Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 107: The battle the night before, the city was in flames, the king didn’t see me

Chapter 107 The battle on the eve of the night, the city is in flames, the king does not see me, the king will fight in advance!

Xia Qingcheng was walking on the road, thinking about the mistakes that had just occurred in the battle.

Although she is an SSS-level awakener, if she is just an ice phoenix without using the power of the fire phoenix, her strength is too monotonous.

 Even worse than Tang Momo.

 She is really not sure about the battle with Chu Qingning tomorrow.

But...the power of the Fire Phoenix.

 When she recalled the burning feeling, she felt fear for no reason.

 It was as if... the fire phoenix had become her nightmare.

 “Yo! Miss Xia, good evening!”

A frivolous voice came and Xia Qingcheng raised her eyes.

Under the streetlight not far ahead, there was a tall, handsome man with his hands in his pockets.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


 She flapped her dual hands, the ice wrapped in the strong wind, and two huge tornadoes bombarded Li Tian.


 Three rays of light cover the body.

“Oh, it turns out that Luo Ming’s men were defeated, and you, the son of Overlord Li Lin, have embarrassed your father! You will only come to me, a woman... to regain your face.”

Li Tian laughed.

Li Tian had a ruthless look on his face.

Her ice-blue feathers spread out, and streaks of light turned into ice shot towards Li Tian.


Li Tian turned his head, but the ice arrow still left a blood mark on his cheek.


 “Wait until I catch you and see if you can scream!”

There is a big difference between him and me.

 As he spoke, amusement appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 "Three Emperor Beasts! Come and have fun!"

"But... have you ever heard a saying, there is nothing the Li family doesn't want, and there is nothing the Li family can't get. The more you act like this, the more interested I am. Big deal... I will propose marriage to the Xia family! Hahahaha!"


 “Are you angry? Woman, you are nothing more than that!”

Facing Li Tian’s teasing, Xia Qingcheng transformed directly without hesitation.

The long cry of the ice phoenix sounded.

 “Aurora in cold weather!”

This is Yanxia University, and he knows that he cannot do anything to Xia Qingcheng tonight.

 Took three steps forward again.

Xia Qingcheng spoke coldly.

His majestic and overbearing son was actually hurt by a woman?

Xia Qingcheng sneered.

Xia Qingcheng's eyes narrowed slightly. It was so late at night, and this guy seemed uneasy and kind-hearted at first sight.

 Speaking, Li Tian walked towards her.

 “Ice storm!”

"It's a coincidence that we met at night. Are you interested in having a drink...Miss Xia?"

"Don't go any further, Li Tian, ​​otherwise...I won't be polite."

Li Tian raised his head and laughed.


 An ice cone flew out of the air towards him like a sharp arrow.

 But...it's easy to bruise her before the teacher and classmates react!

 After all... Xia Qingcheng is only at the ninth level of silver level.


"Luo Ming has humiliated me, so let me get some interest from you first."

 He touched the blood on his face and narrowed his eyes.

“Xia Qingcheng is such a good person from the Xia family, I’m a little interested in you.”

Li Tian said coldly.


Yinbao's speed advantage was revealed instantly, and Li Tian turned into a lightning stream and rushed towards her.

 “I’m curious about how you would be so rude...Miss Xia.”

Xia Qingcheng said coldly.

"Li Tian, ​​I know you act domineeringly. I can't control how you seduce other women on weekdays, but... don't use your rogue nature on me, otherwise, I will not show mercy! The Xia family... is not afraid of you Li Tian Home!"

 “Wang Lei! The golden lion roars!”

 “Ho **** ho!”

The golden lion head on his shoulder suddenly transformed, and a huge roar shook the world.

It was packed with thunder and blasted towards Xia Qingcheng.


The aurora in the cold sky was blocked, and the ice storm was also roared away.

Xia Qingcheng's consciousness seemed to be in chaos as a result of the roaring sound waves.

"I caught you! Miss Xia! This time...how can you hide!"

By the time she recovered, a big hand was already grabbing her head.

Xia Qingcheng’s eyes widened.

At that moment, she seemed to have made a decision.

“Li Tian, ​​you bullied the wrong person!” Boom!

 A ray of fire burst out from Xia Qingcheng's eyes.


The ice phoenix was instantly enveloped in red flames.

 Amidst the flames that filled the sky, a red figure rushed into the void.

 This is the Fire Phoenix!

Endless flames blasted towards Li Tian like a tornado.

“Second form? I wonder why Xia Qingcheng’s SSS-level strength is not worthy of its reputation. It turns out there is a second form!”


Silver Leopard increased his speed, and Li Tian dodged the flame tornado in all directions.

 However, the number is actually increasing.

 They were blocking him from all sides.

"Interesting! Come! The red dragon roars! The golden lion roars! The silver leopard roars into the sky!"


His three heads made a deafening roar at the same time.

 Three sound waves seemed to have turned into substance in mid-air.

 The golden lion, red dragon, and silver leopard rushed together and smashed the fire tornado.

Just when Xia Qingcheng was about to take action again.

Her pupils instantly widened and her movements froze.

Flames burned on the red satin-like feathers on his body.

 The power of the Fire Phoenix...is backlashing her!

 “Haha, it seems that you are not yet able to master this power proficiently!”


Li Tian jumped up with a ferocious look in his eyes.

 Putting his fists together, he hit Xia Qingcheng on the head.

 With this punch, she will definitely miss tomorrow's freshman competition.

 At this time.


There was a sound of breaking through the air.

Soon, a big **** gun was seen tearing through the sky and shooting towards Li Tian with a huge force.



Li Tian had no choice but to deal with the spear first.

 He raised his fist and hit it on the tip of the spear.

 The body took several steps backward in mid-air.


 A blood-red figure flashed from a distance like thunder.

Luo Ming glanced at the messy battlefield around him.

“With this noise, the teacher should be here soon... then!”

 He held it with one hand.

 “Bloody Prison Cage!”


 A huge **** cage opened, immediately covering Li Tian and Xia Qingcheng.

 The inner and outer worlds are isolated.

Luo Ming arrived with the Sky-Eating Spear.

Without saying a word, he shot Li Tian with a gun.

 “Luo Ming! It’s you!”

Li Tian was shocked and immediately started laughing.

  "Hahahaha! Good, good! I didn't expect that I would be able to fight you on the eve of the freshman competition! This is really great!"

Li Tian laughed wildly with excitement.

“This time, I will make you unable to compete. The person lying in that ICU ward will become you!”


 He rushed towards Luo Ming fiercely.


Luo Ming’s eyes flashed.

 In an instant, another **** figure split from his body.

 “The splitting ability of the King City Devourer is really useful.”

 The split Luo Ming took one step forward, jumped into the void, and hugged the falling Xia Qingcheng.

“Okay, Li Tian, ​​is there anything you want me to convey? You probably won’t be able to see the sun in this world for a while.”


 The blood flames of Mingsha began to steam out.

The crippled king is violent and violent.

 Luo Ming's strength suddenly surged tenfold.

 He walked towards Li Tian with his gun in hand.

“I’ll give you back what I said before, today...will be the last day you breathe freely!”

Luo Ming's chest, the brilliance of his eyes shines, now he has reached the realm.

 Silver level...sixth level!

 Li Tian’s eyes widened.

It’s only been a week!

 He actually improved by five small levels!

  What the **** kind of speed is this!

There is one more word in the title... I can’t change it yet, I’m tired.



 (End of this chapter)

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