Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1455 - That's Not How You Use It

As Zhou Wen used Sky-Stealing Sun-Swapping, he wore the Prisoned Dragon armor and gripped the Immortal Culling Sword tightly.

With Tsukuyomi's strength, an existence that could threaten her was definitely not an ordinary creature. Zhou Wen didn't dare let his guard down lest it killed him.

When Zhou Wen teleported over and saw the situation in front of him, his mouth gaped open in shock. Words failed him.

Zhou Wen didn't know what planet it was—it looked huge and its gravity was much stronger than Earth's. It also had an atmosphere, but it was clearly different from Earth's.

There were rocks everywhere here, and between the two mountains ahead, there was a rod made of some unknown material. Pierced through the rod was a huge alien beast.

Flames flared into the sky between the two mountains. It looked like they were roasting the alien beast.

However, Zhou Wen had seen the alien beast before. Its body was like a cosmic stingray. Its flesh was transparent with blue veins circulating through its body.

Although Zhou Wen had only seen it twice, the powerful Calamity aura from its body had left a deep impression on him. It was definitely not an ordinary Human Realm Calamity creature.

For it to be roasted and wafting out a vague meat fragrance clearly meant that it was dead.

Tsukuyomi sat on a rock by the side with one hand supporting her chin. In her other hand, she held the Companion Egg that Zhou Wen had given her. The Companion Egg was already damaged. From the nail marks on it, it was obvious that Tsukuyomi had cracked it herself.

"What's going on?" Zhou Wen asked in puzzlement.

"Barbecue. There are no barbecue condiments or alcohol here. You should have some, right?" Tsukuyomi said with a smile.

"That's not how you should use the Companion Egg…" Zhou Wen said as he took out the condiments and alcohol he had placed in the chaos space.

"I don't like red wine. Is there any sake?" Tsukuyomi looked at the red wine Zhou Wen took out and shook her head.

"I thought women liked that." Zhou Wen put away the red wine and took out a large bottle of sake. He also took out a tokkuri flask and cups.

At the foot of the mountain where the beast was barbecued, Hashihime cut off a piece of meat from the beast's body and delivered it over on a tray.

The meat that was crystalline and transparent like a river shrimp was charred yellow with milky-white insides after being roasted by the fire. Although it wasn't laced with seasonings, it was already emitting a fragrant combination of meat and oil.

The difference between the alien beast meat and shrimp meat was that it had a lot of fat. After the roasting, the fat melted and dripped into the firm flesh. Not only did it keep the meat juicy, but it also made the meat even more fragrant and tender.

Hashihime placed a wooden table between Zhou Wen and Tsukuyomi. She knelt in front of the table and sliced the roasted meat. As it wasn't ordinary meat, the temperature was extremely high. Hashihime opened the alcohol flask and poured some sake into it. Immediately, there was a sizzling sound, as well as the rising vapor and the fragrance of the melted fat.

When the temperature of the meat dropped to a certain level, Hashihime began to add seasonings.

After preparing the roasted meat, Hashihime placed the cups and poured Zhou Wen and Tsukuyomi some sake before waiting by the side.

"Thank you for the alcohol." Tsukuyomi pinched the jade-like sake cup and covered her face with her sleeve. She downed the alcohol and smiled at Zhou Wen before placing the sake cup on the table.

"Thank you for the meat." Zhou Wen raised his sake cup and downed it in one mouthful.

The kneeling Hashihime picked up the sake flask and filled their cups.

"Try it and see if it's delicious," Tsukuyomi said.

"Then I won't stand on ceremony." Zhou Wen was hungry. He took the chopsticks offered by Hashihime and picked up a piece of roasted meat and placed it in his mouth.

Zhou Wen had heard that in ancient times, immortals cultivated to a point where they didn't need to eat or drink.

Zhou Wen felt that it was just a gimmick that had no truth in it. The higher the evolution of a creature's body, the stronger the explosive power it could produce. The more energy it needed, the more it had to eat.

Of course, it might not be food. Those immortals might have higher-level food, such as concentrated Essence Energy serums.

In any case, Zhou Wen wasn't capable of inedia. Although he could fast for a long period of time, it required him to expend the energy he had accumulated. There were no benefits.

When the roasted meat entered his mouth, he bit into the meat and immediately felt the juices seep out. It mixed with the seasoning and filled Zhou Wen's mouth with fragrance.

"Delicious!" Zhou Wen chewed a few times and found the meat fragrant, tender, and smooth. It was indescribably delicious.

"Have more. I can't finish so much." Tsukuyomi pinched the sake cup with her fingers and stopped after taking a sip.

"This meat is pretty good," Zhou Wen praised as he ate.

In any case, the alien beast's body was as huge as a mountain. He couldn't eat all of it even if he let himself go. It wasn't even a drop in the ocean, so there was no need to stand on ceremony.

Tsukuyomi watched Zhou Wen eat from the side without touching her chopsticks. Occasionally, she would take a sip of sake.

Zhou Wen had eaten four or five slices of roasted meat when he felt that something was amiss. In his stomach, cold air seeped out and spread to his limbs as though he had swallowed ice in summer.

Why does this meat contain so much Essence Energy? Zhou Wen was somewhat surprised to discover that it was Essence Energy that surged out. Furthermore, it was extremely pure Essence Energy.

No, it wasn't just pure. It was a kind of high-level Essence Energy. The Essence Energy had a strange characteristic that was of a much higher level than Zhou Wen's Essence Energy.

When the Essence Energy fused into his body, it affected him significantly. He could clearly sense that his physique was improving.

Zhou Wen was increasingly alarmed. Typically, after a dimensional creature died, most of its Essence Energy would dissipate. Only a very small portion could be stored in a corpse.

Zhou Wen wanted to ask Tsukuyomi, but it was too late. The roasted meat he had eaten erupted with large amounts of Essence Energy as it swept through his body.

Zhou Wen could only focus on circulating his Essence Energy Art to direct the Essence Energy. Otherwise, his body would probably be destroyed by the massive amounts of Essence Energy.

Due to the influence of the Essence Energy, Zhou Wen's body became crystalline. He was still constantly emitting Essence Energy.

Tsukuyomi waved her sleeve and Hashihime immediately flew towards the alien beast. The hundred ghosts descended at the same time and pounced at the alien beast's corpse.

Under the devouring of the hundred ghosts, the alien beast's flesh rapidly decreased. As for the hundred ghosts, they emitted a strange glow.

Tsukuyomi only looked at Zhou Wen with a smile as she drank. It was unknown what was on her mind.

Zhou Wen felt that his various qualities had probably reached the limit of the Terror grade. There was no way of raising it any further.

However, the Essence Energy continued fusing into his body, making him feel that some quality of his was still becoming stronger.

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