Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 144: The Killing Star White Tiger is actually Luo Ming?

Chapter 144 The Killing Star White Tiger...is actually Luo Ming?

 “This is...the killing star!”

"How is that possible! It's the terrifying existence that appeared during the freshman exam!"

 “Luo Ming turned out to be...the killing star!!”

  The horror of the white tiger that killed the star is still vivid in everyone's minds.

 A powerful tenth-level monster of gold and jade, which even the War King of Yanxia could not defeat, was actually easily killed by this killing star.

Even Gu Yumo, the war king, who was beaten severely in public, everyone thought that this guy named Killing Star was some top strong man in the hidden world of Yanxia.

 Unexpectedly...this so-called top powerhouse is actually by his side!

"Luo Ming! What else is hidden in your body..."

Zhao Jingran was clutching his chest. The sight of the white tiger holding a long knife and hunting in silver robes made him feel extremely strange, and even created an overwhelming fear deep in his heart.

What is he going to do to catch up with Luo Ming like this!

 “Is this the real gap between us?”

Zhao already had a look of horror on his face.

“Luo Ming is the invincible…killing star!”

Everyone in the Mingcheng team present was confused. The invincible boss is actually next to me?

"No! The aura on Luo Ming's body is different from last time! If it were the same level as last time, just the terrifying murderous aura would be enough to kill this guy! This killing star is much weaker than the previous killing star. few!"

At this time, Xia Qingcheng seemed to have discovered something wrong.

Luo Ming clenched his fist. Yes, this time he only used one-third of the power of the White Tiger True Spirit.

 The white tiger will not disappear completely. If it happens like last time, things will be in trouble!

 After all, a beast core of the tenth level of gold and jade is definitely something that can be encountered but cannot be sought!

 “Come on! My little pony, the second game begins!”

 Luo Ming swiped the long knife.

 “Killing spirit!”


A strong gust of wind blew up the silver robe, and the murderous aura made the golden horse's four legs begin to tremble.

“What level of fluctuation is this! It’s so terrifying!”

 “Who the **** are you, kid!”

He looked at Luo Ming in disbelief. He had never seen the coercion emanating from Luo Ming before!

Completely beyond recognition, the white figure seemed to be standing in another dimension, a level completely different from his own!

"You only need to know one thing, you are the soul of the dead under my sword! White Tiger War Illustration! Killing Star Nine-fold Sword!"


Ten white tiger figures flashed out at the same time, and bursts of bright sword light pierced the air.

Rolling murderous aura tore through the sky, and the entire mountain range trembled violently under the light of the sword.

Zhan Tianma looked up to the sky and neighed, setting off a hurricane to strike violently.

However, he was instantly destroyed by Luo Ming's killing power!

“You, a hurricane, are not as powerful as my electric fan!”

 “Killing fighting spirit! Divine pressure!”


 Invisible energy instantly enveloped Zhan Tianma.

The muscles all over his body contracted instantly, and he almost fell to the ground.

"What kind of monster are you! This kind of monster, this kind of murderous aura, I have never seen it before!"

  He cried out in horror.

It's too strong, it's obviously just an ant that can be crushed to death by him at will.

 But at this moment, it suddenly turned into a terrifying Tyrannosaurus rex!

 Xiao admitted that he was scared!

 However, a strong murderous aura rose in his heart.

If this young man had not died, there was a high probability that all the students in their current class would be lost in his hands!

 So, definitely kill him!

"I can't let you hinder the principal and teacher's mission! I will definitely kill you here!"

 He stood up with a roar.

 “Golden Sky Impact!”


The war horse galloped across the ground, and the golden divine light turned into an extremely bright spear, rushing towards Luo Ming.

“I’m sorry, there may be someone who can kill me, but it’s definitely not you!”


Luo Ming raised the long knife with one hand and caught the move easily. "White Tiger War Illustration! White Tiger Thunder Emperor Sword!"

 He turned the long knife with one hand.


The dazzling golden light condensed from the spear was instantly shattered by Luo Ming.

 Then, the long sword was surrounded by rolling thunder.

He suddenly raised his hand and slashed through the air with his sword.


 A white tiger whose entire body was made of thunder shook the sky with its roar.

 Suddenly rushed out!

 The roar of the king of beasts is overwhelming!

The white tiger opened its mouth and took the owl in its mouth, then suddenly threw it up.


 Then he swooped down from high altitude and pinned him down with one claw.


The owl let out a painful roar, and the power of thunder and lightning exploded, removing all the golden armor from his body.

The owl's flesh and blood were tumbled by the electricity, and his body was burnt black.

"I lost! How could I lose! I can't lose! Why! Why did I lose! I am the genius of Hunter Monster University! I am an outstanding work!"

 He trembled and tried to get up.

Ke Luo Ming raised the long knife upside down and stabbed it down immediately.


 One of his legs was nailed directly to the rock formation by Luo Ming.

 “Sorry, you lost.”

"You...you despicable human being! You just relied on the strength of others to defeat me by luck! If you give me a fair fight! I will kill you like a chicken but a dog!"

Xiao stared at Luo Ming with scarlet eyes.

“Heh, if you were at the same level as me, you wouldn’t be able to make a single move in my hands.”

Luo Ming said coldly.

 “I...vomit! Vomit!”

Just when Xiao Xiao was about to say something, his body began to tremble crazily.

 He was vomiting, as if he wanted to spit out his soul.

"what's the situation?"

Luo Ming frowned and saw the golden war horse spitting out a dazzling crystal stone from its mouth.

 Then his body quickly shrank in size visible to the naked eye.

 “Is this... degenerate?”

“Also...is this beast core from the Golden Sky War Horse?”

 Luo Ming picked up the golden spar.

“I see, this is the technology mastered by monsters! If you fuse two monsters of the same species into one, a violent reaction will occur and you will become an extremely powerful monster!”

 “This is...fusion technology!”

 Surprise flashed in Luo Ming's eyes.

Just like the Devourer of the Royal City, if he guessed correctly, the Devourer of the Royal City might have been created through such technological means.

 And this is just the fusion of two monsters, what if it were three, four or even five?

 What kind of horrific changes will happen?

Furthermore, if this technology is further developed and can not only integrate ordinary monsters, how terrifying will the situation become!

"We are using the corpses of monsters, and the monsters are also using the corpses of our own people! Two of the thirteen serial-level monsters destroyed by humans were taken away by monsters. If Monster No. 14 fuses the corpses of those two beast kings, …”


Luo Ming felt that he had discovered something extraordinary.

This secret is enough to overturn the entire situation of Blue Star!

 (End of this chapter)

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