Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1371 - There's No What Ifs

Zhou Wen's talent was having focus; it gave him extraordinary focus.

However, there were pros and cons to everything. Zhou Wen could quickly devote himself to everything he did. This made him learn everything faster than the average person. It wasn't easy for him to be distracted, so he was very difficult to obstruct.

On the contrary, due to his focus, Zhou Wen wasn't a person with a repertoire of feelings like the average person. He wasn't that sensitive, so it was very difficult for him to notice things regarding emotion.

To Zhou Wen's knowledge, defeating an enemy was similar to adding and subtracting. He would only consider the losses between him and his opponent.

In his calculations, killing his opponent was already the enemy's greatest loss.

However, Leng Zongzheng's words opened up a new world to Zhou Wen. Killing an opponent wasn't the greatest loss to the opponent.

Of course, this theory was only effective on some people. Or rather, it was effective at a particular point in time, not an eternal, immutable condition.

Heart Slaying? Many thoughts flashed through Zhou Wen's mind. He actually felt the Slaughterer in his body vaguely respond as though it was telling him that he had found the right path.

Zhou Wen looked in the direction Leng Zongzheng had left with a complicated expression. Leng Zongzheng had clearly noticed his problem in his battle with Hermit. He had called him over to make him understand this reason.

Although it was enlightening, Leng Zongzheng's words came from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, they wouldn't have stirred Zhou Wen so much.

When he destroyed the yard before he left, it was obvious that Leng Zongzheng wasn't telling a story, but something that had really happened to him.

It was because of this that he wanted to destroy the yard. Since he had said it, this weakness would be known sooner or later. Therefore, he definitely couldn't leave it behind.

With this in mind, Zhou Wen couldn't help but bow in the direction Leng Zongzheng had left. The yard was Leng Zongzheng's last hope of kinship. It had been destroyed because of Zhou Wen. It left him at a loss on how to return the favor.

All Zhou Wen could do now was advance to the Terror grade as soon as possible.

How can I achieve Heart Slaying? How can I know what's more important to the enemy than life? As Zhou Wen walked back, he thought about this problem.

"Hermit is dead?" In the League of Guardians, Immortal looked down at Cave Era and asked.

"I was incompetent. Please mete out your punishment." Cave Era lowered her head.

"Your Excellency, this matter can't be blamed on Cave Era and Hermit. Who would have expected that the Monarch Bee Wei Ge, whose hands are covered in blood and almost despised by the entire Federation, is actually a man who can make bhikkhuni a Buddha," said Blood Shaman.

"Hermit has only himself to blame for not utilizing people properly," Uesugi Nao said.

Blood Shaman frowned slightly and was about to say something when Cave Era beat him to it. "This battle was indeed my oversight. A loss is a loss. There's no excuse. I'll take responsibility."

Immortal just sat there without moving from beginning to end, like a lifeless statue.

After everyone quietened down, Immortal slowly said, "How's the reconstruction of Skysplit Tower going?"

Uesugi Nao answered, "As too many resources are needed, and there aren't any excess reserves due to previous expenditure, the progress is very slow now. We can only wait for most of the materials. It's estimated to take another four months or so to recover to its previous progress."

"How long would it take to only build the Heavenly Ascension Platform?" Immortal asked again.

"As we were preparing to build the Heavenly Ascension Platform last previously, the materials are still in the warehouse. They aren't damaged. If we start building it now, we can build the Heavenly Ascension Platform in about two years. However, without the main body of the Skysplit Tower and only the Heavenly Ascension Platform, we won't be able to connect to the dimension. It's useless even if we have the Heavenly Ascension Platform, right?" Uesugi Nao said after some thought.

"I want to see a complete Heavenly Ascension Platform in a month," Immortal said.

Uesugi Nao immediately felt stumped, but Immortal's words probably didn't allow her to refute. Therefore, she said, "If that's the case, I need the full support of the Federation."

"Cave Era, Blood Shaman, from now on, all of you will help Nao build the Heavenly Ascension Platform. Nao has priority with all the resources in the alliance," Immortal said.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Cave Era and Blood Shaman answered at the same time.

"Your Excellency, do you want to use the Heavenly Ascension Platform to connect to the dimension to think of a way to deal with Zhou Wen and the An family?" Blood Shaman asked.

Immortal said indifferently, "In this era, all kinds of heroes have risen. The six families are definitely not weak. There's the Hui family in the Federation, and the Holy Spirit Association beyond. Human Sovereign, Deceit King, and Luoyang's An family are all our greatest problems. However, these aren't important. What's really important is the Venusian dimensional zone. As long as we get first place on the rankings and obtain the Venusian Companion Beast, these threats won't be considered much."

"Your Excellency, do you mean that you want to borrow the dimensional forces to enter the Venusian dimensional zone again?" Blood Shaman immediately understood that Immortal's attention was never focused on Zhou Wen or Luoyang's An family. He thought further.

"Since you want to succeed, you have to pay a price. Be it on Earth or in the dimension, it's the same principle," Immortal said indifferently. "In a month, you have to build the Heavenly Ascension Platform."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Uesugi Nao and company answered.

"Zhou Wen, what are you doing sitting there?" Sweetie was feeling uncomfortable. She hadn't had desserts for days.

Zhou Wen often got people to buy desserts in the past, so she could enjoy the remaining desserts.

However, over the past few days, Zhou Wen had been sitting there in a daze. He didn't even eat, much less get someone to buy desserts for him.

"I'm thinking about something," Zhou Wen answered.

"What's on your mind?" Sweetie pressed.

"You ghosts don't understand these things," Zhou Wen said.

"How do you know that I don't understand? Let me tell you, there's nothing I don't understand," Sweetie said angrily.

Zhou Wen ignored her. He couldn't tell Sweetie that he was thinking about how to kill someone, right?

Sweetie was God. To tell God to her face that he wanted to kill someone and wanted to make the other party suffer a fate worse than death would mean that Zhou Wen was crazy.

"I don't care. I want to eat cake, I want pudding, I want milk tea'¦" It wasn't the first time Sweetie had been exposed. She had already given up.

Zhou Wen looked at the exasperated Sweetie and seemed to think of something. His eyes gradually lit up as he sized her up.

"What are you trying to do?" Sweetie was a little frightened by Zhou Wen's gaze. She took two steps back and asked Zhou Wen warily.

"If you have an illness that kills you as long as you take one mouthful of something sweet, would you still want something like a cake?" Zhou Wen asked Sweetie.

"I won't get sick," Sweetie said.

"I'm saying if."

"Even so, I still wouldn't get sick."

"That's just an analogy. If you get this illness'¦"

"There's no what ifs. It's impossible for me to get sick."

Zhou Wen felt a little uncomfortable being rendered speechless by Sweetie. He couldn't say his original thoughts.. It was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, something he couldn't swallow or spit out.

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