Let the world feel pain from now on

Chapter 111 The immortal corpse is reincarnated

At this moment, Naruto heard the hint of compromise in Orochimaru's words.

He smiled, and without pressing too hard, he said, "Take your hand and fistfight with me."

Orochimaru glanced at Naruto in surprise.

He knew how to use this chakra, but that was all.

Thousands of years later, people today have long forgotten that the original purpose of the Six Paths Sage to create the Ninja Sect and spread chakra was just to use it as a tool for fighting.

Only a very small number of people would use this method.

With a hint of amusement, Orochimaru stretched out his hand and punched Naruto.

Calm and vast, this is the feeling that Naruto's chakra gives Orochimaru, like the endless sea.

Orochimaru's chakra gave Naruto an uncomfortable feeling. It was cold and mixed, as if it was a dark dish stewed with several unknown ingredients. It was completely different from Sasuke's cold but pure chakra. .

In the next moment, a large amount of information was transmitted from Naruto to Orochimaru's mind.

Almost in the next moment, Orochimaru was already addicted to it.

He raised his hand in the air, unaware that Naruto had already withdrawn his hand, completely forgetting the fact that he was still a prisoner at the moment, and was obsessed with the new knowledge.

It was as if a door to a new world was opening in front of Orochimaru's eyes at this moment.

Kabuto Yakushi glanced at Orochimaru nervously. Although he was a little scared at the moment, he still stood in front of him.

"What did you show him?"

Sasuke glanced at Orochimaru, who was so out of his mind that he had no qualities as a Kage-level ninja at all, forgetting even the most basic precautions, and asked curiously.

It must be very explosive content to lead to the current situation.

"The table of contents of "Biomedicine: From Beginner to Master." Naruto replied with a smile.

The human body in the ninja world is very different from that in the other world. The number of cells in the same body type is two to three times different.

But the rest of the general cytoskeleton and visceral macrostructure are no different.

Excluding those parts that are different due to differences in the world, the remaining parts are extremely advanced and essential biological knowledge for this world and belong to the category of future technology.

In particular, the methodology of biomedical research is the most valuable thing.

If Orochimaru could learn all the knowledge that Naruto gave him, he could become a first-rate scientist in the field of biomedicine.

Many research directions and contents were completely unimagined by Orochimaru at this moment.

Most of Orochimaru's understanding of the human body comes from the inheritance of the Second-generation Hokage, as well as his own exploration over the years. The thing he knows best is the bodies of those bloodline limited ninjas.

For Orochimaru, who was seriously partial to science but was obsessed with biomedicine, the basic things Naruto showed him were tantamount to re-building a foundation for him.

As long as he learned these contents, it would be enough for his stagnant research to make rapid progress again.

Orochimaru is a person who knows the goods, and precisely because he understands the weight of this knowledge, when he saw the catalog and introduction, he couldn't help but get addicted to it.

At this time, Sasuke thought of the scene a few months ago when Naruto took the catalog of "Electromagnetic Acceleration Weapons: From Beginner to Master" and wanted him to learn it.

At that time, he only had one idea after getting these knowledge catalogs, and wanted to spit out fragrance.

The catalog is so long, how many years and months will it take to finish studying it all?

In the end, if Naruto hadn't tempted him with the electromagnetic gun technique, there would have been no motivation to kill Sasuke.

But now, looking at Orochimaru's expression, just looking at a catalog makes me feel like I've found a treasure.

This made Sasuke couldn't help but sigh: "People are indeed different. Some people like to learn and can experience fun from it and regard it as a kind of entertainment.

But that's not possible for people like me. I can only set goals and force learning. "

Naruto nodded and agreed, "It's rare that you know what's going on."

Kabuto Yakushi, who was listening to the conversation between the two, was also extremely interested in what Orochimaru was reading at the moment.

But he knew his weight and status, and no matter how curious he was, he could only endure it, but he would inevitably guess what kind of knowledge this was, and it actually made Orochimaru, who had always been calm and composed, so gloomy.

It took more than half an hour for Orochimaru to come back to his senses.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked at Naruto with burning eyes: "Naruto-kun, I want to see the details."

At this moment, Orochimaru didn't care where Naruto got this knowledge. He just wanted to know the specific content of this knowledge, and he was even willing to pay whatever price he could for it.

Naruto looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Orochimaru was silent for a moment, then raised his hand and said, "I will tell you the details of the art of reincarnation."

The reincarnation of corpses can be said to be the foundation of Orochimaru's career. It is absolutely impossible for Orochimaru to leave written information for such a technique, and even the previous research materials were destroyed by him.

At this moment, if I want to give it to Naruto, besides writing a new scroll, the fastest way is to pass it directly through the chakra link like now.

Although Naruto was disgusted with Orochimaru's chakra, in order to get what he wanted, he still suppressed his dissatisfaction and fought with him again. This time Orochimaru transmitted his immortal reincarnation to Naruto.

After a brief inspection and found out that it was not a fake, Naruto, who didn't want to continue eating dark cuisine, quickly stuffed in all the knowledge corresponding to the previous catalog.

Perhaps, this is the price of growth.

Such a realization flashed through Naruto's mind. He glanced at Orochimaru who was happily studying biological knowledge, and he also turned his attention to the Fuzo Reincarnation in his mind.

"Based on the two forbidden arts of the Yamata no Jutsu and the Spiritual Transformation Jutsu, and with the help of a large number of human experiments, it was modified and improved to become the current S-level forbidden art, Immortal Reincarnation."

"After activating the ninjutsu, you can transform yourself into the Yamata no Orochi, which serves as the foundation of your own life. It isolates the defect of the spiritual transformation technique that cannot be separated from the body for too long, and then transforms into a spiritual state to obliterate and merge with other people's spirits, and Take possession of his body."

"It's a bit like the Nascent Soul Seizing Body in the Xianxia novels I've read. Even the sequelae are very similar. You must choose a body that is highly compatible with you, and your mental strength cannot be stronger than your own, otherwise it will be easy to fail to seize the body. It will also be eaten back by the body.”

In order to facilitate Naruto's understanding, Orochimaru also specially gave the original Spiritualization Technique and Baqi Technique as a reference.

After flipping through it for a while, Naruto probably understood the principle of reincarnation.

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