Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 140: Twin peacocks, the saint has gone, the dead must come out

Chapter 140 Twin Peacocks, the saint has gone and the dead must come out!


The huge lava crocodile king looked up to the sky and roared, and Luo Ming and others were all knocked back.

Lu Yan’s strength is Diamond Level 6, but the Lava Crocodile King’s level is SS Level!

He can kill two giant lava crocodiles of the same level by himself. If Lu Yan had taken action early, both Deng Baikui and Deng Baikui would have been here.

“Originally, I only killed Xiao Ning. It was also in this place, and your sister died here.”

“It’s a pity that you guys have to come together, so why don’t you tell me I won’t kill you and keep them for the New Year?”

"Luo Ming, you can be considered the top genius among humans. Your death will be a good thing for all us monsters."

“Including all of you, we are all geniuses, so let’s die here.”

The giant lava crocodile looked up to the sky and roared, and the entire rock wall was rolling due to the sound waves.

 “Get away! Find a way to escape!”

Luo Ming shouted.

“This guy’s strength is beyond our ability to deal with.”

Luo Ming shouted coldly.

 “Quit? It’s a dream! Do you think you can quit?”


 The magma solidified in mid-air instantly melted and rolled, blocking everyone's retreat.

Then the magma from the ground rose up and slowly covered the rocks. The space for Luo Ming and the others to stay became smaller and smaller.

"can not go out!"

Luo Ming's face darkened.

  Can't fight, can't get out, this is definitely a dead end.


At this moment, the giant lava crocodile swooped over Lu Ning.


Luo Ming raised his hand and threw the sky-eating spear, but it was slapped away by the opponent's claw.


Lu Ning was pinned down by a huge claw.

 “If you die, the Lu family will be mine.”

“Don’t worry, I will take good care of your parents for you and try to send them down to reunite with your family as soon as possible!”

The lava giant crocodile king laughed and said.

His huge claws brushed against Lu Ning's skin.

 “A boy, but he is so good-looking, tsk tsk tsk.”

"Lu Ning, you may not know. In fact, your sister has never expected you to avenge her. Maybe she subconsciously thinks that you are an ineffective brother."

"Do you know what she said before she died? She begged me to let you go and not to do anything to you. Before she died, she didn't beg me to let her go, but begged me to let you go! Hahahaha! Do you think it’s funny?”

An imperceptible sneer flashed across Lu Yan's huge pupils.

“It’s interesting, in her heart you are still the incompetent younger brother who needs to be protected everywhere! Without her protection, I’m afraid you will be played to death by me!”

Lu Ning gritted her teeth and her pupils shrank violently.

"So I specially left an arm for her. Hehehe, I didn't eat her whole body. Otherwise, your sister tastes so good, even the bones are crispy and crispy. I really can't bear to leave a little bit. oh."

The lava giant crocodile king sneered. He looked at Lu Ning's eyes that seemed desperate, disbelieving, and angry, and felt extremely happy in his heart.

“Before killing, I want to kill my heart first. I want this kid to die in despair. Otherwise, I will be sorry for the wound on my forehead!”

“Lu Xuan, I will send your siblings to reunite underground!”


 He raised his hand and patted Lu Ning.

 But at this moment, a clear cry sounded.

 Lu Ning's body bloomed with golden light.

 A streak of light flashed to the side.

It barely escaped the move of the lava giant crocodile king.

“S-class monster, saint peacock?”

Lu Yan had a look of surprise on his face.

“Your sister often says that the light on you is very warm.”

“Unfortunately, warmth can’t save anyone, not even yourself!”

The S-class monster Saint Peacock is actually very similar to the S-class monster Qingyu Linglu that Su Wanqing awakened before. They are all healing and auxiliary monsters, and their combat power is not very strong.

However, it is Saint Peacock who is similar, not Lu Ning.

"You are right, warm light can't save anyone. If you want to protect something, you can only make your hands covered with blood. Maybe I already understand my sister's intention."

“She is a girl. She is definitely not as brave as she looks on the surface. She just uses her brave side to cover her fragile side because she wants to protect me.”

 “She has to become brave for the sake of me who is weak.”

 “And now...I also want to protect my juniors.”

 “So, it’s very simple...”

Lu Ning's eyes flashed with sharpness.

 “I am one and the same twin, not only a saint, but also a dead one!”

 “Then, it’s okay for me to be possessed!”


Bursts of black light emerged from Lu Ning's body.

 Covered his body with dazzling golden light.

 “This is...the same situation as me.”

Xia Qingcheng looked surprised.

 She has the Ice Phoenix and the Flame Phoenix, while Lu Ning has the Twin Peacocks!

 The Saint Peacock of the healing type, and the Dead Peacock of the manipulation type!

Black mist enveloped his body, and the bright and gorgeous feathers were instantly soaked and dyed black. A black peacock walked out of the mist.

 Black is like the crowning of a king, making it look more noble.

"stand up!"

Lu Ning said calmly.


Black vortexes appeared on the surface of the rock, and then giant lava crocodiles with black gas rising from the ground emerged from the ground.

“These are…the lava crocodiles that died before?”

Luo Ming looked surprised.

“Through the transformation, I was actually controlled by senior Lu Ning for my own use. What an amazing ability!”

The lava giant crocodile king looked at the giant black crocodiles approaching him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

 Her face also became extremely ugly.

 “You little loser! How dare you touch my men!”

“I have always been afraid of the power of the undead, and I have always felt that this is an unknown power, so I dare not touch it, hide it in my heart, and stay far away.”

"But now, I suddenly realized that no power is unknown. What really matters is the person who holds the power. As long as this power can protect the people around me! That is good power!"

“So, Lu Yan, I will not allow you to take action against my junior! I will not let my sister’s tragedy happen again! I will kill you here!”

Lu Ning's eyes darkened slightly, and she immediately rushed towards Lu Yan.

“Damn bastard! Do you think! Do you think you can kill me just with these rubbish! Then you underestimate me too much!”

Lu Yan roared angrily.

"I am your king! How dare you attack me! You are seeking death!"


With a flick of his huge tail, a dozen black lava giant crocodiles were shot into pieces alive.

“Even if they can be resurrected and reborn infinitely, their strength cannot hurt me at all! Trying to defeat me with this is simply impossible!”


The huge lava crocodile tore apart everything and rushed towards Lu Ning.

“Perhaps you are right, but I am not naive enough to think that they can deal with you!”

 “Are you right? Sister!”

As Lu Ning finished speaking, a huge black vortex appeared on the surface of the magma.

Lu Yan’s pupils narrowed.

 “Don’t tell me...you!”

 (End of this chapter)

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