Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1724 - Phoenix

Zhou Wen hadn't found a suitable way to evolve Primordial Spore after turning it into an Evolvable Companion Beast.

In the past, Primordial Spore had once devoured other types of spores to evolve. Now that there were spores everywhere in the canyon, it was unknown if Primordial Spore could do the same by devouring them.

However, Primordial Spore's level was too low. Zhou Wen was afraid that it would end up being devoured, so he didn't dare rashly attempt it. He planned on experimenting in-game in the future.

"The immortal sword is at the end of the canyon. We have to rush over as quickly as possible. Don't use spatial teleportation here, nor do you have to fly too quickly. Follow me." As Liu Yun spoke, he leaped into the air and slowly flew towards one end of the canyon. "Why can't I fly too quickly?" Zhou Wen could understand not being able to use spatial teleportation.

There were spores everywhere. If he used spatial teleportation to teleport, his body might very well bump into the spores when he phased into existence. It was equivalent to him taking the initiative to inject spores into his body. That was equivalent to courting death.

"There are too many spores—if we fly too quickly, it will attract a large number of spores to attach to us. Don't think that it's easy to ward them off. It will be different if there are more. Anyway, it's very dangerous here. It's more reliable for us to follow the old man's method," Liu Yun explained.

Zhou Wen nodded and slowly flew behind Liu


A lone peak tore through the clouds-a somewhat strange mountain peak.

Typical mountain peaks were narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure from the mountain rocks and would easily collapse. However, this mountain peak was narrow at the bottom, wide at the bottom. It looked like a strange fusiform that stood at the end of the canyon. From afar, it looked like it would collapse at any moment.

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Beneath this strange mountain peak, a man and a woman were looking up.

"Immortal Supremacy, that immortal sword is embedded on the mountaintop. However, there's a phoenix resting on this mountain. Once one approaches the mountain peak, they will be attacked by the phoenix. I can only send you to this point," Wang Mingyuan said neither obsequiously nor superciliously as he stood behind the woman.

The woman stared at the mountain for a long time before saying, "You speak the truth. The immortal sword is indeed on the mountaintop, protected by a phoenix."

"How would I dare lie to you, Immortal Supremacy?" Wang Mingyuan said.

"However, since I'm here, just follow me up the mountain. Although a phoenix is an ancient divine creature, it can't injure you at all with me around," the woman said indifferently.

"Immortal Supremacy, according to the agreement, I'm only responsible for taking you to the immortal sword. Furthermore, with my meager combat abilities, I'll only bring trouble by following you. I won't be of much help." Wang Mingyuan naturally didn't wish to follow the woman up the mountain.

The woman said calmly, "Everyone knows that phoenixes have five colors. Mortals view dragons as emperors, while phoenixes are the concubines or empress. However, they don't know that at the beginning of the chaos, the Yin and Yang transformed into dragons and phoenixes. That's a true phoenix."

After a pause, the woman continued, "Before humans were born, dragons and phoenixes dominated the world. There was a huge battle that nearly tore the world apart. Do you know who the final victor was?"

"I've only heard of the Dragon-Phoenix calamity, but I don't know who won in the end. However, if I were to guess, it should be the phoenixes which clinched the final victory," Wang Mingyuan said.

"For the Buddha race to employ you in such an important position is indeed not without reason." The woman glanced at Wang Mingyuan and continued, "The dragon is Yin, and the phoenix is Yang. The phoenix indeed clinched final victory in the battle between the dragons and phoenixes. Although it was a Pyrrhic victory and it injured its own kind, it ultimately obtained the dragon's Yin. Only by fusing Yin and Yang could it be called a phoenix. Mortals treat dragons as an emperor and think of them as a pure Yang body, but in fact, it's just inaccurate. How can such a blasphemous thing be a pure Yang body?"

"However, after the Dragon-Phoenix calamity, the phoenix was severely injured and had to recluse itself from the world. The phoenixes that mortals later saw were only transformed from ordinary birds that obtained a little of the phoenix's blood. The phoenix bloodline that truly inherited chaos has seven colors. The rainbow-colored Yin Yang divine light can ward off the sun and moon. How can those so-called phoenix flames compare?"

As the woman spoke, she retracted her gaze from the mountain peak and looked at Wang Mingyuan. "In the legends of you humans, there's the legend of a phoenix giving birth to a Golden-Winged Roc and a Peacock. Although such legends have many flaws, there's one thing that's right. The abilities of the Golden-Winged Roc and Peacock do come from the phoenix, but they haven't completely obtained its essence."

"I've also heard that peacocks have Five-colored Divine Light. I believe it comes from the phoenix, right?" Wang Mingyuan said.

"It's not wrong, but the Five-colored Divine Light is naturally much inferior to the phoenix's Rainbow Divine Light," the woman said indifferently. "However, the present phoenix has ultimately damaged its foundation. It will be difficult for it to recover its former glory. Furthermore, the phoenix here can't be the one born from the Chaos. It's just a descendant of its linege. It can only be considered a mortal creature if it hasn't entered the Apocalypse grade. Just go up. With me around, it can't injure you at all."

With the woman already saying so much. Wang Mingyuan knew that he had to accompany her up. All he could do was nod and say, "I'll obey your orders, Immortal Supremacy."

The woman didn't say anything else as she walked towards the strange mountain peak. Wang Mingyuan followed behind her and stared at the mountain peak without any change in expression.

However, Wang Mingyuan was secretly puzzled. I got her to enter through the north gate and took such a long detour. Why haven't Liu Yun and Zhou Wen arrived? Could something have happened?

Although Wang Mingyuan was puzzled, his expression remained stoic as he followed the woman onto the mountain.

Just as the two of them reached the top of the mountain, they heard a phoenix cry that stirred the clouds. A rainbow beam tore down from the mountaintop like a rainbow that streaked down from the sky and flew towards them.

If Zhou Wen were here, he would definitely be familiar with the Rainbow Divine Light. Inside the Rainbow Divine Light was a rainbow phoenix. The glow around it was identical to the rainbow flames Zhou Wen had


However, the Rainbow Divine Light of the rainbow phoenix was purer and thicker than the rainbow flames of the one in the garden. It was impossible to tell its original form through the flames. All one could see was the resplendent colors of light.

The woman showed no intention of dodging when she saw the Rainbow Divine Light shoot toward her. With a slight pull of her slender hand, her index and middle fingers transformed into a sword stance as she pointed at the Rainbow Divine Light.

An invisible sword beam-formless and colorless—tore out of her finger. The intent of the sword aura made one feel as though a sharp sword was rising against the night sky to meet the Rainbow Divine Light.

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