Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1401 - Minor Heavenly Cycle Killing Formation

When An Sheng arrived at Zhou Wen's yard, he saw Jade Rabbit and Banana Fairy in the yard, but he didn't see Zhou Wen.

"Is Young Master around?" An Sheng knocked on the door and attracted Banana Fairy's attention before saying.

Banana Fairy nodded before shaking her head.

This action was very confusing, but An Sheng understood what she meant.

Zhou Wen was around, but he couldn't see him.

"What's Young Master doing? He hasn't come out for days." An Sheng was somewhat curious, but it wasn't convenient for him to disturb Zhou Wen, so he had no choice but to leave.

After walking for a short distance, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the yard. He couldn't help but stop and turn around to leap up. He landed on the wall and looked into the yard.

Upon seeing the situation inside, An Sheng was alarmed. He saw that the room Zhou Wen was in was spinning crazily like a huge top.

"Young Master, are you alright!?" An Sheng immediately jumped into the yard and shouted in the direction of the house.

No one answered him. The room continued spinning faster and faster.

An Sheng gritted his teeth as his body shimmered with a strange glow. He held a Golden Battle God Gun in each hand and timed it before making a charge.

An Sheng's grasp of timing was really impressive. Under such a rapid spin, he grabbed the moment when the door flashed past him and slammed it open, entering the spinning room.

"What's going on?" An Sheng landed in the room and realized that everything was still. It was completely different from the situation outside.

However, the strange thing was that the originally squarish room had bent into an arc. Furthermore, standing in the room, he could only see less than half the room's space. Then, as though it was isolated by a mysterious force, he couldn't see anything.

He clearly felt that there was something there, but he just couldn't see it.

"Young Master…" An Sheng called out a few more times, but there was still no response. He walked to the side of the curved room, hoping to find something.

The room wasn't big, but after An Sheng walked for a while, he realized that he seemed to be walking in circles. He was still near the door.

Spatial power? An Sheng immediately rushed towards the door, hoping to rush out of the room.

However, when he rushed out of the door, he realized that he wasn't in the yard. In front of him was still the room from before.

An Sheng's expression changed immediately as he turned his head to take a look. Indeed, the door was behind him. He gritted his teeth and rushed out of the door again, only to see the same room again.

An Sheng tried several times, but the outcome was the same. No matter where he rushed out from, even if he broke through the wall, he found himself still in the room.

The entire room was like a sealed spatial cage, trapping him inside forever.


An Sheng's expression changed constantly. Just as he was thinking about a way to escape, he heard a boom. Then, the curved room returned to normal.

He could now see the room that he couldn't see previously. Zhou Wen was sitting at his desk gaming on his phone.

"Young Master, what happened?" An Sheng was pleasantly surprised as he hurriedly asked.

"What do you mean what happened? I've been gaming and didn't notice anything," Zhou Wen said as he put away his phone.

"This room just now…" An Sheng didn't know how to describe it.

"Oh, perhaps I was too engrossed in the game and was a little excited. I accidentally exerted some strength and affected the room a little. Don't worry, it's not an enemy invasion," Zhou Wen said.

An Sheng looked at Zhou Wen with an odd expression, momentarily at a loss for words.

"Ah Sheng, why are you here?" Zhou Wen asked.

"Madam said that if you have the time, go over and have a meal with her. Overseer isn't at home, and Miss Jing has been cultivating hard. Uncle Zhou is also out. Madam is home alone, so she can't help but worry. Young Master, if you have the time, spend more time with her," An Sheng said.

"Then let's go," Zhou Wen said as he stood up.

He was in a good mood because he had finally successfully created a new skill, not just a skill combination.

Although he hadn't experimented with it, Zhou Wen was already certain that his skill could trap the Calamity-grade bullet.

As he walked, Zhou Wen glanced at his phone's information. Indeed, a new skill had appeared in the skill column.

Minor Heavenly Cycle Killing Formation: Calamity (Rank 10)

Calamity-grade? Zhou Wen wasn't surprised. He had experimented countless times in-game and knew that the effects of this skill had indeed exceeded the Terror grade.

The only flaw of the Minor Heavenly Cycle Killing Formation was that it required a certain amount of time to gather strength. Although it wasn't a long time, it was very difficult to use it in actual combat. It had to be released ahead of time.

However, this was enough for Zhou Wen. Releasing the Minor Heavenly Cycle killing formation ahead of time was enough to clear the Venusian instance dungeon. This was his best weapon for clearing the dungeon. However, it lacked adaptability in the face of an emergency.

When the Venusian instance dungeon refreshed, Zhou Wen would experiment again. If he succeeded, he could directly challenge the Cube's ranking in reality.

While having a meal with Ouyang Lan, Ouyang Lan complained to Zhou Wen about An Tianzuo and company. Zhou Wen knew very well that it was a manifestation of her worries.

In this era, there were no guarantees that even a powerhouse like An Tianzuo wouldn't die.

Zhou Wen wasn't good at consoling others, so he could only sit and listen.

After the meal, he returned to his room. Zhou Wen attempted to sink his consciousness into the Chaos Bead to see if the Soul Mirror's evolution was completed.

This time, Zhou Wen was prepared. He made his consciousness stay far away from the Soul Mirror. The space in the Chaos Bead was huge, almost infinite. It was impossible for the rainbow beams emitted by the Soul Mirror to illuminate everything.

Indeed, Zhou Wen's consciousness wasn't injured by the Soul Mirror. However, he could see from afar that an area was enveloped by rainbow beams. He couldn't see anything in that area.

From the looks of it, it hasn't completed its evolution. Zhou Wen checked the things in the chaos space. Thankfully, he had already deliberately placed the Soul Mirror in a relatively distant space, so it didn't cause any damage to the other things in the Chaos Bead.

Zhou Wen roughly did a scan and was taken aback when he saw Explosive Fiend Man.

Explosive Fiend Man had previously been interested in metal, so Zhou Wen placed him and metals into the chaos space together. Now, Explosive Fiend Man looked like a metal robot. It was completely enveloped by a metal carapace, with only two transparent crystal jars on its back. One could see a strange purple liquid in the jar.. The purple liquid was bubbling like boiling water, giving off the feeling that it would explode at any moment.

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