Ye Peitian didn't know how many monsters he had killed. The blade in his hand was already curled, and the tick and slippery mucus made him almost unable to hold the hilt.

There was a faint anxiety in his heart. In the past, whether facing monsters or facing humans, he fought blood alone without fear, and sometimes the cruel battles allowed him to find evidence that he was still alive.

There were more and more monsters around, and screams and calls for help sounded one after another in the base. Countless houses collapsed under the claws of the monsters, and those oil lamps hanging under the eaves smashed to the ground, igniting a scarlet flame.

This small town that was still comfortable and warm before this moment, with its brilliant lights, in a blink of an eye, seemed to be plunged into hell, with screams, fire everywhere, and monsters rampant.

There was a bang in the northwest corner of the yard, the roof and walls collapsed in an uproar, and Wu Lili, who was in disheveled clothes among the falling sand and rocks, ran out.

After escaping to the yard, she couldn't help but glance back. A monster appeared in the smoke and dust. The short stature Meng Laosan was held in his mouth by the monster, his arms bulged, and he firmly supported the monster's mouth full of sharp teeth and saliva.

He turned his head and glanced at Wu Lili, and cursed: "What to see, don't let Laozi stay away."

Wu Lili's lips trembled, she turned her head and ran out, her face smeared with tears as she ran.

Of all her regular customers, she despised Meng Laosan the most. None of the women in their line in the whole street laughed at this short man behind his back, saying that he described it as wretched, not like a man. Who knew that at this critical moment of life and death, this person could sacrifice his life for her to block the monster that suddenly entered.

Two silver lights in the air spread out like butterfly wings and flashed past.

The back of the monster's neck was cut in half silently.

Laosan Meng fell from the mouth of the monster and fell to the ground, being dragged aside by Lao Guo who had driven him over.

Chu Qianxun, holding a silver knife, landed on the mutilated roof, holding a piece of the magic seed that had just arrived.

"Help...Help." A voice for help sounded from the rubble.

Chu Qianxun turned over the collapsed stone and saw that the woman living in the northwest corner was crushed under the collapsed wall, only half of her body was exposed.

She reached out to Chu Qianxun, "Help me, I don't want to die."

Chu Qianxun supported the wall with one hand and pulled her out.

The lower half of the woman's body was gone. She was lying in a pool of blood, and she stretched out her hands to hug Chu Qianxun's legs in a panic, "I don't want to die, help me, help me!"

Green fish fins began to grow on both sides of her tearful cheeks, clinging to Chu Qianxun's hands, becoming sharp and full of scales, which is a symbol of demonization.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die." She didn't seem to notice all of this, still repeating her lines half-crazy.

Chu Qianxun looked at her in silence for a long while, raised the silver knife in his hand, and forced his wrists to stop the painful cry.

"My husband is dead, and the child is gone. It's so painful, why do you still want to live so much."

The head that rolled to the side, almost completely turned into a monster closed its eyes, and said softly at the end,

"That's great...I can finally see them."

The sound of the alarm bell kept ringing in Baima Town, calling on the saints who had pulled out their hands to guard the city wall to prevent more monsters from invading.

Chu Qianxun pulled out the blood-stained silver knife, straightened up and looked at Ye Peitian outside the courtyard. Ye Peitian also happened to look at her.

The eyes of the two crossed a messy courtyard and touched lightly in the air.

"Chihiro, Lin Fei, come to change a knife." Lao Guo dragged Meng Lao San, who had fallen into a coma, back to the house, and hurriedly came out of the house with a few weapons.

Lao Guo is a blacksmith. He focuses on forging and has almost no combat experience, but he is also doing his best to assist in the fight. Seeing that the weapons in the hands of Chu Qianxun and Ye Peitian were almost useless, he hurriedly pulled out the weapons he stocked from the house and ran towards Chu Qianxun.

With the smile Chu Qianxun was used to in the past, he was still talking.

"Fortunately there are you two, otherwise everyone in this yard will have to die."

Facing him, Chu Qianxun showed a look of horror.

Behind Lao Guo, a small monster appeared without warning. Behind the monster was a pair of flapping insect-like wings. The height was no more than fifty centimeters. It didn't look like other giant monsters. Has a deterrent effect.

On its beautiful face, there is a big mouth that can be cracked behind the ears. The mouth is opened to the largest extent, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, and has already bitten down towards the back of Lao Guo's neck.

This seemingly weak and harmless monster is a creepy creature. It has the ability to move instantaneously in a short distance and is good at sneak attacks. Almost no one can catch its emergence on the battlefield.

A small yellow sand sealed its mouth in the blood basin in time, threw it to the ground, and a broken knife flew from outside the door, passing through its body exactly where the demon seed was, and took the small monster. Nailed to the ground.

Ye Peitian, who had let go of the long knife, covered his neck with one hand and knelt down on one knee.

Chu Qianxun flew to his side and supported him.

"How are you?" She was worried.

Ye Peitian waved his hand and slowly stood up again, indicating that he was okay.

After a while, he reluctantly spoke.

"It's okay, I used very few powers. It was collected quickly and only hurt a little." His voice was dry and unpleasant, and red blood dripped from between his fingers covering his neck.

The shocked Lao Guo ran out of the yard in a hurry and held Ye Peitian's other arm, "Oh, it's just so dangerous, it scared me into a cold sweat. What's the matter, how did Lin Fei get hurt?"

Two cold voices of a man and a woman sounded in the midair of the dark alley.

"Finally found it."

"After looking for so many earth-type supernatural powers, I didn't expect the real Ye Peitian to hide here."

Under the moonlit night, three figures stood on the roof of the alley.

Two of them wore cloaks with a pair of feather wings embroidered on the tops of the cloaks, which was the symbol of the God’s Love Group that used to be on the side of the town. In front of the two of them squatted on a canine man whose vision was blocked and trained with special abilities, specifically for searching and tracking enemies.

"Such a subtle power fluctuation, if it didn't happen to be nearby, you might have missed it." The canine man squatted on the roof and said excitedly because of his merits.

"Unexpectedly, in order to escape, a human and a monster with a fierce name would hide their name and hide like a tortoise in such a small place." The man in a robe mocked.

"Because I was locked with a magic lock, I didn't even dare to use the power? It's pitiful, ridiculous, hehe." The woman's harsh laughter echoed in the small alley, "I still return to love obediently Come, be our dog, brothers and sisters will love you very much."

Lao Guo let go of Ye Peitian's arm with a panic on his face, and slowly backed up a few steps, and said in disbelief, "You, are you the demon?"

There was a short exclamation from a little girl near the courtyard gate. Her brother Xiaomu quickly reached out from behind, covered her mouth, and dragged her into his house.

Chu Qianxun looked at the few people from the God's Love Group on the roof and drew out the double knives in his hands. Strong anger surged in her heart, but the two people in front of her were not only high-ranking, but also equipped with walkie-talkies. Obviously, the situation here had been reported. If you can't solve these three people quickly.

Within a few minutes, this place may be surrounded by enemies.

Ye Peitian raised his arm, and when Chu Qianxun couldn't stop him, the sand clouds in the sky had already blocked the moonlight.

Three big hands condensed from yellow sand in midair, instantly grasped the three people on the roof from the back.

Ye Peitian's face was frosty, his five fingers scratched in the air. Blood bursts out of the three moving and struggling sand groups in the midair under the moonlit night.

The blood-red gravel crackled and fell on the roof, and a blood rain fell along the eaves.

A large amount of blood burst out of Ye Peitian's neck at the same time. He couldn't hold his body and fell to the ground, covering his neck with one hand and supporting the ground with the other, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

But he struggled desperately to get up, pushed Chu Qianxun away who wanted to hold him, staggering out.

He had almost heard the footsteps of the enemy gathering from all sides, he was going to leave before that, leave this alley that had brought him peace for a few days, and leave the person beside him who made him nostalgic.

Nothing is different, he is still that murderous human demon. No matter how kind he was, once he knew his identity, everyone would avoid him.

Except for Chihiro.

Chihiro, he can't hurt Chihiro any more.

"You... come here." Lao Guo hid behind the counter of the iron shop, and said shiveringly. He pushed aside the console where he built the weapon, and a small secret room entrance was exposed on the ground.

"I modified it with a magic body, which can block the search for mental power and smell." Lao Guo swallowed, his body trembled a little, and he was obviously very scared, but he finally finished speaking, "There is another one. The exit is behind the compound."

Chu Qianxun glanced at Ye Peitian. Ye Peitian seemed to be stunned, turning his head to look at Lao Guo stiffly.

Chu Qianxun took off his jacket, wrapped Ye Peitian's bleeding neck to stop the blood flow, and squeezed him into the underground chamber.


When Fu Huaiyu came with a large number of people and horses from all sides, blood-red sand was still crackling from the eaves.

The long alley was in a mess, covered with blood and stones, but there was no one.

Fu Huaiyu clapped his hands, and the head of the summoned beast appeared on the ground, "It is the smell of Ye Peitian, Master. There is his blood here. But I can't find where he went."

The dogmen who followed in the team also shook their heads collectively. As long as Ye Peitian didn't use powers, they couldn't find the special fluctuations that belonged to the Earth Saints.

"Let's not run far, go and search!" Fu Huaiyu twisted her slender white neck slightly, forcing herself to suppress the violent emotions in her heart, "Bring out all the people living nearby."

Soon, the remaining survivors of the entire West Alley were dragged out. Most of them were ordinary people or low-level saints. They looked at the **** streets with a panic expression, not knowing what happened here. What happened.

In front of everyone, Fu Huaiyu stretched out his palms, lying on the palms of his white palms with five green and shining sixth-order magic seeds. The crowd gave out gasping exclamations.

The sixth-order demon seed, for these people, can completely buy the life of any of them.

"The human demon Ye Peitian just appeared here, you have also seen it, that devil killed my friend cruelly." Fu Huaiyu held up a photo of Ye Peitian, her voice spread through the alley, "I I know that some of you must have seen the battle just now. If anyone can provide information and tell me where the devil has gone, I guarantee that these demon seeds are his."

She held the magic seed and walked towards the crowd, glanced around, and stopped in front of Xiao Mu.

"I heard that you live in this yard next door." She gently reached out and touched the head of her sister who was nestling next to Xiao Mu. "It's not easy to live alone with a blind sister, right?"

She showed the demon seeds that represented huge wealth to Xiao Mu, "How about it, have you seen anything? Don't be afraid, tell me all, you and your sister can live a good life in the future."

Xiao Mu stared at the few green magic seeds and swallowed.

Chu Qianxun hid in the narrow low-density room, listening to the movement on the ground with a copper pipe buried here.

Ye Peitian was lying next to her. He was badly injured and hovering on the verge of death.

This secret room was very narrow, only for two people to barely accommodate. The walls were covered with special magic bodies, which was obviously Lao Guo's back path for himself. There is another exit here, not far away, just at the back of the compound. If someone confessed their whereabouts, they must leave the exit quickly.

But the location of the exit was too close, as long as they went out, they would be quickly exposed to the enemy's perception range.

"No, no. I didn't see any human beings." Xiao Mu's voice came from above.

Then there was Lao Guo's stuttering voice, "We are dead, wounded, and chaotic in our yard. I dared to hide under the table with my old bones. I don't know what happened outside."

Meng Lao San: "I was stunned by the monster, I really didn't see it. It's a pity, who wouldn't want so many monsters."

Wu Lili's timid voice: "Yes, sorry, I didn't see it."


The corners of Chu Qianxun's mouth bent unconsciously, not only because he was happy for the temporary safety of the two, but also for Ye Peitian from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Peitian moved his body lying curled up on the ground, and rubbed his head close to Chu Qianxun's leg.

His neck hurts, his body has lost a lot of blood, and his consciousness is a little fuzzy, but he thinks he can make it through this time.

There was a buzzing voice from the copper pipe,

"No, I didn't see Ye Peitian."

"No, none of us saw it."

A soft palm reached out and touched his head lightly. It was warm and comfortable, and brought him the courage to live.

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