Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1489 - It’s Too Late


"My good grandson, I can't last another half an hour. I'm afraid I won't be able to last that long. I'll give you another ten minutes. You have to take the item away no matter what." With that said, Jing Daoxian closed the door again.

"Do you think this is buying vegetables off the streets? You can't take it away as you wish. Is this something I can control?" Liu Yun was somewhat depressed, but there was no other way.

Laojun Platform kept shaking as the explosions outside approached. He also knew that Jing Daoxian wouldn't be able to last long.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Yun poured out the pills in the bottle. There were a total of eight pills. Jing Daoxian had instructed him to feed one every ten minutes, but now, he couldn't care less. He fed one every minute.

Although he knew that such actions might not be of any use and that his previous efforts would be in vain, he had no other choice now. He could only make a Hail Mary effort.

In any case, if he didn't risk it, he definitely wouldn't be able to lift the treasure calabash in ten minutes, much less the millstone below.

Liu Yun fed the treasure calabash while Zhou Wen paid attention to the situation outside. The explosions had already reached the 23rd step. Although its speed had slowed down, it only slowed a little.

His estimates were similar to Jing Daoxian's. It would take at most ten minutes for the two Calamity-grade creatures to rush over.

Zhou Wen didn't feel burdened. Regardless of whether Jing Daoxian and company succeeded or not, it had nothing to do with him. Zhou Wen no longer dared to eat the pills that spewed out of the calabash.


Liu Yun made attempts as he fed the calabash, but even though he fed it a lot more pills, the weight of the treasure calabash only continued to slowly become lighter. There weren't any changes.

Zhou Wen even felt that the treasure calabash's lightening was slowing down.

Liu Yun clearly realized the situation as he said gloomily, "From the looks of it, it's impossible for me to take the treasure calabash back today."

Indeed, after Liu Yun finished feeding the remaining eight pills, he still failed to lift the calabash.

On the steps outside, the terrifying sonic booms had already reached the 30th step. In a few more steps, the two Calamity-grade dimensional creatures would arrive.

"Eldest Senior Brother, if you still want to carry it, take your time. I'm leaving." Zhou Wen wanted to find a way to escape Laojun Platform.

However, instant transmission and spatial teleportation were useless. Unless one left through the door, any Essence Energy Art or power was useless.

"Junior Brother, don't waste your time. Laojun Platform is where Laojun ascended to the Immortal Realm. If you really force the use of spatial powers, it will be your good fortune if you can't teleport out. If you really ended up doing so, I'm afraid you will find yourself in the Immortal Realm," Liu Yun said as he attempted to move the calabash.

"Isn't it said that the Immortal Realm is a nice place? It's not bad to be able to teleport there," Zhou Wen answered.

"Junior Brother, are you really naive? Or are you really stupid? If that place is really that perfect, would you need to be taken there? I'm afraid everyone would be vying to enter," Liu Yun curled his lips.

Zhou Wen declined to comment. He knew that the Immortal Realm was most likely the dimension, but if it really came to a crisis, he couldn't care less.

Zhou Wen didn't know how powerful the Qilin-like dimensional creature was, but he had seen the terror of the giant bear with his own eyes. Even if Zhou Wen fought with all his might, he probably wouldn't be able to gain the upper hand with the Immortal Culling Sword.

"My good grandson, are you done?" Jing Daoxian pushed open the door again.

"I can't do a thing. It can't be moved," Liu Yun said helplessly.

"Stop the attempt. Follow me." Jing Daoxian also knew that it would be too late to say anything if the two dimensional creatures rushed over. Therefore, he would rather not have the calabash.

"Zhou Wen, let's go." Liu Yun looked at the calabash reluctantly and beckoned for Zhou Wen to leave.

"You guys leave first. I have my ways of leaving." Zhou Wen shook his head and rejected Liu Yun's offer.

Jing Daoxian definitely wanted to take the opportunity to rush down when the two dimensional creatures rushed forward and use the stone steps to shake them off.

However, Zhou Wen knew the giant bear's strength too well. This escape method might not work and it was too dangerous. He might as well think of a way out himself.

Furthermore, Zhou Wen had some ideas about the treasure calabash. After being fed so many pills, the treasure calabash had become much lighter. Just because Liu Yun couldn't lift it didn't mean that he couldn't.

If Liu Yun was still here, he didn't think it was right to snatch it in front of him. However, he couldn't be blamed if Liu Yun had already given up and left.

"Junior Brother, don't tell me you still have your sights on the treasure calabash?" Liu Yun clearly knew Zhou Wen too well and immediately saw through his thoughts. He curled his lips and continued, "I advise you to leave quickly. I don't want you dying before you can enjoy your spoils."

"You should mind your own business," Zhou Wen said with a smile.

"Cut the crap. Leave quickly. It will be too late if we delay any further. We have to rush down the moment the two of them rush forward." Jing Daoxian shouted again from outside. From his voice, one could tell that the situation wasn't optimistic. "Junior Brother, good luck to you." Liu Yun knew that he couldn't delay any further. He gritted his teeth and rushed out the door, approaching Jing Daoxian.

Seeing him leave, Zhou Wen turned around and instant transmitted to the calabash. He hugged the calabash with both hands, hoping to see if he could lift it up a little.

As long as he could lift it up by even a millimeter, he could put it into the chaos space and take it away. That was impossible if he couldn't lift it up at all.

When Zhou Wen hugged the calabash with both hands and exerted strength, he nearly fell to the ground.

He easily picked up the stone calabash which required no effort-it felt as light as a bubble.

Strange, how did it become so light? It's like a bubble? Could it be that Liu Yun was too unlucky and the pills he fed only took effect after he left? Zhou Wen guessed.

Zhou Wen quickly rejected this thought. The stone calabash's weight was only reducing slowly. It was impossible for it to become so light all of a sudden.

It's not that Liu Yun's luck is bad, nor is it a problem with the pills. Could it be because… Zhou Wen's heart stirred as he placed the stone calabash into the chaos space before reaching out to take the stone wheel below.

Legend had it that it was a millstone that Taishang Laojun had used to grind medicine. Humans called it the Luck Stone. In fact, the millstone might be even more precious than a calabash.

The treasure calabash was only used to store medicine, but the millstone could automatically grind the medicine. The two had very different functions.

Zhou Wen's fingers touched the millstone before he tugged at it. The millstone was easily lifted by Zhou Wen, about the same as when he picked up the treasure calabash.

What's going on? Zhou Wen was somewhat alarmed. He didn't know why he could obtain the treasure calabash and millstone so easily.

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