Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1341 - Who Dares To Retain You?

The Stellar Heavenly Cycle was infinite. No matter how many changes Zhou Wen could learn, it was only a portion. It could only be called a Minor Heavenly Cycle, but it couldn't reach a Major Heavenly Cycle like Starlady Polestar.

The true Major Heavenly Cycle was not something that could be mastered through learning, but a realm of comprehension.

Zhou Wen was ultimately only at the Mythical stage. Although his realm far exceeded his peers, it wasn't easy to attain the realm required of the Major Heavenly Cycle.

Zhou Wen quickly realized that although he had learned many variations, they were only accumulations in quantity—there were no qualitative changes.

No matter how many variations my self-taught Minor Heavenly Cycle Array has, it can't compare to Starlady Polestar's Major Heavenly Cycle Array. This is a difference in level, not a difference in variation… Zhou Wen thought to himself, pondering over how he could truly reach Starlady Polestar's level.

As Zhou Wen constantly studied and pondered, the antelope couldn't hold on any longer. The wounds on its body increased, and the spirit talisman above its head couldn't withstand the starlight's attacks. It was about to shatter.

"Polestar, don't force me to go all out. It won't do anyone any good when the time comes," shouted the antelope at Starlady Polestar.

"I'm really curious to know how well you have recovered." Polestar's expression didn't change as she spoke calmly.

Seeing that it couldn't convince Starlady Polestar, the talisman above its head shattered. Swords of starlight rained down like a storm, and the horns on the antelope's head suddenly lit up. The originally blackish gray horns became like crystal lamps. Not only were they transparent, but they also emitted intense light.

"F*ck you!" the antelope shouted. Before the starlight descended, the lightning from its two shiny horns collided. It was like a collision of lightning, causing a potent spark to erupt and envelop its body.

The terrifying swords of starlight poured down, reducing the area around the antelope to ruins. The ground was peppered with swords of starlight which stacked together like a mountain of sword beams.


An unbelievable power erupted from the mountain of sword beams, shattering instantly.

A slender figure walked out from the shattered sword mountain. A pure luminance moved with the figure. Even the Major Heavenly Cycle Stellar Array could not suppress the luminance's power.

Even amidst the starlight, Zhou Wen's eyes were illuminated by the pure light. He looked at the light and saw a man in a snow-white fur robe walk out.

He wore snow-white clothes and looked handsome. His eyes were like obsidian, deep and bottomless. His long black hair cascaded down over his snow-white fur robe.

The beauty of a person is like jade and the looks of the gentleman are unparalleled.

Zhou Wen felt that this sentence was meant for such a person.

However, when he thought about how this person was very likely transformed from the antelope, such thoughts immediately vanished. He couldn't connect the two together.

The lazy antelope, the rogue-like antelope, could actually transform into such a form. It made Zhou Wen find it highly discordant.

The man walked in the light, and all the swords of starlight that stabbed at him were melted by the pure power of light, as if they were not swords condensed from starlight, but just snowflakes.

With every step the man took, the power of light over his body became stronger. Even the starlight in the sky seemed to pale in comparison.

Polestar was no longer as relaxed as before. Her expression became serious as she stared at the man. The purple gas over her body also bloomed wildly and collided with the man's light. For a moment, it was difficult to tell who was stronger.

"It seems that you've recovered quite well. You can actually return to your human form." Starlady Polestar stared at the man.

"Didn't you want to kill me? Let me see if your Polestar Killing Technique can kill me or not." The man looked straight at the levitating Starlady Polestar. He looked calm, but there seemed to be an indescribable power gathering over his body. It was like an invisible, peerless saber that could be unsheathed at any time and destroy everything.

Starlady Polestar stared at the man. When she saw the man's stirring aura and how he was about to step out, she suddenly smiled and said, "I was just joking. You told me not to take it seriously, but you took it seriously instead."

Starlady Polestar swept her cape back and the starlight disappeared. The Forbidden City returned to its original peace.

"It seems that you have mostly recovered from your injuries. Congratulations," said Starlady Polestar as she looked at the man.

"It's still far from finished, but it's enough for me to go all out." The man stared at Starlady Polestar, but he didn't restrain his luminance.

Zhou Wen hurriedly returned to the man who was transformed from the antelope the moment the Major Heavenly Cycle Stellar Array dissipated.

"You and I aren't enemies. There's no need to fight to the death. I'm relieved knowing that you can take on your human form again." As Starlady Polestar spoke, she glanced at Zhou Wen and said, "You helped me return to Forbidden City and helped me seek out a contractor. I still remember this favor. Now that your injuries haven't healed, it's best you don't overexert yourself. It's best you return early to recuperate. I'll accept this contractor and I'll remember this favor."

When Zhou Wen heard that, he immediately cursed inwardly. This Starlady Polestar is also a scheming b*tch. Seeing that she can't defeat the antelope, she actually wants to vent her anger on me!

"You didn't want him when I offered him to you previously. Now that you want him, I'm not giving him to you. Zhou Wen, come with me. Let's see who dares to retain you." The antelope snorted coldly and turned to walk towards the entrance of Forbidden City.

Zhou Wen was overjoyed as he hurriedly followed. He thought that the antelope would abandon him, but he never expected it to transform into a human. Even its personality had become much more unyielding, unlike the beast it used to be.

Starlady Polestar watched Zhou Wen follow the antelope towards the gates with some doubts in his eyes. Her lips moved as though she wanted to say something, but she ultimately didn't say anything as she watched the two of them leave Forbidden City.

"Ol' Ante, you're awesome. I didn't expect you to be so unyielding today…" After leaving Forbidden City, Zhou Wen heaved a sigh of relief and patted the antelope's shoulder.

However, to his surprise, the antelope rolled forward like a calabash. As he rolled, he transformed from a human back to an antelope. Its body convulsed as blood kept gushing out of its mouth.

Zhou Wen was alarmed as he reached out to touch the antelope, but before his hand touched it, he felt a heat scald his hand.

The antelope's body constantly emitted hot steam from its pores. The temperature was much higher than water vapor. It was clear how terrifying the temperature was considering how Zhou Wen could feel the heat despite his physique.

The antelope's eyes rolled back and its limbs twitched. It looked like it had lost consciousness.

Zhou Wen immediately understood that the antelope had been putting on a front in Forbidden City. If Polestar had really attacked, both he and the antelope would probably have ended up dead.

Zhou Wen hurriedly circulated the Ancient Sovereign Sutra and fused with Human Sovereign.. With intense anger, he punched the antelope again and again.

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