Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1448 - Don't Crowd Around

The Rubik's Cube appeared and disappeared unpredictably. No matter what angle Zhou Wen attacked from, the Rubik's Cube could appear in time to block the Immortal Culling Sword.

Although the Immortal Culling Sword could leave some sword marks on the Rubik's Cube, it seemed difficult to slice it open.


Time passed without them realizing it. The crystal chandelier's countdown had already reached 2. There wasn't much time left for Zhou Wen and Li Xuan.

Zhou Wen secretly used Time Bandit's ability to delay the Immortal Culling Sword from stabbing at Pandora. The outcome was the same. The Rubik's Cube still appeared accurately and blocked the Immortal Culling Sword.

Banana Fairy and the Golden Battle God also attacked from afar, but their attacks were useless against the Calamity-grade Pandora in the Fire God Robe.

Now, the only threat to Pandora was the Immortal Culling Sword in Zhou Wen's hand.

"Li Xuan!" Zhou Wen kept attacking Pandora as he suddenly shouted.

Li Xuan was very familiar with Zhou Wen. When he saw Zhou Wen's eyes, he knew what he was up to. He immediately gathered his strength and struck the back of Pandora's head while she was restrained by Zhou Wen.

As Pandora's attention was completely focused on Zhou Wen, she no longer had the time to block Li Xuan's palm.

Li Xuan wore the Planet Devourer glove on his palm. When he struck Pandora's head, the Devourer Glove forcefully sucked away a lot of her flames, forming a breakthrough point.


Li Xuan's palm struck down, but it failed to hit Pandora's head. The magic box strangely appeared and blocked Li Xuan's palm.

"Perfectly timed!" Li Xuan was waiting for this moment. Strength erupted from his body as the suction force of the Planet Devourer glove increased. He grabbed the magic box and prevented it from budging.

Zhou Wen took advantage of the moment when the magic box was grabbed by Li Xuan; he slashed down with Immortal Slaying, producing a rainbow-like beam. The sword beam instantly tore through the Fire God Gold Silk Robe on Pandora.


The magic box erupted with terrifying power, hoping to escape Li Xuan's palm. However, Li Xuan desperately held the magic box as the Planet Devourer sucked at it, trying to pull the magic box into the black hole.

Crack! Crack!

Li Xuan's fingers snapped as the Planet Devourer glove was damaged. The magic box moved to block Zhou Wen's sword again while stained with blood.

However, it was too slow this time.


When the magic box moved over, the Immortal Culling Sword had already slashed into Pandora's head. It slashed down from above like a bolt of lightning.

Zhou Wen retracted his sword and retreated. Li Xuan's injured palm automatically healed.

On the other side, Pandora levitated in midair with the magic box floating in front of her. Both of them were motionless.

A moment later, a bloody gash appeared on Pandora's forehead. Then, the blood trail quickly spread downwards. Pandora's body suddenly split into two and fell from the sky.

Pandora left nothing, unfortunately. There wasn't even a dimensional crystal. The divine artifacts on her body quickly shattered after she died, leaving only fragments on the ground.

After Pandora died, the magic box seemed to lose its life. It fell from the sky and rolled to the ground.

"It's finally done." Li Xuan heaved a long sigh of relief. Just as he was about to pick up the magic box on the ground, he heard a boom.

The crystal chandelier changed again—1.

"What's going on? Pandora is already dead; why is the crystal chandelier still counting down?" Li Xuan was alarmed. Some countdowns would already activate certain mechanisms when the countdown reached 1.

Even if it did so at 0, there wasn't much time left.

With a thought, Zhou Wen realized that there were two flowers that hadn't been shot down. He hurriedly summoned the two golden guns again and shot at the two flowers at the same time, striking them down.

After the two flowers fell to the ground, Zhou Wen didn't wait for them to float over as he charged forward and shot at them.

When he arrived in front of the flowers, he reached both hands into them.

Thankfully, there were no dimensional creatures inside. It was still a curse. When it crept up Zhou Wen's arm, it immediately triggered Truth Listener's power and was directly converted into Essence Energy that nourished Zhou Wen's body.

Zhou Wen and Li Xuan looked up and nervously stared at the crystal chandelier to see if it would continue counting down.

Time ticked by. When it was about time for the crystal chandelier to change again, it moved.

Zhou Wen and Li Xuan's faces darkened as their hearts nearly stopped.

Who knew what would happen after the countdown.

Just as the two of them were about to go all out, they saw the crystal lamp's shape change from 1 to 2. It didn't turn into 0 as they had imagined.

Their eyes nearly popped out. It was so thrilling as though they had been on a roller coaster.

"Holy sh*t, what the hell? It nearly scared me to death!" Li Xuan cursed.

"From the looks of it, we have stopped the crystal chandelier's countdown. If nothing goes wrong, we should be able to leave when the crystal chandelier returns to its original state." Zhou Wen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Those two shots weren't bad. When did you start training? Not bad," Li Xuan joked.

"Please call me a marksman." Zhou Wen pretended to blow at the muzzle and spun the two golden guns a few times before holstering them. He lowered his head and picked up the Rubik's Cube on the ground.

"Old Zhou, be careful. That's the legendary Pandora's box. Opening it might bring a calamity to the world." Li Xuan was immediately given a fright when he saw Zhou Wen casually grab the magic box.

"Don't worry. It won't be opened so easily. I struck it with the Immortal Culling Sword so many times without splitting it open. It's even harder to open with just my hand." Zhou Wen held the magic box and sized it up.

On careful look, the magic box really looked like a three-dimensional cube. Although its color was the same, every face was divided into nine parts. There were almost indiscernible gaps between each part.

"This magic box looks like a Rubik's Cube no matter how I look at it. Zhou Wen twisted his hand and the magic box really moved. Just like a Rubik's Cube, Zhou Wen spun it ninety degrees.

"Holy sh*t, don't do anything rash!" Li Xuan jumped up in fright.

Zhou Wen never expected that this thing could really be twisted. He had struck so many times without moving it at all, so he never expected it to be twistable.

Zhou Wen held the Rubik's Cube and didn't dare move. Cold sweat oozed out of his forehead.

If this thing was really like the legends, he would really be a sinner if all sorts of disasters, plagues, and diseases ravaged the world after it was opened.

Thankfully, the Rubik's Cube had only been twisted a little and showed no signs of opening. It still quietly rested in Zhou Wen's palm.

"Thank god." Zhou Wen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and realized his body had broken out into a cold sweat.. His clothes were drenched.

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