Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 131: The motto of the leader of the holy group is to be humble! no one

Chapter 131: The motto of the leader of the holy group: Be humble! What no one sees means it didn’t happen!

 In public, Ye Liukong became anxious just because of a lighter!

 The surrounding guests looked at each other.

 Isn’t it...the leader of the Tianchi Holy Group is this piss-poor?

 But Xia Yuanyang, Tang Tianci and others were accustomed to it.

 They are used to it.

 After all... Ye Changan is this adopted son. What is Ye Changan's urinary nature? The Great Demon King, how do you expect someone who can teach you a character like Ye Changan to be a serious person?

 Furthermore, Ye Liukong is... very abstract!

 “Okay, okay! I don’t have the same knowledge as you.”

 He clapped his hands.

“Brother Qin, I’m sorry, I’m such a traitor! I do things so indifferently!”

Ye Liukong laughed loudly.

“How many times have I taught you not to bully the weak and to be humble! Look at it, you are always fighting, what kind of virtue do you have!”

 He cursed a few times.

 Ye Changan looked at him with contempt.

“Isn’t that what you said? There’s no point in reasoning, just do it and you’re done?”


 Ye Liukong almost choked on the smoke.

 “It’s not me, I haven’t taught you anything, it’s nonsense, you remembered it wrong!”

 Ye Changan: “…”

“I’m sorry, Brother Qin, children are not sensible, so let’s talk about compensation.”

 Ye Liukong clapped his hands.

 “Forget it about compensation, I will forgive you this time!”

Qin Hongguang said with a dark face.

This Ye Changan sent several big mouths to his daughter's birthday party, and even beat up his son-in-law and son, almost destroying his Qin family manor.

Logically speaking, compensation is indeed required, but he is too embarrassed to ask the Tianchi Holy Group for it. After all, Ye Liukong is not easy to mess with?

“Ah? Forget it? Who allowed it? Did the party concerned allow it? How can it be forgotten?”

 Ye Liukong shook his head firmly.

“This time my little boy was mentally threatened. This can’t be ignored!”

Qin Hongguang was stunned.

Then he said with a look of disbelief.

“You mean my Qin family will compensate you?”

 Ye Liukong nodded matter-of-factly.

 “Otherwise? Should we give it back to you?”

 Qin Hongguang: “????”

  “I’m so%&&&*…&*!”

“Brother, you don’t want to admit it, your voice is so loud, I’m scared when I hear it, let alone my little Anzi, he is still a child...”

 Qin Hongguang's face turned dark.

 Ke Ye Liukong continued to speak.

“Brother, we make money by harmonizing with each other. I don’t want to turn my brother into an old man.”

Holding back his anger, Qin Hongguang spoke coldly.

"Fart! It was obviously Ye Changan who came to my Qin family manor to cause trouble first! He insulted my sister, beat my brother, and seriously injured my brother-in-law!"

At this time, Qin Haoran on the side couldn't sit still and jumped out to curse.


Ye Liukong slapped him on the face from afar, sending him flying for more than ten meters.

“No, which one are you?”

 Ye Changan's mouth twitched as he remembered what Lao Deng said.

 Being "humbly" as a human being.

 Is this how you are humble?

 “Ye Liukong, you have gone too far!”

Qin Hongguang was trembling all over.

 “You’re right, I did go a little too far.”

 Ye Liukong nodded as if in recognition.

 Qin Hongguang felt better now.

“So...what’s wrong? Are you dissatisfied, Lao Deng? I want to open a dyeing workshop to give you some color?”

 “Ye Liukong!!”

Whoever gives color to whom is being aggressive!

 Qin Hongguang's face turned the color of pig liver.

 “Just say whether you want to accompany me or not!”

 He blew out a puff of thick smoke and spit it on Qin Hongguang's face.

"What are you paying for! Everyone here has seen it, who made the trouble first! Why should my Qin family pay for it!"

Qin Hongguang squeezed out these words through his teeth.


 Ye Liukong touched his nose.   唰!

 The golden sword of heaven appeared in his hand.

He was leaning on the Heavenly Sword and looking at the guests.

 “Did you see it?”

 Everyone trembled.

 “I didn’t see it, I’m blind.”

 “I have cataracts.”

 “I am three thousand degrees short-sighted.”

“I just donated my cornea yesterday.”

“502 glue dripped into the eye.”

 Everyone shook their heads.

"Look! They all said they didn't see it. Let's be reasonable. If no one saw something, it doesn't mean it didn't happen! But I saw you bullying Xiao Anzi. This has already happened, so you have to compensate us for our mental losses. !”

“I, the Qin family, can testify!”

“It doesn’t matter what the Qin family says!”

 “Then why should you just say it?”

"you guess!"

 Qin Hongguang: “…”

Yes, this is the most abstract thing about Ye Liukong. He is famous for protecting his shortcomings.

 Ye Changan also learned his character of protecting his shortcomings from him.

If you are wrong, it means that the matter is innocuous. If others are wrong, it means it is unreasonable, and then pursue it to the end.

 Strictly speaking, the two of them are an old gangster and a young gangster!

 “Do you want to pay compensation or not? My time is very precious.”

Ye Liukong lit another cigarette, and the smoke sprayed Qin Hongguang's face again.

“What if my Qin family doesn’t pay compensation?”

“Then let’s stop and start fighting. Can you find a place to have a fight in Chaoyang Park?”

 Qin Hongguang: “…”

"what would you like?"

  "Just give it to me, just give me ten or eight gold and jade grade beast cores."

Ye Liukong said indifferently.

"give him."

Qin Hongguang squeezed out two words from the corner of his mouth.


Qin Haoyue looked very unwilling.

 “I told you to give it to him!”

 The person in charge of the financial power of the Qin family is Qin Haoyue.



When Ye Liukong got the eight gold and jade-level beast cores, he had a smile on his face.

“Oh! You’re just joking, I’m so polite. Since you insist on giving it to me, I can only accept it reluctantly.”

 “Boy, hurry up and pretend! I’m going to regret it later!”

 Speaking, he handed the beast core to Ye Changan.

“Okay, thank you for patronizing my business. I’ll continue my business next time, brother.”

Qin Hongguang’s cheeks twitched.

"no more chance."

 “Oh, this is hard to say.”

Ye Liukong touched his chin and said playfully.

“Then everyone is eating and drinking well, so I won’t bother you here too much.”

 “Happy birthday, little sister Rushuang!”

 He also waved to Qin Rushuang, whose face was swollen like a pig's head.

 The person’s face looked even more ugly.

Are you still happy now?

"Qin family, I hope you remember one thing. Today's matter is not over yet. I just asked for an interest for Luo Ming. In the future, he will come to settle the matter in person!"

“If you don’t want to end your feud, I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise…”


 A slap fell on his head.

“You kid, you’re such a badass! If you don’t learn how to do it, you’re still saying harsh words here!”

“How many times have I taught you to be humble, but why can’t you understand?”

Ye Liukong dragged Ye Changan and left the Qin family manor cursing.

The guests present looked at each other, they had a new understanding of the word humility.

When Ye Liukong said that one must be humble, he must not be humble!

 (End of this chapter)

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