Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1378 - A Human

"I believe in your foresight and know what I can do. Even if you were to change to another representative, they wouldn't do better than me," Jiang Yan said without fear.

"Ranked second last on the Cube, the destruction of Skysplit Tower. Even the federal government can't be fully controlled. Is this what you can do?" the figure of light said disdainfully.

"What's so important about controlling the federal government? What's the point of me controlling the federal government? Even the Holy Temple hasn't been able to completely control the six families that we really need to control after so many years, much less me, who has only controlled the League of Guardians for a few years."

After a pause, Jiang Yan continued, "The Cube's current ranking doesn't mean anything. If I'm willing, I can be ranked in the top three now, but so what if I'm in the top three? My goal is first place, and it's the same for you, isn't that so? Without first place, it's useless no matter how high my ranking is. Therefore, I need more time to observe. Of course, if you are willing to provide me with potent strength, I believe it won't be difficult for me to reach first place now.

"As for the destruction of Skysplit Tower, it's indeed my fault. However, from the fact that Skysplit Tower can be destroyed, you should be able to understand what kind of enemy I'm facing. You should have seen human powerhouses like Human Sovereign and Deceit King through the Cube. It's very difficult for Terror-grade powerhouses to fight such a human powerhouse. It's not that I don't want to do anything, but our strength is indeed lacking."

"What else do you want? A Calamity-grade Guardian? If I can send a Calamity-grade Guardian into Earth, what do I need you for? Even if I were to give you a pig, it could sweep through all of humanity," the figure said coldly.

"If that's what you think, please wait a moment and decide if you want to change the spokesperson after watching everything." Jiang Yan wasn't affected by the figure of light, still looking indifferent.

"What do you want me to see?" the figure asked with a frown.

"A human. My opponent," Jiang Yan answered.

"Human Sovereign or Deceit King? You want me to help you deal with them? That's your job to begin with. Otherwise, what would I need you for?" the figure said indifferently.

"Neither." Jiang Yan cast his gaze outside Skysplit Tower. At that moment, there seemed to be a strange change happening clandestinely outside Skysplit Tower. After taking a look, Jiang Yan continued, "One's strength dictates what they can do. I can deal with a single Human Sovereign. Even with another Deceit King, I can also think of a solution, but what if there are more and more humans like them? Don't you think that the help you provide isn't as useful as you imagine in front of such humans?"

"Are you joking? How many humans like Human Sovereign and Deceit King can you find?" the figure said unhappily.

"I don't know how many there are, but one has already arrived," Jiang Yan said calmly as he looked into the distance.

The figure couldn't help but follow Jiang Yan's gaze and indeed, he saw something flying over from afar.

On careful look, he immediately realized that a banana leaf that resembled a tiny boat was slowly sliding across the sky. The sky resembled water, like a boat cruising across the sky.

At the stern of the ship, a beautiful girl dressed in muslin clothes that made her look like a fairy was waving her sleeves like a boatman rowing a boat.

A young man stood at the bow of the ship, staring at the unfinished Skysplit Tower.

"Isn't that human the one who relied on luck to clear the Venusian dimensional zone? Don't tell me that you can't even deal with such a person and you want me to help you? If that's the case, your existence has no more value," the figure recognized Zhou Wen and snorted coldly.

"There's no rush. Keep watching," Jiang Yan said.

Upon realizing Zhou Wen's appearance, Blood Shaman, Cave Era, and Uesugi Nao's hearts tightened. However, when they saw that Zhou Wen was alone, they heaved a sigh of relief. The girl who had carried him over was a Companion Beast.

"Zhou Wen, you actually dare come here?" Cave Era stared at Zhou Wen and said through gritted teeth.

With Hermit killed, Zhou Wen could be considered the archenemy of the League of Guardians. Cave Era yearned to skin him alive.

Zhou Wen smiled without a word. He stood on the banana leaf and observed Cave Era's expression, hoping to guess her thoughts.

The thoughts Truth Listener could hear needed to be from extremely intense psychological fluctuations. If not for the emotional upheavals, Truth Listener would hardly be able to hear their thoughts.

Furthermore, even if he could hear them, it was only an ability. What Zhou Wen needed wasn't just an ability, but innate sharp senses and the ability to manipulate the enemy's state of mind. Just knowing what the enemy was thinking wasn't enough.

Therefore, Zhou Wen still needed to rely on himself to reach the realm of Heart Slaying.

As he observed Cave Era's words and actions and the minute expressions on her face, Zhou Wen realized many things that he hadn't noticed before.

It turned out that a person's emotions weren't what he had imagined. Although their facial expressions were the most varied, their body language was richer than their expressions when it came to emotions.

Apart from anger, it was difficult to see any other emotions on Cave Era's face. However, from her body language, he could interpret more.

For example, Zhou Wen noticed something. Although Cave Era was expressing her anger, her legs were in a posture of retracting. This wasn't a sign of a preparatory attack. At the very least, her posture wasn't beneficial for attacking.

From this, it could be inferred that Cave Era was subconsciously afraid of Zhou Wen.

Of course, this was something that ordinary people with meticulous sensitivity could tell. It wasn't difficult for Zhou Wen to notice this. It wasn't that easy to improve further by perfectly interpreting one's thoughts through body language.

Furthermore, Zhou Wen didn't know if this was the right path. Regardless, it was a good start. With a goal, no matter if the path was right or wrong, the scenery along the way was a boon.

Seeing Zhou Wen remain silent as he stood on the banana leaf that resembled a tiny boat and looking down at her with a teasing expression, she couldn't help but be enraged. "Shoot him down. This place isn't a place for an outsider to act all presumptuous."

After the dozens of Terror-grade Guardians gathered nearby received the order, they began gathering their strength to strike Zhou Wen down from the sky.

What should I do to make my opponent feel a fear worse than death? Zhou Wen's mind raced as invisible sword beams appeared.. They appeared and disappeared like shimmering stars that instantly filled the nearby space, enveloping the entire area near Skysplit Tower.

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