Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1494 - Reopening of the Cube

Finally, the Cube's scene froze on a strange planet that emitted a strange glow. It was entirely orange-red, and there seemed to be a dazzling rainbow swirling inside.

Due to the intense light, one couldn't see what was inside.

The Cube's screen froze on this scene. It didn't change or close.

Everyone discussed spiritedly. Some factions even began studying the planet that appeared on the Cube's screen.

Zhou Wen looked up into the sky and couldn't see the giant bear at all. The sky was blue.

The baby bear's eyes were brimming with tears as it constantly cried towards the sky. Seeing Zhou Wen look at it, the baby bear pounced over and burrowed its head into Zhou Wen's arms as it hugged him and wailed.

What's going on? Zhou Wen was still in a daze.

From the looks of it, the giant bear meant for him to adopt the baby bear.

However, Zhou Wen didn't understand why the giant bear believed that he would adopt the baby bear and not kill it.

Since the giant bear had already left Earth, it was unlikely it would return. Even if he killed the baby bear, the giant bear couldn't do anything to him.

However, Zhou Wen really couldn't bring himself to kill it when he saw the crying baby bear.

Could it be that the giant bear's intelligence has already reached such a stage that it can tell that I won't attack the baby bear? Zhou Wen patted the baby bear's head. He still felt that something was amiss, but he couldn't pinpoint it.

Thankfully, the baby bear was easy to coax. It stopped crying after a while.

"I have to leave. Are you coming with me?" Zhou Wen asked the baby bear.

The baby bear looked at him in puzzlement. Clearly, it didn't understand what Zhou Wen was saying

Zhou Wen gestured and talked for some time, but he failed to make the baby bear understand him. However, when Zhou Wen walked out, the baby bear followed him.

This fellow is so stupid. If I leave it here alone, it probably won't survive. Forget it. I'll take it back. Zhou Wen put away the golden horn and left Laojun Platform with the baby bear.

When he stepped onto the 33rd step, Zhou Wen immediately felt that it was different from before. With a single step, the world changed as though he had stepped into a void. He felt his body rapidly plummet towards an unknown destination.

Strangely, the baby bear didn't fall into the void with Zhou Wen. He didn't even see its shadow.

With a thought, Zhou Wen circulated the Dao Sutra and engraved the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder.

In the next second, Zhou Wen realized that he was still standing on the steps. There was no void, nor was he falling. The baby bear was beside him.

Zhou Wen walked down with the baby bear. With the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder, the 33 steps had nothing against him. The baby bear didn't seem to be restricted by the Dao steps as it followed Zhou Wen and kept leaning its head towards him.

After leaving Laojun Platform, Zhou Wen circled Mingdao Palace. There were many dimensional creatures here, but they didn't attack humans. Clearly, they were affected by Mingdao Palace's nomological forces. They weren't as fearless as the Golden Qilin and the giant bear.

With the giant bear gone and the Golden Qilin dead, I can consider using this place to build a human city. However, killing inside Laojun Platform is prohibited. Food in the future will be a problem. Furthermore, any creature can enter and exit Laojun Platform as they please. If another creature like the giant bear appears, it will be a huge problem. Zhou Wen thought it through and felt that Laojun Platform could be used as a temporary refuge.

However, permanently using it to build a human city for residence didn't seem like a good choice.

Furthermore, Zhou Wen had a nagging feeling that his Dao Sutra might be able to rely on Laojun Platform to advance to the Calamity grade. When that happened, wouldn't the human city built here be very dangerous if Laojun Platform was destroyed?

However, Zhou Wen didn't find anything on Laojun Platform that could advance the Dao Sutra to the Calamity grade. All he could do was return to take a check on the situation.

The baby bear followed Zhou Wen closely. It would panic if it lost sight of him. It looked like the giant bear's departure had left a huge psychological trauma on it.

"There's no need to be afraid. You will have many friends soon." Zhou Wen stroked the baby bear's head and returned to Guide City with it.

Guide City's situation wasn't bad. In the past few days when Zhou Wen was at Laojun Platform, there had been a few large-scale attacks by the skeleton legions.

Yu Qiubai was originally very worried, but to his surprise, with Chick spitting out a mouthful of flames, the skeleton legion was like dried pieces of wood. The flames spread across a large area.

The skeleton legion was nothing in front of Chick. It left Yu Qiubai pleasantly surprised.

Thanks to Chick showcasing its prowess, those who were still hesitant quickly gathered towards the school. Many people even signed an agreement and were willing to become a part of the new city.

"Zhou Wen, this bird of yours is amazing. People outside treat it as a divine bird and say that it's the legendary Mystic Bird." Yu Qiubai excitedly recounted how Chick had unleashed its might and how much it had been worshiped.

Zhou Wen was at a loss whether to laugh or cry when he heard that. It was true that the Mystic Bird was the Shang dynasty's divine bird, but it was supposed to be a black bird.

Chick was a phoenix, and its body was already pale golden. It didn't look like a Mystic Bird no matter how one looked at it.

However, Chick was very pleased with itself. As Yu Qiubai recounted its heroic deeds, it raised its chin to the sky as though it was invincible.

"What's this?" Only then did Yu Qiubai see the baby bear behind Zhou Wen.

The baby bear was actually very timid. It had been hiding behind Zhou Wen the entire time. Occasionally, it would extend half its head to peek at Yu Qiubai and Chick.

The reason Yu Qiubai asked was that the baby bear didn't look like a bear. Its body was different from that of the giant bear, and it was closer to a four-foot beast that resembled a lion or tiger.

"This is a pet I adopted. It's rather feral and isn't as obedient as Chick. Don't approach it," Zhou Wen exhorted Yu Qiubai.

Yu Qiubai nodded and asked, "How's the situation at Laojun Platform?"

"That dimensional creature has been resolved, but I don't think Laojun Platform is suitable for building a human city. Although it's temporarily safe there, we can't kill in there. This means that we need to obtain food from the outside world. Furthermore, any creature in Mingdao Palace can enter freely. This is very disadvantageous for us," Zhou Wen said.

Yu Qiubai sighed and said, "I also know that it's not a suitable place, but there are so many people counting on us. They need a stable home."

"With Chick guarding this place, there shouldn't be any problems for the time being. We still have time. Let's think about it again and see if there are any suitable dimensional zones." Zhou Wen still felt that he shouldn't choose Laojun Platform and Mingdao Palace just for a moment of peace.

"Let me think about it again." Yu Qiubai paused before suddenly saying, "By the way, do you know about the Cube's reopening?"

"Is there a Cube here?" Zhou Wen was somewhat surprised.

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