grade bullet unless he can predict the bullet's arrival time. That's impossible. There's no pattern to the Calamity-grade bullet's timing."

"Speed? That's unlikely, right?" Cave Era looked at the screen with a solemn expression.

Such conversations kept repeating among the various factions. No one believed that Zhou Wen could dodge the Calamity-grade bullets with his speed.

The various factions had Terror-grade existences that were known for their speed, but none of them were as fast as Calamity-grade existences. They weren't even close.

Zhou Wen dodged the bullet and walked through the door.

Wei Yang and company now knew why Zhou Wen didn't let them stand behind him. Wei Yang led them through another door and took another path.

Indeed, with Zhou Wen attracting the attention of the Calamity-grade creature, no bullets attacked Wei Yang and company as they headed for the Golden Palace.

Not long after Zhou Wen entered the tunnel, a second bullet shot over, but he still managed to dodge it.

With Heavenly Robe's stats of over 100 Luck, Lucky Dodge was probably maxed out. Zhou Wen didn't need to move; Heavenly Robe would move his body to dodge the bullet.

Various factions were observing carefully. With their focused attention, it was easier to come to a judgment. They were certain that Zhou Wen didn't use instant transmission-type abilities. Instead, he dodged the bullet with pure speed.

"This is impossible… How can he be so fast?" Cave Era couldn't believe that Zhou Wen had such speed.

"It's not speed," Immortal who had been silent all this time suddenly said.

Bang! Bang!

Gunshots kept sounding as Zhou Wen dodged the bullets again and again. None of the bullets hit his body.

"Magical. It's really magical. This speed is probably comparable to the speed of light, right? It's a miracle that a human can reach this speed. Professor Gu, what do you think?" the host said excitedly.

"Yes, it's very fast. However, no matter how fast he is, he can't dodge the fatal seventh shot." Professor Gu continued deconstructing the situation. "It will definitely consume a lot of energy for a Terror-grade to burst out with the speed needed to dodge a Calamity-grade bullet. According to previous analyses, the seventh shot is a bullet that will never stop unless it kills. Therefore, it's impossible for Zhou Wen to dodge the seventh shot. From the looks of it, his existence is probably just to be bait. With Zhou Wen stalling for time, the other members of the suicide squad will have a chance of charging into the Golden Palace…"

"You mean to say that Zhou Wen will die under the seventh shot?" the host asked in disbelief.

"I don't see any possibility of him surviving," Professor Gu replied with certainty.

"Then let's wait and see if Zhou Wen will fall under the seventh shot. Regardless, it's already very impressive for him to reach this stage. For the glory of the Federation and humanity, they have sacrificed too much…" The host seemed to have a good impression of Zhou Wen.

Upon hearing Professor Gu's analysis, most people found it reasonable, but those who truly understood Zhou Wen knew that it was impossible for him to do such a thing. He wasn't that kind of person.

However, many people were still worried for Zhou Wen. At the very least, he looked no different from a human. Compared to the Guardians and the Holy Spirit Association, they were more inclined to support Zhou Wen.

Furthermore, Zhou Wen represented the federal government. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that he represented humanity.

Soon, Zhou Wen had dodged the first six shots. There was silence in front of the screens. Everyone held their breaths as they heard their hearts beating wildly.


When the seventh gunshot rang out, many people couldn't help but tremble. There were even some soft-hearted girls who screamed and covered their faces, not daring to look at the result.

"This… This…" Blood Shaman looked at the scene and his tongue was tied. He couldn't even say a word.

The other members of the League of Guardians widened their eyes and contracted their pupils as though they had seen something unbelievable.

The people who saw this scene all had the same expression. They opened their mouths and wanted to say something. However, they did not know what to say to express their current feelings.

In the Venusian dimensional zone, the Heavenly Robe on Zhou Wen's body fluttered like an immortal's. A shiny halo surrounded him as it constantly flashed.

"What… What's that… Could it be that the bullet is revolving around Zhou Wen?" someone stammered.

Although ordinary people could only see the halo and not the spinning bullet, as long as they were not stupid, they could roughly guess what it was.

"What the hell? The bullets are circling Zhou Wen, but they aren't hitting him. Could it be that he has some fling with the Calamity-grade creature on Venus?" Li Xuan widened his mouth in shock. It was enough to swallow a goose egg.

"How did he do it?" Xia Xuanyue was surprised and delighted.

Professor Gu's eyes were about to pop. He did not speak for a long time.

Different people had the same question.. However, no one was able to answer them.

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