Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1644 - Cover

Zhou Wen's strength was at best at the Human Realm. Without the help of the Dragon King armor and eight Companion Beasts, he was far from being capable of fighting Toad Immortal.

A golden beam flashed as Zhou Wen retreated with all his might, but he failed to dodge in time.

Bang! A figure rushed over and slammed into the golden light from the side, causing it to deviate from its trajectory, allowing Zhou Wen to escape the calamity.

Toad Immortal's tongue stabbed into the glacier to the side, piercing a huge hole in it. The ice shattered and splattered.

Zhou Wen retreated and avoided the ice shards. He swept his gaze and realized that the person who had struck the tongue was surprisingly Xiao.

"I won't be able to stall for long. You have to make the best use of time." With that said, Xiao charged to the other side without waiting for Zhou Wen to answer. He raised a huge block of ice and smashed it at Toad Immortal in midair.

Make the best use of time? What the hell can I make it into? My Teacher Domain is affected by the ancient coin, so its effects are nearly zero. There's no point in making the best use of time! Zhou Wen thought to himself, but Xiao was crazily grabbing ice blocks and throwing them at Toad Immortal. He was clearly buying time for him.

Meanwhile, Jiuyang had also lured the electromagnetic monster elsewhere. At the same time, he was creating space for himself. Toad Immortal faced the ice blocks and opened his mouth to suck at them. All the ice was swallowed by him, unable to pose any threat to him.

Toad Immortal's tongue flicked over. Xiao couldn't withstand the blow with his strength and was sent flying. He slammed into the rocks, cracking them. The bones in his body emitted a cracking sound as blood seeped out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Zhou Wen continued retreating rapidly, hoping to distance himself from Toad Immortal, but Toad Immortal was just too fast. Without the augmentation of the eight pets, Zhou Wen was far inferior.

Before he could retreat, Toad Immortal's tongue wrapped around him again. Zhou Wen pushed Transcendent Flying Immortal to its limits, but he only managed to circle around it twice. He couldn't circle around it a third time.

Just as the tongue was about to entangle Zhou Wen, a huge boulder suddenly flew over and smashed into him, sending him tumbling away.

Although the smash wasn't light, Zhou Wen ultimately dodged the tongue's attack.

In the distance, Jiuyang held a stone in his hand as he smashed it at Toad Immortal's tongue. Although it was instantly shattered by the tongue and failed to be of any use, it gave Zhou Wen some time.

Jiuyang himself was swept up by the electromagnetic monster's tentacles and smashed into the ground. Large rocks shattered as his body bounced up with the rubble. Blood bloomed like a flower.

It's useless even if you protect me! Zhou Wen immediately broke out into a cold sweat when he saw that they wanted to protect him.

Before he was hit by the Treasurefall Money, he could indeed be of use. Now, he was truly useless.

The power of the Teacher Domain was suppressed to the point of it being unable to leave his body. Ignoring the fact that he couldn't help Jiuyang and Xiao escape the influence of the Money Domain, even Zhou Wen couldn't escape it. The only way to escape the present predicament was for the Teacher Domain to turn the power of the Money Domain into an Essence Energy Art.

However, Zhou Wen had tried for quite some time and had nearly pieced together all the trajectories of the Money Domain, but he was just short of completing it.

He failed to piece it together despite having so much time. He didn't have the confidence to do it in such a short period of time and in such a difficult environment.

However, Jiuyang and Xiao seemed to place all their hopes on Zhou Wen. Even though they suffered injuries, they constantly protected him.

Zhou Wen was somewhat dumbfounded. He was between laughter and tears.

What the hell is going on!? Zhou Wen gritted his teeth as he circulated the Teacher Domain. At this moment, he had no choice but to try his best.

In order to protect him, Xiao and Jiuyang suffered serious injuries. It didn't seem like they could last much longer. Hurry up and piece it to completion! Zhou Wen circulated the Teacher Domain with all his might to analyze the Money Domain, but the effects were very poor. He couldn't figure out the last part he lacked.

This darn ancient coin! As Zhou Wen ran through the ruins made of glaciers and rocks, he cursed inwardly.

If he hadn't been suppressed by this ancient coin, he wouldn't be in such a sorry state.

Ancient coin… Wait a minute… Zhou Wen seemed to figure out something as he used the Teacher Domain to analyze the ancient coin on his forehead.

Xiao was already in a tragic state, but Jiuyang was in an even worse state. After all, there was still a Heaven-level electromagnetic monster pursuing him. Jiuyang was already severely injured. He was swept up by the electromagnetic monster as tentacles wrapped around his body and pulled him into the pillar of flesh.

Xiao was helpless. He had just been sent flying by Toad Immortal's palm. All his bones seemed to have fallen apart. Ignoring saving Jiuyang, he couldn't even protect himself.

Am I really going to die here!? Jiuyang sighed inwardly.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot into the sky, illuminating everyone's eyes. Before Jiuyang could see what the light was, it flashed past him, drew an elegant arc, and stopped in the sky.

Crack! Crack!

The tentacles that wrapped around Jiuyang snapped one after another. Jiuyang instantly regained his freedom. At the same time, the Sun God Light in his body spewed out again, causing his entire body to turn into light. He was like a humanoid sun.

Jiuyang looked at the figure in the air in pleasant surprise. Indeed, he saw Zhou Wen floating in the air in the Dragon King armor. He held the Bamboo Blade that emitted a cold aqueous glow. The tip of the blade was still dripping with blood.

He finally managed to do it. Xiao sensed the strange power that spread out from Zhou Wen's body. The Essence Energy in his body stirred, but due to the suppression of the Treasurefall Money, he remained motionless.

"You actually recovered your Essence Energy… Unfortunately… Under the Treasurefall Money… Everything…" Before Toad Immortal could finish his sentence, his fish-like eyes suddenly narrowed.

Zhou Wen reached out and plucked the Treasurefall Money from his forehead.

"Treasurefall Money? Are you talking about this?" Zhou Wen pinched the Treasurefall Money with his fingers and suddenly crushed it. The money fragments scattered down from his fingers like gravel. "How… How is this possible…" Toad Immortal's eyes nearly popped out. He found it unbelievable.

Even in the Mythical era, he had once been invincible using the Treasurefall Money. He had defeated countless terrifying bigwigs.

However, he had never imagined that the Treasurefall Money would be crushed by a human.

After Zhou Wen crushed the Treasurefall Money, his figure flashed in front of Xiao. He pressed down on the Treasurefall Money on Xiao's body and exerted some strength, shattering it to crumbling pieces.

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