Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 101: Xia Qingcheng tracking, Alumni Trading Center, Jane

Chapter 101 Xia Qingcheng follows, alumni trading center, precious diamond-level seventh-level monster!

“You need to buy blood essence and animal cores... That’s fine, but generally beast cores and blood essences above gold level are military supplies and are rarely circulated in the market.”

“Furthermore, at that level, you can’t buy it with money. The purchasing power of Yanxia Coin is still limited.”

 After all, a diamond-level monster can be regarded as a captain in the Yanxia Military Headquarters.

This kind of person generally has a relatively high status.

In order to prevent civil unrest in the thirty-six regions of the seventy-two states, Yanxia actually has stricter control over some high-level resources.

 It is difficult to buy without joining the military department.

 Unless you are born into a noble family, or you go to the ruins to hunt for it yourself.

"But... there is a trading market in the Yanxia Territory, which was built by the seniors of Yanxia University in the past... Even now, some old seniors who have graduated many years ago have become military captains, or even commanders. They will Get some deals done on the market.”

 “I can take you to see it.”

 Lu Ning said.

 “Okay! Thank you, Mr. Lu!”

 “Hey hey hey! Why are you so polite, my junior!”

Lu Ning smiled like a fool and moved closer to Luo Ming.

 Luo Ming suddenly felt tense. Could this senior have... sexual orientation problem? !

“Don’t worry, I don’t like men, I like girls who are fragrant and soft.”

As if seeing Luo Ming's embarrassment, Lu Ning explained.

“The trading market is not in the city center. It’s a bit far. Let’s take a taxi.”

Said Lu Ning took out her mobile phone and started calling for a taxi.

“Look! Qingcheng! They took a taxi! They must have gone to a certain hotel! It’s shady! It’s shady!”

 “Let’s follow quickly! Let’s catch a turtle in a urn! The scene of the rape!”

Tang Momo said fiercely.

 “What are you trying to catch? I’m not her girlfriend…”

Xia Qingcheng suddenly seemed to have lost interest and shook her head.

"It's okay, Qingcheng! It's not the case now, but it can be the case in the future! Just like this, you just have to ride the man! Welcome the man! The woman rides the man..."

 “Stop, stop, stop! The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!”

 “The car is coming! Get in the car.”

Xia Qingcheng opened the car door with a black line.

 As my best friend, what kind of yellow waste is filled in my mind all day long.

 Half an hour later.

 “They seem...not going to the hotel?”

Xia Qingcheng looked at the big Yanxia University Alumni Trading Center sign in front of her.


 “It’s not going to a hotel! But it’s something more extreme than going to a hotel!”

Tang Momo put her hands on her waist and pushed up her non-existent glasses.

"Qingcheng, you said that Luo Ming had a history of licking dogs before. When he was dating Su Wanqing, he spent a lot of money on licking each other for three years, right?"

 Xia Qingcheng nodded.

 “It seems that this is indeed the case.”

 "Hmph! I, Don Sherlock Momo Holmes, already have the answer! That woman must want Luo Ming to spend money to buy her resources!"

“Brother Luo Ming, if you love me, buy me blood essence and animal core!”

“There is a piece of beast jade that I like very much! Brother Luo Ming, you said...”

"Brother Luo Ming, as long as you buy it for me, I will show it to you tonight..."

 “This is a typical green tea girl’s style!”

Tang Momo demonstrated by pretending to be a scumbag like Didi.

“Just like this, Luo Ming fell all of a sudden, and then spent all kinds of money to buy resources for that woman! Don’t forget that he just made 100 million!”

Tang Momo couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

Xia Qingcheng was stunned.

  No, what you said makes sense... What if Luo Ming is cheated?

 He has already had a hurt relationship, and he cannot be allowed to fall down in the same place twice.

Xia Qingcheng's face darkened slightly.

 “Let’s go and have a look!”

 The two of them walked towards the trading center.

  “There are indeed a lot of resources.”

Luo Ming glanced at it. Many of them are seniors in the school and have met each other once.

 In the middle of the process, he made a few moves and got a few gold-level beast cores and blood essence.

 But...even so, it's just a drop in the bucket.

 “Senior Yan Shi is here!”

“After half a month, Senior Yan Shi is back!”

“I wonder what good things Senior Yan Shi has brought back this time!”

“Although Senior Yan Shi is not a good person, his strength is nothing to say! Once he makes a move, most of us will not be able to afford it!”

 In the trading market, everyone spoke one after another.

 “Well…this senior Yan Shi is…”

“I am an eight-year senior. I should have graduated five years ago, but because I was afraid of joining the military, I deliberately missed every graduation exam and had to repeat the grade for five years.”

Lu Ning said speechlessly.

“The most powerful classmates in the same class have become generals of the military. Senior Yan Shi is still a student, but he is really powerful. His blue jade-level combat power is comparable to that of a military commander.”

 Lu Ning said.

 “Then...the school doesn’t care?”

Luo Ming asked curiously.

“No matter what, it happens that his grandfather is a war king. Elder Yan Shi’s family is in Jinling Territory and his family is quite rich. His grandfather sends gifts to Principal Xiao every year. One time he almost fell to his knees.”


Luo Ming was shocked.

A war king of Yan Xia, is he so shameless in doing things?

"In the words of King Yan Zhan, his old Yan family is the only one in the ninth generation, and he only has such a precious grandson. Even if Yan Shi wants to take care of him for the rest of his life, he is willing to take care of him."

“Principal Xiao has no choice but to turn a blind eye.”

Lu Ning was speechless.

“Senior Yan Shi will go to the ruins every once in a while, kill a few monsters, and then sell them to the trading center for money. He seems to never spend the money given to him by King Yan Zhan.”

“King Yan Zhan gives him millions of pocket money every month.”

“But the next day he went to the bar to book a room and lost all his money.”

"If...you want high-level blood essence and animal core...then Senior Yan Shi can definitely get it."

Lu Ning said.

 “So interesting? Let’s go and have a look!”

A look of interest flashed across Luo Ming's face, and he rushed towards where the crowd was.

 On the street not far away, there is a large arena.

On the ring, lying down was a monster that was tens of meters long, its body winding like a hillside.

 On top of the monster sat a figure with unshaven beard and messy hair.

“Diamond-level seventh-level monster! Blood jade rhinoceros, does anyone want it?”

“But I don’t want money this time. I want you to do me a favor. As long as you can do this favor for me, I can give this blood jade rhinoceros to you for free.”

Yan Shi stepped on the blood jade rhinoceros, looking lazy.

 “What are you busy with? Senior Yan Shi, tell me!”

“It’s definitely not easy to offer such a large blood jade rhinoceros as reward! Don’t think about it! You can’t do it!”

“How would you know you can’t do it if you don’t tell me! Maybe I can do it!”

 “I suggest you find a pillow.”

 “What are you looking for a pillow for?”

“Dreaming is more realistic!”


 “What are you! Are you dissatisfied? Do you want to fight?”

“Come on! Huang Sheng, a silver-level seventh-level S-level awakener!”

"excuse me!"

 Looking at the quarrels in the audience, Yan Zhen said nothing.

 He really didn’t think these people could do that.

 After all...he even invited warrior-level figures, but he couldn't do it.

 Unless he is a war king, such as his old man.

 But...even if he dies, he doesn't want to ask that old man in his family to help him!

 (End of this chapter)

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