Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1393 - Kui

Zhou Wen's heart palpitated when he saw the bull. He immediately knew that something was amiss and wanted to unsummon his Companion Beasts.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late. The bull opened its mouth and let out a thunderous roar.

The roar was like a bull's or dragon's, but it also sounded like a clap of thunder. Zhou Wen even saw light that resembled the sun and moon spew out from its mouth. As the roar sounded, it instantly illuminated half of Yang City.

Why was it half a Yang City? It was because the stone temple was in the middle of Yang City. Only the front of the stone temple was illuminated.

Zhou Wen's heart stirred as he made a decision without any hesitation. He immediately instant transmited to the area behind the stone temple.

When he phased into existence again, his body was immediately thrown to the ground by the terrifying sound wave. His innards churned as though his blood vessels were about to explode.

However, this was already considered good. Tyrant Behemoth and the other Companion Beasts suffered the power of the terrifying sound wave in the area in front of the stone temple. Their bodies exploded and turned into a bloody mist.

Even a Terror-grade creature with a powerful body like Tyrant Behemoth couldn't withstand it. Only Banana Fairy acted fast. Like Zhou Wen, she fled to the area behind the stone temple to avoid being killed by the sound waves.

Her situation was similar to Zhou Wen's. She was also injured from the shock, and her injuries were worse than Zhou Wen's.

As for Demonic Neonate, she kept hugging the Demonic Sword while sitting on Zhou Wen's shoulder. Although she had also been attacked by the sound waves, she looked fine.

I was probably killed by this fellow's roar the last time. I have to investigate what it is. As Zhou Wen controlled the blood-colored avatar, he took out his other phone and opened the browser to search online.

This thing… Don't tell me it's a Kui… The more Zhou Wen looked at it, the more it looked like it.

Although he had only taken a glance, he knew that the bull in the stone temple didn't have horns and was still lying there.

According to the information he had found on the Internet, Kui didn't have horns on its head and only had one leg.

Zhou Wen couldn't see how many legs it had, but it was lying there and not standing. It was very likely that it didn't want to keep standing because it only had one leg.

This discovery excited Zhou Wen because the bull was clearly not a Blood Spirit. It was a creature with flesh and blood.

According to the information on the Internet, every time the Kui appeared, it would be accompanied by a storm. Furthermore, it had the light of the sun and moon on its body as it roared like thunder.

Legend has it that when Yellow Emperor discovered the Kui, the Mysterious Maiden used its hide to make a drum and its bones as drumsticks. One strike of the drum quaked 250 kilometers out, no one could stop it.

This thing was definitely an excellent-grade music-type Companion Beast. Now, Zhou Wen didn't have any music-type Companion Beasts. If he could obtain Kui, it would make up for the weakness.

Zhou Wen was still fantasizing when he heard another clap of thunder. It gave him a fright, making him believe that the Kui had roared again.

However, when he looked up, he realized that it was true thunder, not the sound of the Kui.

Dark clouds gathered above Yang City as thunder rumbled. Then, without any warning, it began to pour heavily.

Zhou Wen turned his head to look in the direction of the stone temple and indeed, he saw the bull exit. Its upper body was raised as it hopped forward. On careful look, it really only had one leg.

It walked with one leg as the light on its body resembled the sun and moon. It was very similar to the information Zhou Wen had obtained.

Kui stood in the rain and looked at Zhou Wen before roaring again.

Zhou Wen already knew that Kui's sound wave attack was directional. Although sound could spread in all directions, being right in front of the wavefront would deal the greatest damage. As long as he dodged the wavefront, the damage he suffered would be minimized.

After unsummoning Banana Fairy, he instant transmitted again. This time, he appeared in a sport furthest behind Kui. The sound waves he suffered were indeed greatly reduced.

With Zhou Wen's Terror transformation ability, he was basically unaffected by the sound waves.

Kui jumped up and turned its body to face Zhou Wen as it roared again.

Zhou Wen continued instant transmitting in another direction. Kui kept blasting out sound waves, but Zhou Wen dodged them all. He couldn't help but be furious.

Kui stopped looking for Zhou Wen. It looked up and let out an unhinged roar into the sky.

The dark clouds and storm were dispersed by its roar. The roar was accompanied by light as it radiated in all directions like a sound wave, forming an indiscriminate attack.

This time, Zhou Wen had nowhere to dodge. All he could do was forcefully resist the sound waves.

He summoned the reformed Chaos Egg and the sound waves struck the Chaos Egg, immediately producing many solid crystals. Unfortunately, Tyrant Behemoth was already dead. Otherwise, he could have used them to feed it.

Kui roared a few times consecutively, causing the Chaos Egg to tumble out. It slammed into the city wall and bounced back. It slammed into the various temples like a ball.

In the blood bone temples that Zhou Wen had slammed into, Blood Spirits quickly rushed out, but they had nothing on the Chaos Egg.

Zhou Wen took the opportunity when Kui was exhausted from the roar to instantly appear behind it. Using his hand as a blade, he delivered Immortal Slaying.

Even without the augmentation of the Immortal Culling Sword, Zhou Wen's Immortal Slaying was still very powerful. The power that erupted was almost comparable to a Calamity-grade.

However, when he struck Kui's neck, it only produced a shallow wound. Furthermore, the wound quickly healed itself. It was useless.

Zhou Wen and Kui constantly fought. Neither side could do a thing to the other.

The Chaos Egg could withstand Kui's sound blast, and Kui couldn't catch up to Zhou Wen. There were no other means to injure Zhou Wen or kill him.

Although Zhou Wen could injure Kui, due to its powerful physique and how Zhou Wen's offensive strength was only able to touch the threshold of the Calamity grade, he couldn't severely injure it. Likewise, he couldn't kill it.

Finally, Zhou Wen gave up by quitting the game. There was no point in continuing. The injuries he dealt Kui weren't as fast as its self-healing speed.

This won't do. I have to think of a way to get a good weapon. Zhou Wen was thinking about where to get a Calamity-grade weapon.

If he couldn't obtain a Calamity-grade weapon, he had to obtain a Terror-grade weapon with extremely powerful destructive power. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill Kui.

The Bamboo Blade has shattered, and the Son of Heaven's Sword can't be pulled out. Although the Immortal Culling Sword is useful, it can't be brought into the game. Where can I get a weapon? After some thought, Zhou Wen realized that only the boxing glove transformed by Tyrant Behemoth could be counted on.

After all, with the augmentation of Absolute Strength, Tyrant Behemoth's boxing glove's offensive strength was undoubtedly top-notch among Terror-grade weapons.

The only flaw was that it wasn't augmented by skills, so it couldn't produce effects similar to Ever-Victorious and Unstoppable.

If I don't have one, I'll fuse one and let Tyrant Behemoth's boxing glove have those skills.. Zhou Wen made up his mind to add all sorts of augmentation skills to Tyrant Behemoth's boxing glove.

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