Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 125: The endlessly changing **** Lingyu! Nine deaths and nine nirvana

Chapter 125 The endless transformation of God Lingyu! The battle of nine deaths and nine nirvana!

 “In this life...I want to live for myself!”

The flame was burning and swaying wildly, just like Luo Ming's unsteady heart.

 Finally, the wavering flames became calm.

Just like Luo Ming's heart gradually became firmer.

"In this life, I am who I am, and I want everything to go smoothly. Those who kill people will always be killed, and those who humiliate others will always be humiliated!"

 “I want to control the power of destiny, I want to... use my body to control this world!”

 Boom, boom, boom!

The fire of Nirvana burned fiercely, and a figure slowly walked out of the flames. Regrets from his previous life were wrapped around his body, turning into pitch black armor to lock his body.

But now, the armor was shattered, the flames that covered the sky burned, and Luo Ming's figure was revealed.

At this moment, he seemed to have become himself.

“As long as you want to do something, just do it...this is my life in this life!”

 “I want to win!”


 The surrounding world like a sea of ​​fire was gradually filled with cracks, and the next second, it exploded!

 Click click click!

 The boundless illusion dissipated, and a figure appeared in front of Divine Phoenix.

His eyes are piercing, and his heart is ignited with divine fire, destroying all illusions.

"Luo Ming, this is what the second assessment will give you. It will break all your inner demons. From now on, you will have a true heart of Nirvana. All the tricks and illusions that can confuse your mind will be useful to you. It’s all useless!”

“People can always come back to life after death. When the body cannot bear it, the body will take you out of the siege. Congratulations, you passed my assessment.”

“You have passed the first two tests. As for the third test...”

 Shenhuang smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Then let it go. I'm not like them, hiding everything. Since you are someone I recognize, I am willing to teach you everything."


 A red token is suspended in the void.

"This is my natal magic weapon, the divine feather. It can be transformed into any weapon."

"Whether it's swords, guns, swords or halberds, or the thermal weapons of your world, or even motorcycles, tanks, airplanes... starships, star destroyer war fortresses, it can all be transformed, but you are still weak now, so you can use the form It’s limited, but...it’s enough for you.”

 “Finally, I give you my parting words with a trace of my life’s fire!”

 Suddenly, the divine phoenix was seen waving its wings and rushing towards Luo Ming's eyebrows.

 “Stay alive!”

 A voice resounded in my mind.

“The old witch is more decisive than us old people.”

 The shadow of the white tiger came out of the darkness.

"Luo Ming, you don't know the meaning of this parting message today, but you will definitely understand it in the future. Compared with Shen Lingyu, this is her third inheritance..."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the fourth fierce divine phoenix trial! Obtain the body of an immortal dragon and phoenix! Nirvana divine fire, nine deaths and nine nirvana states! The most precious divine feather! The host has completed the trial! Time to recover! 】

 Everything in the outside world has returned to its original state.

 “You are pretending to be a ghost, let me chop you to death with a knife!”

The giant human bear holding the knife strode towards Luo Ming.


 The long knife fell through the air at that moment.

 Luo Ming opened his eyes.

 “Are you looking for death?”

His eyes were slightly condensed, and the Nirvana Divine Fire rushed out along the flames, immediately igniting the huge bear man's body.


 He let out a roar of pain and turned into a puddle of ashes three seconds later.

 The others didn't even have time to move. Among these twelve people were monsters with water attributes. However, the time was too short and he had no time to rescue them.

Even if it comes in time, there is no point, because the divine fire of Nirvana cannot be extinguished.

 “What kind of weird flame is this!”

 Everyone frowned and took a step back in fright.

Luo Ming, who was clearly at the end of his strength, actually had new possibilities blossoming. "What are you afraid of?! He is already at the end of his strength, and he is just coming back to his glory. Are you, a group of gold-level elites, afraid of a small silver-level elite? I'm here, don't be afraid! Come on!"

 He shouted loudly.

 The next second, the other ten people gritted their teeth and rushed towards Luo Ming.

 “Senior Shenhuang, thank you for your gift!”


Luo Ming was seen jumping out in his human body and punching the chest of the monster charging at the front.

The body of an immortal dragon and phoenix has brought his physical strength to a terrifying level, and now Luo Ming is already a veritable monster.

With this punch, the dragon and phoenix patterns all over his body resonated and roared.

 Gold mixed with red, burst out together, the power is amazing!

Even for the fifth-level gold-level monster in front of him, when the middle door was opened and he punched him, his carapace exploded, turning into a cannonball and flying backwards.

  It hit the rock wall and retreated instantly.

 He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs were all shattered by his punch.

"How is it possible! Qin Shiqi is dead!"

 Someone rushed forward with a face full of horror, only to find that the other person's breath had disappeared.

 They looked at Luo Ming with horrified faces.

Hit a fifth-level gold monster to death with one punch. What kind of perversion is this!

 Everyone's scalp went numb instantly and they wanted to distance themselves from Luo Ming.

"Old...boss! Come on, we are no match...he...he is too strong!"

They wanted to retreat, but Qin San reacted in a moment of shock.

There was also a ruthless look on his face.

“I don’t believe that after the battle just now, you still have the strength to fight, but you are just bluffing!”

Qin San gritted his teeth and said.

“Whether it’s a bluff or not, you’ll know if you try it!”

With that said, Luo Ming dodged again and rushed towards a monster next to him.


The divine fire of Nirvana enveloped his body, and a long cry resounded through the void.

 As the raging flames dissipated, a red figure appeared in front of everyone.

 “Nine deaths and nine nirvana! Start!”

Luo Ming's eyes were burning with blazing fire.

 This is the glimmer of hope that Senior Shenhuang said.

After turning on Nine Deaths and Nine Nirvana, Luo Ming can ignore death nine times, and every time he dies, his combat power will increase to a certain extent.

 The only drawback is that after nine deaths and nine nirvana, he will fall into a coma for three days.

 This is a life and death fight. If he cannot defeat the enemy in this state, he will die!

 The divine feather fell into Luo Ming's hands.

 Becomes a feather-like pistol.

The red figure rolled over, the pistol pressed against the opponent's head.

 Bang, bang, bang!

 With three shots, the monster's head exploded like a watermelon in an instant.

 “The real battle… begins now!”

“Those who want to kill me, come up one by one to die!”

Luo Ming's whole body was filled with the divine fire of Nirvana. He was holding a pistol, and his whole body was like a divine phoenix rising from the fire.

 This figure stood here, and Qin San's whole body trembled.

He spoke through gritted teeth, his tone trembling.

"The fourth... SSS-level monster! How is this possible!"

 (End of this chapter)

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