Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1338 - Major Heavenly Cycle Stellar Array

Zhou Wen and the antelope were just about to head to Forbidden City to make a clean sweep of the treasures when they suddenly felt that something was amiss. It was as though the vibration of the charred wood had stopped. They felt that something was wrong as a chill ran down their back. They turned their heads involuntarily.

With a glance, Zhou Wen and the antelope's expressions changed drastically. They saw the yellow paper talisman that had been stuck to the log gently float down.

"Ol' Ante, did you forget to apply glue?" Zhou Wen gulped and asked with some difficulty.

"That thing doesn't seem to need glue, if I recall correctly?" The antelope was a little unsure. It could not figure out why the yellow paper talisman would fall. It should not have fallen after it was stuck on it.

"Can you stick it on again?" Zhou Wen asked again.

Before the antelope could answer him, an explosion in the sky gave him an answer. Purple lightning descended from the sky and directly reduced the yellow paper talisman to ashes.

"Don't tell me that talisman of yours is fake?" Zhou Wen retreated as he spoke, already having thoughts of escaping.

"That shouldn't have happened!" The antelope was also retreating.

The human and antelope turned to run, but the starlight in the sky gathered. Thousands of stars enveloped the Forbidden City, and the starlight seemed to isolate the Forbidden City in its entirety from the mortal world.

Zhou Wen was alarmed to discover that Singularity Universe's teleportation ability couldn't teleport him out of here. All he could do was desperately run in the direction of the Forbidden City's gates.


He heard the sound of wood cracking behind him. When he turned his head, he saw that the charred wood had already split into two. A female Guardian dressed in purple armor and an ink-black cape that resembled a monarch floated in midair. Her eyes that seemed to contain the stars of the universe were staring angrily at Zhou Wen and the antelope.

There were six bullet holes on her armor that were oozing blood.

However, it seemed that such an injury was not fatal.

With the appearance of Starlady Polestar, the starlight in the sky gathered on her body. It was as if she had become the focus of the spotlight. The other places became dim, and she had the starlight from thousands of stars gathered over her.

In the intense starlight, blood spewed out from the bullet holes. At the same time, the spinning bullets were sucked out by the starlight and floated in front of Starlady Polestar.

Starlady Polestar's eyes narrowed. Starlight fell and turned into swords of starlight. They poured down like a galaxy's slide down and flew past Starlady Polestar.

The six bullets were instantly slashed to pieces in the starlight river. As for the countless swords of starlight, they surged towards Zhou Wen and the antelope at an unbelievable speed, reaching the speed of light.

"Wind, pull…" The antelope shouted and spat out a talisman. The talisman turned into clouds and enveloped its four hooves, causing its speed to increase drastically as it charged towards the gates of Forbidden City.

Zhou Wen cursed inwardly. The antelope could produce the speed of a Calamity-grade. Perhaps it could match Starlady Polestar's speed.

However, Zhou Wen didn't have that ability. All he could do was charge forward with all his might.

However, the swords of starlight weren't slower than the Calamity-grade bullets. How could Zhou Wen outrun them? Soon, a large number of swords of starlight stabbed into his back.

Thankfully, his Luck attributes and Heavenly Robe's Lucky Dodge showcased their effects. Zhou Wen's Heavenly Robe fluttered as he constantly dodged the rain of swords. None of the swords of starlight could hit him.

Zhou Wen didn't feel any joy. Although he hadn't been stabbed to death for the time being, Starlady Polestar appeared even more terrifying than the Calamity-grade creature in the Venusian dimensional zone. It wasn't impossible for her to crack Lucky Dodge.

As long as they didn't rush out of Forbidden City, everything was still unknown. It wasn't time to rejoice.

The antelope ran very quickly and arrived in front of Forbidden City's gates in almost an instant. However, the swords of starlight descended from the sky and transformed into layers of airtight sword walls, completely sealing off the way out.

The antelope's body glowed brightly as it opened its mouth to spit out a cloud. The cloud hit the sword wall, and although it repelled quite a number of swords of starlight, it ultimately failed to break through and was dispersed by the river of starlight swords.

The endless stream of swords that resembled a galactic river rushed towards the antelope, instantly causing it to fall into the dense array of swords. It tried to charge in various directions but failed to escape.

"Ahem, Starlady, it's just a joke. There's no need to take it seriously, right?" the antelope said to Starlady Polestar in the air as it blocked the endless sword streams.

"Then continue your joke." With Starlady Polestar's cold voice, the starlight sword river became even more violent. It transformed into a terrifying sword array that surrounded Zhou Wen and the antelope.

Greed is indeed an original sin. I shouldn't have been greedy and followed Antelope to this godforsaken place. Zhou Wen cursed inwardly.

Although Lucky Dodge could temporarily save Zhou Wen's life, it was only an evasion ability. It didn't allow Zhou Wen to forcefully break through the sword wall.

However, Zhou Wen was somewhat puzzled. With the antelope's personality, it definitely wouldn't fight a battle it wasn't confident in. Since it was willing to take the risk, it was definitely confident.

However, it was peculiar that the yellow paper talisman would fall.

Now wasn't the time to consider this. Zhou Wen's mind raced as he tried to think of a way to escape.

Lucky Dodge could save his life, but it was impossible to crack the starlight sword array. Furthermore, the swords formed from starlight had already reached the speed of light. Zhou Wen's speed couldn't keep up, so it was impossible to crack the sword array.

Zhou Wen tried his best to use Truth Listener's ability. In the sword array, the amount of sound he received was much lesser. Most of the sound information was related to the starlight sword array.

After listening for a while, Zhou Wen suddenly realized that the starlight sword array seemed very familiar to him.

Isn't this the twenty-eight Lunar Mansion skill? Zhou Wen immediately realized something.

When he was in the Endless Sea of Stars, he had always wanted to obtain two skills. One was Star Stealer, and the other was the twenty-eight Lunar Mansion skill.

It was the lowest-level skill, but it was abnormally difficult to have it drop. Out of the 28 skills, Zhou Wen only had 27. He hadn't had the last one drop.

The 27 Lunar Mansion skills that Zhou Wen knew were all protective skills. They weren't offensive, so Zhou Wen didn't connect the two in the beginning.

The peculiarity he felt allowed him to realize that although the starlight sword array was an offensive sword array, it was in a similar vein as the Lunar Mansion skills.

If the pattern of changes in this sword stance is the same as the Lunar Mansion skills, then wouldn't I be able to predict the future? Even if my speed can't keep up with the speed of the swords of starlight, I can still predict their positions… However, I'm still lacking one Lunar Mansion skill… As Zhou Wen thought, he used Truth Listener to secretly observe the sword array.

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