Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1376 - Immortal

"You really have what it takes to do that." Jiang Yan laughed. "However, you still have to be careful. Immortal's strength is extraordinary, and he has so many helpers. He's not easy to deal with."

"You don't have to worry about that. Even if I can't beat them, I can still run. As for you, you helped me out today. Will they investigate you in the future? Also, will there be a problem with the card you gave me?" Zhou Wen frowned.

"Don't worry. That card isn't registered with a name. They won't be able to find me easily. Even if they do, no one can do anything to me without actual evidence. After all, I'm Cave Era's younger brother," Jiang Yan said.

"You are Cave Era's younger brother? Blood-related?" Zhou Wen widened his eyes.

"Yes," Jiang Yan said with a smile.

Zhou Wen thought to himself that it was a close call. Thankfully, he hadn't had the chance to kill Cave Era; otherwise, he would probably have had a death grudge with Jiang Yan.

Seeing Zhou Wen's expression, Jiang Yan seemed to guess what he was thinking. He said to Zhou Wen, "She's my sister after all. If there's no deep grudge between the two of you, let her live if you encounter her in the future."

After a pause, Jiang Yan smiled and said, "If it were anyone else, I definitely wouldn't make such a request. However, you're different. You aren't someone who likes to kill, and you have the ability to do so."

"Alright." Zhou Wen nodded without saying anything else.

"It's been a long time since we last met. I wanted to chat with you, but the present time and place don't allow for it. Let's chat in the future." Jiang Yan looked up and pointed in a direction. "If you encounter a hopeless situation, run in that direction. There might be a way out."

"What's there?" Zhou Wen also looked in that direction, but he didn't see anything there. It wasn't the center of the city.

"If I tell you what's there, it won't work. If you don't need to take that step, it's useless even if you know. If you need to take that step, you will naturally know when the time comes." With that said, Jiang Yan reached out and pressed his hand on Zhou Wen's shoulder. He said seriously, "You aren't a killer. The past you resembles your true self."

"I also wish to game in peace every day, but this world doesn't leave me any peace," Zhou Wen said helplessly.

"That's true. Life is unpredictable. Who can stay away from that all? I'm leaving. Be careful." Jiang Yan lowered his hand and turned to leave.

"I'll later…" Zhou Wen wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Jiang Yan.

"Don't tell me anything. I don't want to know. At least not now." Jiang Yan left without looking back.

Zhou Wen shrugged. He hadn't planned on explaining his plan to begin with. He only wanted to tell Jiang Yan not to get too close to the sword array he would set up.

"Where's the treasure you mentioned?" Sweetie couldn't help but ask. She scanned the area for a while but didn't find any treasure.

"If it was that easy to find it, it wouldn't be called a treasure. Follow me." Zhou Wen led Sweetie towards the center of the League of Guardians as he secretly set up the Minor Heavenly Cycle Stellar Array.

After Jiang Yan and Zhou Wen separated, he didn't head to the center of the headquarters. Instead, he left the headquarters and headed for the location of Skysplit Tower.

Just as he was about to reach Skysplit Tower, Jiang Yan summoned the Guardian armor and put it on. At the same time, he extended his hand and a cloak-like robe appeared in it.

He draped the robe over his shoulder and a mask appeared in his other hand at some point in time. Although he was protected by the face armor, Jiang Yan still put the mask on his face and finally put the hood up.

After doing all of this, Jiang Yan walked towards Skysplit Tower.

"Lord Immortal," the Guardians guarding the area immediately bowed and said respectfully when they saw Jiang Yan.

Zhou Wen probably never expected Jiang Yan to be Immortal. He had even said in front of Jiang Yan that he wanted to destroy Immortal's den.

"Where are Uesugi and Cave Era?" Jiang Yan asked.

"Lord Immortal, Lord Uesugi and Cave Era are supervising the seventh floor of Skysplit Tower. Lord Blood Shaman is also here," the guard answered.

Jiang Yan nodded slightly before walking into Skysplit Tower.

Zhou Wen set up the sword array as he walked through the headquarters of the League of Guardians, but he quickly realized that there weren't as many high-level Guardians as he imagined.

Although the League of Guardians had suffered heavy losses previously and had lost the ability to bring Guardians to Earth through Skysplit Tower, it wouldn't be the case of him not seeing a single Terror-grade Guardian after walking for so long, right?

Strange, there doesn't seem to be any ambushes. Why don't I see any high-level Guardians? Where did those Guardians go? Zhou Wen used Truth Listener to listen carefully for a while and realized that there weren't any high-level Guardians nearby. And this was already the center of the headquarters.

Zhou Wen thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. I get it. The League of Guardians must be rebuilding Skysplit Tower. Apart from Skysplit Tower, there shouldn't be any other huge project that can make the League of Guardians mobilize so many high-level Guardians.

I wonder if Skysplit Tower is still where it used to be? Zhou Wen only knew where its former location was.

However, according to An Sheng, the compressed and accelerated Essence Energy Bomb which had wiped out the An family's savings had completely destroyed Skysplit Tower. It was almost impossible to repair it.

The construction of Skysplit Tower took several years previously. Considering the many materials needed, it was no longer easy to obtain them. It would probably take at least eight to ten years to rebuild Skysplit Tower.

If they really went to repair Skysplit Tower, it means that it definitely won't take that long to rebuild it. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to invest so much manpower. Zhou Wen knew very well.

The League of Guardians needed a large number of people to operate. It was fine to temporarily deploy so many high-level Guardians. If they were to spend eight to ten years building Skysplit Tower, the League of Guardians would probably be crippled.

There was only one possibility for such a situation to happen. Skysplit Tower could be repaired in a short period of time. At the very least, a portion of it could be repaired, allowing Skysplit Tower to play a certain role.

This won't do. I have to visit Skysplit Tower. Otherwise, there's no point in destroying their headquarters. Zhou Wen gave up on his previous plans and headed for the old Skysplit Tower.

Now, Zhou Wen only hoped that they were repairing the original Skysplit Tower. If they were to switch locations to repair it, he might not be able to find the new Skysplit Tower.

"Where are you going? Aren't you looking for treasure here?" Sweetie asked in puzzlement when she saw Zhou Wen walking out of the city.

"I thought of a place. Perhaps those fellows hid the treasure there," Zhou Wen said as he walked towards Skysplit Tower.

When Zhou Wen saw the Skysplit Tower which was being repaired from afar, he knew that his guess was right.

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