Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1380 - Perfect Sword Immortal

"Do you know that if I were to descend upon you, your body would definitely be severely damaged or even irreversibly damaged?" the figure said as it stared at Jiang Yan.

"I do," Jiang Yan said calmly. "An existence like you has power that far exceeds the limits of Earth's rules. It's naturally not something my body can withstand. It's inevitable that there will be damage."

"Since you know, why do you want me to use your body to descend?" The figure clearly doubted Jiang Yan's request.

However, Jiang Yan smiled and said, "So what? Compared to this tiny sacrifice, I can obtain more, right?"

"Oh, what do you want to obtain?" the figure asked.

"My Guardian, Skyimmortal, is a Guardian created by the genes of the Immortals, and you are a powerful existence of the Immortals. If you were to descend on me, with your strength, you should be able to advance Skyimmortal to the Calamity grade in an extremely short period of time. After you leave, as the contractor of the Skyimmortal, I naturally will have the power of the Calamity grade. In comparison, that tiny injury is nothing," Jiang Yan said calmly.

The figure stared at Jiang Yan for a while before saying, "As expected of Wang Mingyuan's disciple. You're indeed a smart person. I can help you advance to the Calamity grade, but this is the last time I'll make an exception to help you. If you have any similar problems that can't be resolved in the future, I'll consider changing the representative."

"If I have the power of a Calamity-grade and still can't dominate everything, there's no need for you to do anything. I'll just commit suicide," Jiang Yan said firmly.

"In that case, I'll use your body to temporarily descend to Earth. Remember, my name is Perfect Sword Immortal." As he spoke, the figure slowly walked towards Jiang Yan, his gaze fixed on him.

Perfect Sword Immortal was taking the initiative to use Jiang Yan's body. Theoretically speaking, he had the absolute initiative. Furthermore, with his strength and realm, it was enough to crush Jiang Yan. Even if Jiang Yan had ulterior motives, it would be difficult for him to do anything.

However, Perfect Sword Immortal was still very careful. If he discovered anything amiss, he would directly kill Jiang Yan.

However, Jiang Yan didn't do anything abnormal. He spread out his arms as though he was a fanatic who was wholeheartedly sacrificing himself. He didn't hold back at all as he completely presented his body in front of Perfect Sword Immortal.

Seeing that Jiang Yan was so unreserved, Perfect Sword Immortal felt relieved. The figure formed by light walked in front of Jiang Yan and overlapped with his body.

As immortal light flowed, the immortal armor around Jiang Yan's body emitted an immortal aura as it rapidly transformed.

Dimensional creatures would be suppressed by the rules of Earth, but humans weren't beholden to the rules. With Jiang Yan's body, Perfect Sword Immortal descended on Earth. Although Jiang Yan's body was too weak and he couldn't unleash 100% of his combat strength, he could still unleash the combat strength of a Calamity-grade through the Skyimmortal armor.

Immortal light flowed as sword beams flowed like a river. Jiang Yan's eyes changed. They were completely different from the deep, calm eyes from before. Replacing them was a gaze that was as sharp as a sword.

Perfect Sword Immortal extended his palm and clenched his fingers. He muttered to himself, "Jiang Yan is a tactful fellow. It's quite rare for him to offer up his body without any reservations. In comparison, his abilities aren't weak. He can be considered a usable person. Human Sovereign, Deceit King, Zhou Wen, and the rest are indeed powerful. I wonder where they came from. Ordinary Terror-grade creatures can't compare with any of them. It's indeed difficult for Jiang Yan to resolve the problem with such strength. I do need to help him advance to the Calamity grade…"

Outside Skysplit Tower, Zhou Wen's sword array constantly attacked as Guardians were struck down by the invisible sword beams.

However, they weren't killed. Their bodies were pierced by the invisible sword beams and they were nailed to the ground. Only five or six Guardians remained to resist.

Blood Shaman was covered in blood as his body was stabbed by many invisible sword beams. His situation was the most tragic.

Cave Era relied on the magical powers of time. Although she wasn't injured, her situation wasn't good either.

Uesugi Nao controlled the Great Skyfiend armor as her figure passed through the numerous invisible sword beams and circled behind Zhou Wen. Her hand was like a ghastly claw as she stabbed at Zhou Wen's head.

Zhou Wen moved his body and dodged Uesugi Nao's attack. Uesugi Nao followed up with a deluge of attacks after her first strike.

Her movement technique made her appear and disappear like a ghost as she constantly appeared around Zhou Wen. Her attacks were unpredictable.

However, no matter how her attacks changed, she failed to touch Zhou Wen at all.

Upon seeing this scene, the Guardians felt their hearts turn cold. Only then did they recall that Zhou Wen's Heavenly Robe could even dodge a Calamity-grade attack, much less Uesugi Nao, who was only at the Terror grade.

In fact, it was purely because Zhou Wen's movement technique was excellent that he dodged all the attacks. It wasn't because of the Heavenly Robe.

Of course, Heavenly Robe still played a role. However, without the Invincible Lucky Star, the chances of Heavenly Robe's Lucky Dodge weren't high. Zhou Wen had to dodge most of it himself.

Cave Era and company didn't know this. They only believed that the Heavenly Robe was still the same as before—capable of dodging Calamity-grade attacks. They couldn't help but feel despair.

The extremely terrifying destructive invisible sword beams and the Heavenly Robe which could dodge any attack, and the perfect, strong Zhou Wen left them without any hope.

Zhou Wen felt that Slaughterer seemed to tremble because of his actions, but the vibrations weren't too great. It wasn't as intense as the last time Zhou Wen had comprehended the Heart-Slaying principle.

Clearly, this method of intimidation didn't have much effect on Slaughterer's advancement.

Just as Zhou Wen was thinking about how to improve, he suddenly realized that the black hole on the Heaven Ascension Platform had vanished. The light on the Heaven Ascension Platform dimmed as a figure tore through the air.

Zhou Wen took a careful look and realized that the person walking over was wearing a mask and a white robe. His attire was very similar to the League of Guardians' Lord Immortal he had seen before.

The reason it was only very similar was that the Guardian armor on his body now seemed to be somewhat different.

The Guardian armor emitted a golden immortal glow, making him look like an immortal that had walked out of the immortal clouds.

This fellow seems a little odd. Why does it feel a little different from before? With a thought, Zhou Wen sent a large number of invisible sword beams sweeping towards Perfect Sword Immortal like a tsunami.

Although a lot of the invisible sword beams had been expended, the remaining invisible sword beams were still like a tidal wave. At that moment, they attacked Perfect Sword Immortal at 100% strength. Their might was in no way inferior to a meteorite bombardment.

Countless invisible sword beams rushed in front of Perfect Sword Immortal, but in the next second, something shocking happened.

A strange force field rose up from Perfect Sword Immortal's body.. In the force field, the invisible sword beams remained motionless as though they had frozen in midair.

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