Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1629 - Strange Tiny Bubbles

Zhou Wen was already used to the sharp sound and didn't find it strange. However, when he heard this new sound, his eyes suddenly widened.

Zhou Wen seemed to find it unbelievable as he widened his eyes even more as though he wanted to see something clearly.

In fact, there was no need for him to do so. This was because he couldn't see what he wanted to see with his eyes. He needed Truth Listener to hear it to produce a scene in his mind.

It was an unconscious natural reaction because of his surprise.

What Zhou Wen wanted to see was the tiny bubbles produced by the plants in the water.

In the beginning, Zhou Wen didn't pay too much attention to the tiny bubbles. He only paid attention to the plant itself.

However, when the sharp sound sounded, Zhou Wen discovered something strange.

Before the sharp sound, a bubble that was somewhat different from ordinary bubbles rose from the peach-like fruit. Although the size of the bubble was no different from an ordinary bubble, its color was a little wrong. It was a faint blue color. The color wasn't deep, but it was still distinguishable from ordinary bubbles.

The moment the bubble appeared was the instant before the sharp sound. It was too much of a coincidence.

Zhou Wen didn't pay much attention in the beginning, but because of this, he subconsciously began paying attention to the ordinary bubbles. Then, he was surprised to make a discovery.

Every time an ordinary bubble appeared, he would hear a low thud.

The bubbles surfacing from the fruit matched the sound produced by the glacier crack 100%. Furthermore, bubbles would appear first before the sound came from beneath the glacier crack.

What's going on? Could it be that the sound below is affected by this plant? Zhou Wen scanned the plant again and again in surprise, but he didn't discover any definite relationship between the plant and the glacier rift.

It was rooted in the ice, and the roots below could be seen clearly. It was all in the glacier, with no other place connected to the outside world.

There were no gaps under the ice. It seemed unlikely that such a tiny plant could connect to the glacier rift thousands of kilometers away and cause a huge sound.

Zhou Wen observed for a long time. When the glacier rift produced a sharp sound again, a unique blue bubble appeared from the fruit.

There's no mistake about it. The glacier rift definitely has something to do with this plant, but what is it? Zhou Wen was puzzled.

More and more cosmic creatures were attracted by the sound. In the Holy Land, Holy God was also observing the glacier-covered planet through a Spirit Light Mirror.

"Lord Holy God." Xiao and Jiuyang walked in and bowed to Holy God.

"Come and take a look," said Holy God as he looked at the Spirit Light Mirror.

"Is this planet's Companion Beast about to appear?" Jiuyang said after taking a look. "It's true that the planet's Companion Beast is about to appear." Holy God paused before continuing, "However, this planet is somewhat different. It probably won't be that easy for its Companion Beast to appear."

"What happened on this planet?" Xiao asked. Holy God pondered for a moment and said, "This planet's Companion Beast is actually not its original Companion Beast."

"Not it's original Companion Beast? Can the Companion Beasts produced by a planet be replaced?" Jiuyang was somewhat puzzled.

Holy God said indifferently, "There's a type of bee on Earth that will lay its eggs in other larvae. The eggs will absorb the nutrients of the larva and grow until they tear out of its body."

"That's too cruel." Jiuyang sighed.

"Cruel? Perhaps you should know that there's another bird on Earth called a cuckoo. It will secretly place its egg in the nests of other birds and get other birds to help hatch it. And after the cuckoo breaks out of its shell, it will push the other eggs out and smash them to pieces. It will enjoy all the food alone," Holy God added.

Jiuyang's scalp went numb. In contrast, cuckoos were even more sinister. They killed the other party's children and got the other party to raise it.

"In other words, the Companion Beast on that planet has been parasitized. Who has the ability to parasitize a planet?" Xiao asked after some thought.

"Another Companion Beast, a Companion Beast that had no choice but to parasitize because its planet was accidentally destroyed." Holy God paused before saying, "In the Mythical era, in the battle of the gods, a planet was accidentally shattered. Back then, many experts present wanted to snatch the Companion Beast that had appeared ahead of time, but no one succeeded. It escaped into this planet."

"Those experts can shatter a planet. Can't they shatter this planet too?" Jiuyang asked.

"I've already said that it was an accident. How can a planet protected by the rules of the universe be so easily cracked?" Holy God pondered for a moment and continued, "Before that Companion Beast escaped into the planet, it accidentally swallowed something that didn't belong to it. When you go, it's naturally best if you can bring back the Companion Beast from that planet. If you can't, kill it and retrieve what's inside its body."

"Yes." Xiao and Jiuyang answered the order and were about to leave when they were stopped by Holy God.

"Many terrifying existences in the dimension know about this matter. They will definitely think of a way to vie for it. Your mission won't be that easy." Holy God took out two items and gave them to Xiao and Jiuyang. "The Holy Artifact can raise your strength to the Heaven level, but it's ultimately not the true Heaven level. You have to fuse with the Holy Artifact to truly advance to the Heaven level. This can help you."

"Fuse with the Holy Artifact? That won't do, right?" Jiuyang and Xiao were stunned.

The Holy Artifact belonged to the Holy Temple. They only wielded them, so how could they randomly fuse with it?

"No matter how good a Holy Artifact is, it can only be of use when it's in your possession. Don't worry. I've already discussed it with the Trajectory Holy Temple and the Sun God Holy Temple. You have already been allowed to fuse with the Holy Artifact. Only then can you truly fight Zhou Wen."

"Thank you, Lord Holy God." Jiuyang and Xiao hurriedly bowed.

"Remember, no matter how strong your strength is, it will ultimately be up to you. Whether you plan on dealing with Zhou Wen or not, your abilities are also an important part," said Holy God.

"We definitely won't disappoint you."

"Go. You don't have much time left. Go to that planet after you succeed in the fusion."

As he watched the two of them leave, a sneer suffused the corners of Holy God's mouth. He muttered to himself, "How can a Holy Artifact be fused so easily? Even if you die, the Holy Artifact will still exist."

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