Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1397 - A Piece Of Candy

Although he's a baddie… Mother said that everyone is equal in front of God… He should have the right to be saved… Sweetie muttered to herself as though she was convincing herself.

Zhou Wen was extremely displeased that his fusion hadn't succeeded. Putting away his phone, he wanted to take a breather, so he entered the garden.

Sitting on the bench, he summoned Banana Fairy, Demonic Neonate, and other Companion Beasts. He got Banana Fairy to fan him. Evil Spirit King massaged his legs while the other Companion Beasts came out to take a breather.

Demonic Neonate held the Demonic Sword and stood motionless by the side. Those who didn't know better would think that she was a wax statue.

I can only put the matter of fusing skills for Tyrant Behemoth aside for now. I'll think about it when I obtain the Companion Eggs. Since I can't do anything here, I can only head to Venus to kill the Calamity-grade creature who fires the bullets. If I can kill him, I might be able to have a Calamity-grade gun drop. Then, all my problems will be resolved. Zhou Wen's infinite looping space had basically taken form. He was just short of the final test in combat. He still needed to experiment to see if he could trap the Calamity-grade bullet in the infinite looping space.

The Venusian instance dungeon hadn't refreshed. He could only wait until tomorrow to experiment.

Zhou Wen leaned against the bench and closed his eyes to relax, allowing himself to escape the depressing feelings of failure.

At that moment, Sweetie stood not far from him. She was sizing up the Companion Beasts Zhou Wen had summoned. She held a piece of candy in her hand.

Seeing how pitiful he is, I'll give him a piece of candy. This is to return him the plum blossom cake that he treated me to. I'll still avenge Yana… Sweetie muttered as she sized up Zhou Wen's Companion Beasts.

The first thing Sweetie saw was Demonic Neonate. However, a sense of disgust immediately arose in her heart when she saw Demonic Neonate, as though it was innate hate.

Soon, Sweetie rejected Demonic Neonate and looked at Banana Fairy.

Sweetie's gaze landed on Banana Fairy's chest before she looked at her flat chest. She then gave up on Banana Fairy and looked at the other Companion Beasts.

She didn't like Evil Spirit King either. The other Companion Beasts seemed to have their own problems.

Zhou Wen had quite a number of Companion Beasts. Although he hadn't completely summoned them, there were more than ten outside. Sweetie swept her gaze and hesitated for a moment before walking towards the Soul Mirror that Zhou Wen had placed to the side.

Sweetie silently came in front of the Soul Mirror. Although the Soul Mirror was on the bench and was extremely close to Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen didn't discover her when she came in front of the mirror.

Even the Soul Mirror failed to reflect Sweetie's figure.

It's just a mirror. It shouldn't be lethal, right? I'll just give him some life-preservation abilities. They won't be used to harm others, Sweetie muttered as she peeled the wrapper from the candy in her hand and placed it on the mirror.

When the milk candy touched the mirror, it immediately melted and strangely flowed into the mirror.

At that moment, a faint shadow appeared in the mirror. The shadow swallowed the milk candy in one mouthful.

Zhou Wen was comfortably sunbathing when he suddenly sensed the unnatural vibrations of the Soul Mirror. He opened his eyes and realized that the Soul Mirror had undergone a tremendous change.

At that moment, the Soul Mirror had already turned jade-white. The mirror's surface also turned crystalline. It was clearly a smooth mirror, but it appeared to have many angles as though it was the cut surfaces of a diamond.

That wasn't all. The Soul Mirror kept changing. The jade layer on the surface gradually melted into milky-white liquid that dripped.

Every drop of liquid reduced the jade color of the Soul Mirror, making it even more crystalline and transparent.

Why is this happening? Zhou Wen watched as the Soul Mirror constantly evolved. He was alarmed and puzzled because in a short period of time, the Mortal Soul Mirror had already advanced to the Epic stage and was constantly evolving.

However, Zhou Wen didn't remember giving the Soul Mirror anything good. In fact, the Soul Mirror didn't eat anything. It could only absorb some Essence Energy dimensional crystals, but it didn't absorb much.

Zhou Wen wanted the Soul Mirror to evolve, but he never expected it to evolve on its own.

Could it be that the Soul Mirror's evolution is triggered by basking in the sun? Zhou Wen looked at the sun in the sky. Apart from this, he really couldn't figure out why the Soul Mirror would evolve so quickly.

As Zhou Wen was thinking, the Soul Mirror advanced again and reached the Mythical stage.

Zhou Wen realized that he could see a faintly discernible figure in the mirror. It seemed to be the shadow of a woman. He couldn't see her facial features clearly, but he could see her figure and clothes. She looked very beautiful.

Why is it still evolving! Zhou Wen's expression turned odd when he saw that the Soul Mirror was still evolving.

Now, even a fool knew that the Soul Mirror's evolution trigger wasn't as simple as basking in the sun. Something must have happened to evolve it.

What happened? Zhou Wen used Truth Listener to pay attention to his surroundings. After advancing to the Terror grade, he had adapted to Truth Listener's ability and could hear all sorts of sounds he wanted to hear.

However, after listening for a while, he didn't discover anything. It was as though the Soul Mirror could evolve just by sunbathing.

Looking at Zhou Wen's surprised expression, Sweetie felt a little smug. Isn't it too early to be surprised? What would you do next?

As the Soul Mirror turned crystalline, the figure in the mirror became clearer. It looked like a woman in a white muslin dress. From her appearance, she looked a little like a fairy.

However, for some reason, Zhou Wen felt that the figure seemed a little ghostly. It wasn't as elegant and ethereal as a true fairy.

Zhou Wen wasn't just shocked because he felt that the Soul Mirror was about to break through to the Terror grade.

No way. It's about to advance to the Terror grade? Zhou Wen was somewhat dumbfounded. He originally imagined that it was An Sheng's doing.

Now, it couldn't be An Sheng. No matter how capable An Sheng was, it was impossible for him to obtain something so good and directly advance the Mortal Soul Mirror to the Terror grade.

If there was really such a good item, he should have given it to An Tianzuo first. It was impossible for An Sheng to prioritize him.

Why isn't An Tianzuo back yet? Zhou Wen couldn't help but grumble when he thought of An Tianzuo.

He had no intention of guarding An Tianzuo's home for long. There were many things waiting for him to do. Luoyang was too small for him.

As expected, the Soul Mirror advanced to the Terror grade. Zhou Wen was pleasantly surprised when he saw it emit a strange light like glass.

He was delighted that the Soul Mirror had directly advanced to the Terror grade, reducing the trouble of him feeding it. However, he was alarmed that the Soul Mirror continued advancing without any signs of stopping its evolution.

No way… Could it really be advancing to the Calamity grade? Zhou Wen was alarmed and afraid.

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