Chapter 129 No one can fight! The king appears!

 “Ye Changan! You are so presumptuous! Roar!”

Qin Haori let out an earth-shaking roar.

The cold air spread in all directions, and the flowers, plants and trees in the manor were covered with a thin layer of ice crystals.

 The monster he awakened is an SS-level frost bear!

The so-called Qin Haori is because he is Haori of the Qin family, but his attributes are pure ice attributes!


The giant frost bear is more than three times larger than Ye Changan. Its snow-white hair dances in the wind, and the crystal armor on its body is glowing with layers of cold light.

 “Ye Changan! Die!”

 At the same time, Gu Yumo also transformed into Tianyu Canglong.

 He jumped into the air and opened his particle cannon at the battlefield below!

 “I’ve been guarding against you for a long time! Thunder gun!”

The bright golden thunder gun crashed from mid-air, blasting towards Gu Yumo like thunder from the sky.


The thunder gun changed its path in mid-air, and the scattered thunder suddenly intertwined into a dense thunder net, locking Gu Yumo in it.

Not only do you have to avoid the scattered thunder, but you also have to be on guard against the thunder guns flashing in the void.

I have to say that Ye Changan really mastered attribute control.



The silver dragon spear is covered with blazing fire, and the fire patterns on the silver armor emit a fiery brilliance.

 The hot breath melted all the surrounding ice.


Ye Changan shot towards the giant frost bear.

 Pick, smash, chop, stab, point!

 The spear moves are changeable and weird.

 “Ye Changan, you have been promoted again! The seventh level of the Golden Jade Level!”

Qin Haori's face darkened. Ye Changan's strength had improved too quickly.



Ye Changan, who was agile, dodged to Qin Haori's side and punched him in the abdomen.



His arm turned out to be like a big gun, and the escaping sharp edge hit the abdomen of the giant frost bear with a coldness that could tear everything apart.


The opponent instantly retreated toward the rear.

The power of this punch was too strong, and the metallic penetration again really tore the frost bear's thick skin.

The huge figure staggered back, but Ye Changan did not take advantage of the momentum, because his target was not Qin Haori.

"Poisonous woman! Who else can protect you this time!"

 He grasped Qin Rushuang's neck with his big hand.

 “Poisonous woman, poisonous woman, poisonous woman, poisonous woman!”

 Pap, pah, pah!

He went up and swung it out with one hand, and slapped Qin Rushuang more than a dozen times on his face in turn, leaving her tight face bruised and swollen.

The high bun also fell down, her hair was disheveled, and the corners of her mouth were bloodshot, and she was whipped into a crazy woman.

"Send someone to kill Luo Ming? I'll give it to you! So what about diamond level? Can you kill him? What can your Qin family do? Now the evidence is conclusive, and the heads are all in my hands. Your Saint Farmer's Hall killer does have some tricks. , I won’t admit it even to the death, but this won’t stop our Tianchi Holy Group!”

"Poisonous woman, let me tell you, Luo Ming is not only mine, but also a member of my Tianchi Holy Group! If you kill him, this is already a matter between our Tianchi Holy Group and your Qin family. I will kill him today." You and the Qin family have to bear the loss of being dumb!"


 Ye Changan directly pressed Qin Rushuang's whole body against the wall.


 The entire wall has cracks spreading in all directions.

Qin Rushuang is not very strong, and she is even less good at fighting. This time she almost broke all her bones.

“Ye Changan! You are seeking death, let my little sister go!”

 Qin Haori was furious.

"In the past, when I was still at the fifth level of the Golden and Jade level, I was no longer afraid of you. Now that I have reached the seventh level of the Gold and Jade level, you... are nothing! Get out!"

His other hand reached out, and he actually squeezed the huge fist thrown by the giant frost bear.

Immediately, he carried Qin Rushuang and flew forward and put his foot on Qin Haori's head.


The huge frost bear smashed directly into the Qin family's house.

Seeing that Gu Yumo was entangled and his eldest brother Qin Haori was defeated, Qin Haoran couldn't control himself and rushed out. Who would have thought that Ye Changan just turned his head, murderous intent escaped from his eyes, and a metallic edge shot out of the air.

 It flashed across Qin Haoran's cheek in an instant.

 “If you dare to move, I will kill you.”

Qin Haoran forcefully took back the half of his foot that he had stepped out.

One Qin family, two war kings, two war generals just can't deal with one Ye Changan!

And now Ye Changan is not the war king of the military department, he is just a general!

But it has already surpassed all other war king-level beings!

“Everyone, I hope you will take action to dissuade the general of Chang’an!”

Qin Haoyue had no choice but to ask those guests for help.

It’s a pity that people look at each other with eyes, nose and heart, but they can’t see you.

Just kidding, Ye Changan is so angry, who dares to provoke him?

 "Uncle Zhao, Brother Xia! Brother Tang! Brother Chu!"

Qin Haoyue wanted to ask for help from the other four major families who came to the banquet.

"Sorry, my daughter and Luo Ming are friends. I won't help or interfere."

Tang Tianci said calmly.

 “Hmph! Get out!”

Xia Yuanyang spat out two words directly.

 Are you kidding? Who is Luo Ming?

Prospective son-in-law!

Xia Qingcheng had already told him that if he dared to help the Qin family, he would no longer be his father.

 How could he help Qin Haoyue.

 “I, the Zhao family, will not be involved in this matter.”

 “The same goes for the Chu family.”

 The other two companies also expressed the same position.

  In Luo Ming's team, all four people are from the four major families.

 To be honest, there is really no need to enmity with him because of a Qin family member.

Moreover, everyone knows Luo Ming's talent. He will definitely be the second Ye Changan when he grows up. There is no need to offend such a person.

 Much more powerful than your Qin family, a family with no successors!


Qin Haoyue's blood spurted out.

 What the hell, why is this so difficult!

Just when everyone in the Qin family was at a loss what to do.

A voice came from the Qin family's old house.

"I've beaten you, scolded you, made troubles. I, the Qin family, are in the wrong for this matter. The Qin family admits it's wrong. Young man Ye, it's time for you to get rid of your anger."

 A figure like a lion walked out of the Qin family's old house.

This man is as tall as a dragon and a tiger. Although he is old, he still has the spirit of a lion.

 The old man of the Qin family, one of the Nine Heavenly Kings of Yanxia, ​​a figure who truly stands at the top of the pyramid!

He is now seventy-nine years old, but he looks like a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The qi and blood are strong, full of pressure, and don't look old at all.

"Although Rushuang is at fault, people are fine now... Moreover, do you dare to say that Lin Xiao's death has nothing to do with that boy named Luo Ming? Ye Changan, I betrayed Old Man Ye just to save face, this matter is not If I argue with you, I advise you to just let it go. It’s Rushuang’s birthday today and I don’t want to do anything, so just retreat.”

 Speaking, he waved his hand casually.

 “What if I say no!”

Ye Changan's eyes darkened slightly, and it seemed that he didn't intend to let it go.

“Then I will give you a good lesson on behalf of your captain!”

Mr. Qin narrowed his eyes slightly, like a lion ready to attack, observing his prey.

“Ye Changan, please give me some advice from Mr. Qin!”

 He held his spear in front of him.

Who would have thought that Ye Changan would actually fight **** for tat, trying to challenge Mr. Qin, a black jade-level powerhouse, with his golden and jade-level body!

 (End of this chapter)

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