Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 103: Li Tian missed, and the power of thunder rioted! Luo Ming

Chapter 103 Li Tian missed and the power of thunder rioted! Luo Ming took action, swallowing infinitely and revealing his sharp edge!

"Qingcheng! Look! Look! Luo Ming and Li Tian are facing each other! That's Li Tian! Luo Ming will definitely suffer!"

Tang Momo and Xia Qingcheng no longer have time to worry about who the beautiful sister beside Luo Ming is.

 Compared with this matter, Li Tian in front of him is obviously more worrying.

Although Xia Qingcheng has never doubted Luo Ming's strength, Li Tian's strength is really strong!

Luo Ming is definitely no match now, the level gap between the two of them is really too big!

 “Let’s go! Follow us and take a look first!”

 Everyone spoke.

 Immediately, Yan Shi rushed to the hospital with Luo Ming and others.

“Luo Ming, how sure are you?”

Lu Ning asked curiously.

 Luo Ming raised a finger.

 “One percent!”

Lu Ning’s face changed drastically.

 “You are so big! If you cause any problems, the Ministry of Yanshi will kill you!”

 “No, I mean it’s impossible to fail!”

As he spoke, he shook his finger.

 Lu Ning: “???”

 After several people came to the hospital.

At the door of the intensive care unit, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit closing his eyes and concentrating on a stool outside.

 Seeing that man, Yan Shi's expression changed.

“Uncle Tang, you are here...”

"Xiao Shi, don't be angry with your grandfather anymore. As long as you agree to his conditions, he will take action."

 The middle-aged man stood up and Haosheng gave advice.

“Sorry, I will not be separated from Qianqian. She became like this because she wanted to save me.”

Yan Shi shook his head and said.

"If nothing happens, Uncle Tang, please go back first. I need to find someone to treat Qianqian now."

With that said, Yan Shi was about to cross Tangshan, push the door open and walk into the ward.

"I'm here to check on you. These two little guys are the ones you asked to treat Yang Qian? The power of Thunder is violent. If it fails, something might happen. I came here specifically to calm down the situation for you today."

Tang Shan opened his mouth and said.

 He is a student of Grandpa Yan Shi and a general in the military department.


Yan Shi didn't say anything, and several people pushed the door open and entered.

In the intensive care unit, there is a huge life capsule. A girl wearing a white dress has a calm face and her eyes are closed, lying in the nutrient solution.

 “Which of you comes first?”

Yanshi asked.

 “The first mover will lose, you go first.”

Luo Ming said to Li Tian expressionlessly.

 “Haha, it’s just an excuse for the weak.”

Li Tian looked disdainful.

 He glanced at the girl.


Hold it with one hand, and a golden thunder appeared in your hand.

“I feel it. There is indeed a powerful force of thunder flowing through her limbs, which has been perfectly integrated with the flesh and blood organs.”

Li Tian spoke calmly.

Seeing this, Tangshan glanced at him in surprise.

I didn’t expect it to be so easy to see Yang Qian’s symptoms. This kid has some strength.

"But...this thunder is not as high quality as my Wang Lei, so...it is easy to expel him! All you need to do is fight fire with fire!"

 Speaking, he pressed it out with one hand.


 A golden thunderball pressed between Yang Qian’s eyebrows.

"Get out of here! Despicable Thunder, where do you want to hide in front of me, Wang Lei!"


In the ward, waves of powerful thunder and lightning were trembling.

There was actually a trace of golden thunder spilling out of the pores on the surface of Yang Qian's body.

Yan Shi looked happy when he saw this.

 “Did you succeed! Qianqian!”

 Lu Ning frowned.

 “Luo Ming, this trip was in vain, I’m going to succeed.”

However, Luo Ming shook his head.

"Not necessarily. Li Tian's Wang Lei is indeed superior in terms of quality, but...he ignored one thing, that is, the strength of the thunder master in Yang Qian's body is not at the same level as his!"

“Quality is not enough, quantity makes up for it!” Boom!

 As Luo Ming finished speaking.

As expected, a sudden change occurred!


 I saw that the power of thunder in the air began to become violent and became extremely chaotic.

"hold head high!"

A long roar came from Yang Qian's body, as if a golden thunderbird was about to fill the air.

 “That’s...Thunder Dragon Bird!”

Yan Shi’s face changed drastically.

“Stop! Qianqian’s body can’t hold it anymore!”

Yan Shi shouted loudly.

 But Li Tian held down his palms with a horrified expression.

 “I can’t control it anymore!”

His Wang Lei was actually controlled by the power of the thundering dragon bird, and was pulled in the opposite direction, all pouring into Yang Qian's body, as if he was going to burst her alive!

 “Didn’t you hear me telling you to stop?”

Yan Shi’s face was distorted.

 At this time, the thunder element in the air became more and more intense.

The violent friction seemed like it would explode in the next second.

"That's too late!"

Tangshan's figure flashed and appeared in front of Li Tian.

“Classmate Wang Lei, I am going to forcibly cut you off from the power of thunder! Be prepared!”

Li Tiangang wanted to refute that his name was not Wang Lei, but he didn’t have so much time to worry about it now.

 He nodded.

 “Change! Colorful Water Rhinoceros!”

That's right, the monster Tangshan awakened was an S-class rhinoceros. He wanted to transfer the power of thunder to other places through the conduction of water flow.

 “Can’t move!”

At this moment, Luo Ming stood in front of them.

"The power of thunder and lightning has been integrated with Senior Yang Qian's body. If you try to forcibly transfer the power of thunder and lightning, her life force will also be transferred away. Even if you are lucky enough to succeed, she will only live for less than three years. Month!”

Luo Ming stopped him.

Yan Shi's face instantly turned pale.

“But if I don’t move, this place will explode, and all of you except me will die here!”

 The giant rhinoceros transformed by Tangshan spoke sternly.

  "Luo Ming! Get out of here! How could I lose my life here!"

Li Tian cursed loudly. If the power of thunder resonated and exploded, even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would be seriously injured.

 A diamond-level monster is not worthy of his sacrifice.

  Just leave.

 As for other people’s life and death... it’s none of his business!

Yan Shi's eyes looked at Li Tian with a hint of coldness.

This guy... acted recklessly and didn't care about Yang Qian's life or death at all!

“Senior Yan Shi, please believe me, I will take over here!”

 Luo Ming's eyes fell on Yan Shi.

The other party was startled.

There is nothing we can do, so we have to treat a dead horse as a live doctor!

"Luo Ming, right? I heard that you are now the captain of Yanxia Military Headquarters, but you have no one under your command! As long as you can cure Qianqian, I will be the first team member under your command!"

“From now on, no one in Yanxia University will dare to bully you!”

Yanshi assured loudly.

 “Xiaoshi, you can’t do this...”

Tang Shan’s expression changed drastically and he quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Shut up!"

 Yan Shi shouted loudly.

 He spoke with bloodshot eyes.

"Don't forget...the bloodline of Lao Yan's family must be sacrificed to continue! The old man can be ruthless, but I can't!"

 Then he looked at Luo Ming again.

 "Luo Ming! Take action! Can I trust you!"

 Luo Ming nodded vigorously.

 “Definitely live up to expectations!”


 The next second, a raging **** light covered him.

 “Infinite Devour! Fully open!”

 (End of this chapter)

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