Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 138: In the Crimson Fire Mountains, fight against the giant lava crocodile!

Chapter 138: Crimson Fire Mountains, fight against the giant lava crocodile!

 “I went up first.”

Luo Ming took a deep look at Lu Yan and immediately climbed into the pickup truck.

 “Brother Lu Yan…”

Lu Ning looked at the other party nervously and warily.

Lu Yan smiled and quickly waved his hand.

“Don’t be nervous, Xiao Ning, my parents didn’t ask me to catch you this time.”

“I know that the giant lava crocodile has always been your obsession, and I won’t stop you.”

Lu Ning's expression looked better now.

 “You put this on.”

 Said Lu Yan took out a one-foot-long staff from his suit pocket.

The staff is made of golden ebony, and the top is inlaid with two red crystal stones the size of dragon's eyes.

"This is an explosive cane, inlaid with explosive crystals. It can be used twice at critical times, which is enough to seriously injure ordinary diamond-level monsters. You should wear it for self-defense."

Lu Yan said with a smile.

“Okay, thank you, Brother Lu Yan.”

 Lu Ning nodded.

“You’re welcome, come on, you must kill the giant lava crocodile and avenge Xuan’er!”

Lu Yan smiled and reached out to rub Lu Ning's hair.

 “Don’t worry, I will do it!”

Hands on the explosive cane given by Lu Yan, Lu Ning turned around and got into the pickup truck.

Luo Ming sat in the pickup truck and closed his eyes to relax, but the scene that just happened was clearly visible to him.

“If we want to take action, there is no better time than this mission. This time we can definitely pull out his fox tail.”

His eyes flickered and he thought to himself.

 The five teams headed by Deng Baikui passed through the teleportation array and rushed out of the ruins.

“According to the information from the whistleblower, this giant lava crocodile was accidentally discovered by a mercenary team while picking spiritual plants.”

“At that time, on the top of the volcano, the giant lava crocodile roared at the sky, spitting out scorching flames.”

“Although the location is not clear, there must be a volcanic mountain range where there is a giant lava crocodile. This kind of monster lives in magma and will only come out of the magma when hunting.”

“So... basically the location is obvious, it’s this, the Red Fire Mountain Range!”

Deng Baikui pointed to a red location on the map and said.

“The temperature in the Chihuo Mountains is very high. Cars can only park five kilometers outside the mountains. At that time, we will have to transform into monsters and break in on foot.”

Deng Baikui spoke.

 Not long after, the convoy arrived outside the Red Fire Mountain Range.

It was too hot. Even though we were four or five kilometers away from the Red Fire Mountains, the scorching breath still spread in the air, and the heat wave hit our faces.

 The ground is hot for your feet. No wonder it is said that if a car comes too close, a tire may burst.

“This place is considered an away game. If we fight against the giant lava crocodile, we may be at a disadvantage.”

Zhao Jishi narrowed his eyes and said.

“I may not be able to take down this monster by myself, so I ask Brother Zhao to help.”

Deng Baikui smiled.

“Geographical advantages can indeed significantly increase combat power. Let’s ask them to block outside the mountains. The two of us will go in and kill the giant lava crocodile. How about completing the beheading mission?”

Zhao Jishi asked.

"Yes, but...in addition to the lava crocodile, there should be other monsters in the mountains. Maybe we need to bring a team in to clear them out."

Deng Baikui frowned.

 Not only to resist the scorching magma, but also to fight against the giant lava crocodile.

 Their consumption will be huge.

“Then...let’s call them Mingcheng Team.”

 Zhao Jishi glanced at Luo Ming and others.

“Their strength is obvious to all. Just the two of us will lead the Mingcheng team in, and then the other four teams will block the defense line from the outside. If the lava crocodile escapes, we will do our best to stop it.”

"that's all."

 Soon, everyone reached a consensus.

Luo Ming and others followed Deng Baikui and others into the mountains.

 “Hey! Luo Ming, let me take a good look at your strength!”

"Otherwise, I'm really not convinced that Deputy Commander Ye Changan values ​​you so much!" Zhao Jishi said playfully.

Luo Ming didn't say anything. He raised the Sky-Eating Spear, filled with **** evil energy.

Everyone transformed into monsters and charged into the mountains.


Luo Ming shot out, and a fish as big as a human head, burning with flames, was nailed into the void.

“Sunfish, this thing tastes very good, and it’s expensive to sell.”

Deng Baikui said with a smile.

Luo Ming put away his gun expressionlessly, and the body of the sunfish instantly cracked into pieces.


At this moment, a roar that resounded through the sky resounded throughout the entire mountain range.

 The magma in all directions began to boil, rolling and surging like a tide.

 “It’s the roar of the giant lava crocodile!”

Deng Baikui’s expression changed.

 This roar, the lava is so huge that there are more than one!

As expected, on the mountains not far away, lava was hanging down like a waterfall.

 At the top of the mountains, a huge shadow appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

 Huge amount of lava, bronze-colored skin, flowing with lines consistent with the color of the lava.

It lies on the mountains, opening its **** mouth, as if it can swallow the sun, moon and stars!


 As the huge lava crocodile roared, more and more lava crocodiles emerged from all directions.

 Surrounded Luo Ming and others.

 It's just that these giant lava crocodiles are not as big as the one at the head.

 The momentum is also much weaker, but the victory is due to the large number.

“A group of gold-level lava giants and a diamond-level crocodile king. I didn’t expect that I underestimated these guys.”

Deng Baikui said with serious eyes.

“Mingcheng team, withdraw. These monsters are not something that your team can handle alone. Let the four teams from outside come in!”

Deng Baikui quickly ordered.

"Don't go to such trouble. We agreed that we, Mingcheng, will clear the area, then let Mingcheng handle it! Never mind that the sky is falling and the earth is falling!"

Luo Ming spoke calmly.

 He stepped towards the three giant lava crocodiles.

The rocks roared, the ground shook, and magma flew up and landed on Luo Ming's body.

 But in an instant, his **** aura was evaporated.


The three giant lava crocodiles saw Luo Ming walking towards them and let out a ferocious roar.

 It was flying towards him.

“There’s a fourth-level gold-level one, a fifth-level one, and a third-level one… let’s get together!”

 He turned the Sky Devouring Spear with one hand.


  Thrust out violently!


The shadow of a **** gun streaked through the void, and suddenly three giant lava crocodiles were strung together by his shot.

“What are you still doing? You two, take action!”

Luo Ming turned his head and spoke to the two of them.

 “Haha, what a Mingcheng team, quite fierce!”

Deng Baikui raised the corner of his mouth.

With this posture, do you want to challenge all the monsters here?


At this time, two rays of light covered the two people.

 “A-level monster, Bihorned Pterosaur!”

 “SS-level monster, Iron-armored Golden Centipede!”


Two figures rushed towards the lava giant crocodile king.

 “The place is cleared!”

Luo Ming shouted, waving his spear and charging towards the remaining lava crocodiles.

 Zhao Jiran and others also took action together.

 (End of this chapter)

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