Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1385 - Slaying The Human Heart

Uesugi Nao stood at the top of a mountain and watched the battle from afar with a complicated expression.

She had contracted Great Skyfiend to obtain strength. Indeed, she had obtained extremely powerful strength in a short period of time.

For a while, Uesugi Nao even believed that her actions would become mainstream and she, a pioneer of humanity's future.

However, things didn't seem to develop in the direction she had expected. Although there were indeed many humans who chose to contract with Guardians and become contractors, Guardians didn't become humanity's mainstream. The Holy Spirit Association advanced with Spirit Casting and Hui Haifeng produced Mythical Serum. There were also humans like Human Sovereign and Deceit King who had advanced to the Mythical stage using some unknown method.

As no one had seen the true faces of Human Sovereign and Deceit King, it was impossible to determine if they had used methods like Spirit Casting or the Mythical Serum. All they knew was that they hadn't contracted Guardians.

However, the Zhou Wen in front of her most likely didn't use anything like a Mythical Serum. This was because he didn't have any characteristics of a dimensional creature, nor could any auras other than a human's could be sensed.

A human can actually reach such a level and even fight a Calamity-grade powerhouse. This dealt a huge blow to Uesugi Nao's heart.

Can the strength of humans really be that strong? Uesugi Nao's firm beliefs wavered slightly.

Although she was a very opinionated person and had always done as she wished, Zhou Wen's performance made Uesugi Nao, who was determined, begin to doubt herself.

Even if the four Heavenly Kings attacked together, they probably wouldn't last a minute against such a powerful Calamity-grade power. Yet, Zhou Wen had managed to last until now without being completely defeated.

Zhou Wen wasn't doing well though. Although the bone-chilling itch didn't affect him much, it was still troublesome.

Zhou Wen's focus was unparalleled. If it was just an itch, it wouldn't affect him as long as he didn't think about it.

He was only afraid that the Calamity-grade power wasn't that simple. If the subsequent Heavenly Tribulations attacked his body, Zhou Wen's body wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of the Calamity-grade power and would be instantly killed.

In a battle with a Calamity-grade, I can only summon Truth Listener or use the Immortal Culling Sword. Otherwise, there's no chance of victory. I don't even stand a chance at fighting. There might still be a chance if I advance to the Terror grade… Zhou Wen thought of Slaughterer.

Slaughterer could only advance by making the opponent feel fear, but he was the one being suppressed. The opponent held the absolute advantage. It was impossible to even injure the opponent, much less make him feel fear.

Three minutes quickly passed, but Zhou Wen still failed to think of a solution. As for the Heavenly Tribulation, it changed again. This time, Zhou Wen no longer felt itchy, but something even more terrifying happened to him.

Zhou Wen instantly felt that his various senses were being magnified countless times. They were even sharper than when he used Great Brahma.

"Ah!" Zhou Wen couldn't help but cry out. Pain, numbness, soreness, and itchiness surged at him under the stimulation of the lightning.

This stimulation was something Zhou Wen could tolerate. He usually wouldn't even grunt. However, as his perception had been magnified, he became extremely sensitive. The pain was also magnified several times.

This stimulation had already reached the limits of human endurance when it came to pain, but once Zhou Wen focused on other things, the pain in his body weakened.

It couldn't be said to be weakened. It could only be said that he didn't feel the pain because of his distraction.

How can I advance Slaughterer to the Terror grade? What should I do? Although Zhou Wen knew that it was difficult, this was the most viable opportunity for him to save himself.

Therefore, Zhou Wen was thinking about how to advance Slaughterer. The pain he felt became weaker and weaker.

Three minutes was neither short nor long. The third Heavenly Tribulation passed.

In these three minutes, Tyrant Behemoth began glowing and heating up again because it had swallowed too many Essence Energy crystals. Thankfully, it wasn't as hot as before. It probably wasn't at its limit.

The fourth Heavenly Tribulation lightning surged out. This time, it wasn't as simple as physical pain. It penetrated deep into his soul and affected Zhou Wen's emotions.

Typically, the fourth Heavenly Tribulation would trigger illusions, allowing people to see what they were most afraid of. Many people would die at this stage.

This was because humans often didn't lose to powerful enemies, but to themselves.

However, this tribulation was easier for Zhou Wen to deal with than the previous ones. As his mind was so focused, the Heavenly Tribulation lightning couldn't affect his brain or make him hallucinate.

Zhou Wen kept thinking about how to advance Slaughterer without realizing the fourth Heavenly Tribulation. As time ticked by, Zhou Wen still failed to come up with a solution after three minutes of the fourth Heavenly Tribulation.

However, at that moment, Zhou Wen felt a reaction from Slaughterer. Furthermore, the reaction was very intense.

What's going on? Why would Slaughterer react at such a time? I'm clearly at an absolute disadvantage now. It's impossible for me to cause fear to the enemy… Zhou Wen was somewhat surprised, but Slaughterer's reaction couldn't be faked.

Zhou Wen naturally didn't know how shocking it was for Perfect Sword Immortal to see him survive the fourth Heavenly Tribulation.

This time, Slaughterer's reaction was stronger than ever before. Zhou Wen could even sense that Slaughterer's aura was burgeoning rapidly.

Why is this happening? Could it be that my enemy feels fear? But he's clearly at an absolute advantage… Wait… Heart Slaying… Having an advantage doesn't mean that he doesn't feel fear… Zhou Wen recalled a story his grandfather had told him when he was young.

There was an ancient person who was very worried that the sky would collapse. Every time it rained on a cloudy day, he would try his best to run, afraid that the sky would collapse and kill him.

When Zhou Wen thought of this story and connected it to the present situation and Slaughterer's reaction, he suddenly seemed to understand something.

Humans might be afraid of known dangers, but as they came into contact with them, their fear would gradually decrease. Instead, they were extremely afraid of things that hadn't happened or had no chance of making contact with.

For example, when one stood at the edge of a rooftop, even if they were tethered to a rope, their legs would still go limp despite knowing that they wouldn't fall.

Or perhaps many people would be afraid that no one would care for them when they were old. No matter how bad their children were, they would be submissive towards them and not dare disobey them.

Heart Slaying… So that's how it is… I seem to understand… The slaying of the human heart… lies in them doing it themselves… Zhou Wen gained new insights.. Many things that clouded him previously cleared up.

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