Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1482 - Smashing the Door

Chapter 1482 Smashing the Door

The giant bear stood on its hind legs and threw its front claws at the door, causing it to rumble. The door shook violently as though it would fly off at any moment, but it ultimately held still.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! The giant bear slammed the door with its claws again and again.

Zhou Wen thought to himself, This is Laojun Platform, the place where Taishang Laojun ascended. It would be strange if you could open it with brute force.


Zhou Wen was still having this thought when he suddenly heard something amiss. He hurriedly crawled onto the giant bear's shoulder and looked in the direction of the door. He saw that there were already many cracks on it.

Holy sh*t! No way? This can be opened with brute force? Zhou Wen's heart chilled.

Although Zhou Wen had never tried striking the door on Laojun Platform, he had tried many things at Mount Laojun. Ignoring the door, even the grass and trees on Golden Peak seemed to be protected by immortal power, preventing him from dealing any damage.

A place like Laojun Platform was definitely not inferior to Mount Laojun. It could only be stronger than Mount Laojun based on the taboo powers. As the place where Laojun ascended, it was unimaginable that the door would crack.

It couldn't be said that the door wasn't firm enough, nor could it be said that the protection of Laojun Platform wasn't potent enough. It could only be said that this bear was too terrifying

Where did this bear come from? Zhou Wen was somewhat glad that he hadn't attacked earlier on. His mind raced as he searched for myths related to bears.

However, the myths related to bears were basically from ancient times. Too few were passed down, so Zhou Wen only knew a few.

There were myths like the dream-entering flying bear, Yu the Great's transformation into a bear, and so on. However, when he compared them, they didn't look like this blue bear.

I've heard legends of red and black bears. For example, the Black Bear Spirit in Journey to the West is a black bear, but I've never heard of a blue bear. Could it be from another district? Zhou Wen didn't know much about the myths and legends of the other districts. No special bear-type Mythical creature came to mind.

The famous Frost Bear was white. Even if it was blue, it was still frost-blue. This bear was grayish-blue and didn't have any ice-elemental attributes.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

As the bear struck, more and more cracks appeared on the door-it was almost on the brink of shattering.

Zhou Wen and the baby bear lay on the giant bear's shoulder as the splattering wood splinters hit them. Zhou Wen picked up a piece of wood and saw a faint golden glow flowing in it. It didn't look like an ordinary piece of wood.

Zhou Wen pinched it hard. His strength was infinitely close to the Calamity grade. Logically speaking, it was just a piece of wood. Many of the fibers had been destroyed, but he failed to deform the wooden splinter.

Boom! A hole was smashed through by the bear's claws. The giant bear kept exerting its strength as it widened the hole. In just moments, the two door panels were smashed to pieces by the giant bear.

The giant bear clawed at the ground and crawled through the broken door.

The space on Laojun Platform wasn't big to begin with. After dimensionalization, it was only a few hundred square meters. On the right was the Numinous Treasure Hall, and on the left was the God of Fortune Hall. Together with the main hall, there were only three halls. Doors to all three halls were tightly shut. It was unknown what gods were consecrated inside.

As Zhou Wen was still observing the area, the giant bear turned right the moment it entered and arrived in front of a metal column that was embedded in the ground.

The metal column was thicker than a person's thigh. It revealed a portion above ground that was more than a meter long. Its top was oval in shape and it looked somewhat strange overall.

The metal column was covered in rust and had probably been here for countless years.

Zhou Wen didn't know much about Laojun Platform. He had never been here before, so he didn't know what the metal column was.

The bear stood up again and hugged the metal column with its claws, about to pull it out.

Boom! Boom!

The giant bear suddenly exerted strength that could uproot a mountain, but it only managed to raise the metal column slightly.

Laojun Platform shook as though there was an earthquake.

The giant bear continued exerting its strength, roaring as it tried to pull out the metal column. It crossed its claws and hugged the metal column tightly, pulling it up bit by bit.

Laojun Platform kept trembling as the three palace halls shook. However, their doors remained tightly shut as though there was no one guarding the area. Zhou Wen wore an odd expression as he thought to himself, Isn't it said that Laojun Platform is personally protected by Taishang Laojun? Why isn't there any reaction at this moment? Could it be that the legend is wrong? This isn't the true place Taishang Laojun ascended?

Zhou Wen thought of something else. Could it be that this bear is so terrifying that the power protecting Laojun Platform doesn't dare stop him?

The more Zhou Wen thought about it, the more he found it possible. The taboo power of Laojun Platform couldn't be faked. It was very similar to the taboo power at Mount Laojun. With so many terrifying creatures guarding Mount Laojun, it was impossible for there to be none


The only possibility was that the guards here were afraid of the giant bear and didn't dare stop it.

The giant bear had already pulled out more than a meter of the metal column. It didn't take long to fully pull it out.

The huge metal column was like a toy in the giant bear's hands. It sniffed it for a while before looking as though it had been exposed. It grabbed the metal column and threw it out with both paws.

With a boom, the metal column tore through the main hall's wall. It stabbed through most of the way, with only the end exposed.

Even so, the door to the hall remained tightly shut.

What are the origins of this bear? Zhou Wen found it even more terrifying.

He hadn't managed to cause much damage when grinding the Mount Laojun dungeon. A few steps were enough to get him killed.

It seemed silent despite the bear being close to destroying the place. It seemed abnormal.

The giant bear seemed furious as it rushed to the door of the main hall. It extended its bear paw and slapped it a few more times as it roared angrily.

Zhou Wen's forehead broke out into a cold sweat. To mess with Taishang Laojun's place was akin to having a death wish. Was he tired of living?

If he were to give the deities a ranking, Zhou Wen couldn't think of anyone who could be ranked above him even if the bear wasn't first.

Thankfully, the main hall's door was much sturdier than the mountain entrance. The bear slapped it a few times, but the door wasn't damaged. All it did was produce a loud bang.

As though it knew that it couldn't smash open the door, the giant bear clawed at the ground and circled the door a few times before walking to the left.

On the left side of the main hall was a stone platform with a stone calabash on it. The giant bear came in front of the stone platform and circled it twice.

Just as Zhou Wen imagined that it was about to strike the stone calabash and stone platform again, the bear suddenly extended its claws and lifted Zhou Wen and the baby bear with one swipe of its claws before placing them in front of the stone platform.

The baby bear unhappily turned around and crawled towards the giant bear. The giant bear extended its claws and carried it to the stone platform. It even nudged the baby bear and Zhou Wen. From the looks of it, it wanted them to do something to the stone platform.

What's the meaning of this? Could it be that it doesn't feel satisfied smashing things alone and wants us to hone our skills and smash things with it? Zhou Wen thought to himself.

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