Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 151: Are you the one who wants to bully the small? Be honest when you come out to hang out

Chapter 151 Are you the only one who wants to bully the small? When you come out to work, you need to talk about your strength and background. Look at Luo Ming's background!

 “Sorry to trouble you, Senior Yan Shi!”


The door of the conference hall opened and a figure strode in.

"Ah...Who wants to challenge my captain by bullying the weak? Stand up and take a look."

“I just like people who don’t care about life and death. I can have fun fighting without having to control my strength.”

Yan Shi stood beside Luo Ming, rubbing his neck.

He crossed his arms and looked like a five-star bodyguard.

“Senior versus senior, I think it’s fair.”

"It's indeed fair. Here, this is my student ID card. Although I have repeated grades for four or five years, I am indeed a junior in college."

Yanshi escaped from the student ID card.

It is clearly printed on it, Yansheng, 28, Dasan.

 The corners of the mouths of the people around him were twitching non-stop.

If you don't talk about Wude, you can summon the classmate!

“How about it, Senior Huang Ze, can we make room for you and let you practice with Senior Yan Shi?”

Luo Ming spoke playfully.

 Huang Ze's face instantly turned pale, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

 What an international joke.

This is so strict, and his strength is comparable to that of a military commander.

 Isn’t hitting him the same as spanking a son?

“Actually, after thinking about it, it was my brother who provoked me first. He is not as skilled as others, so I think it’s okay if he gets beaten.”

 “He’s asking for trouble, he’s asking for trouble, hahahaha.”

Huang Ze was almost crying and couldn't fight at all.

It really can’t be beaten at all.

“Ah? That’s not what Senior Qi said just now.”

 “I remember you said...”

 “I only have this request.”

Xia Qingcheng added lightly on the side.

 “Yes, so we must satisfy the senior’s demands.”

 Huang Ze’s legs were shaking and his head was shaking like a rattle.

 “There is no appeal, there is no appeal.”

 He turned his eyes to Lin Xiao for help.

Lin Xiao's face turned dark. He didn't expect Luo Ming to use this move.


Luo Ming stared at Lin Xiao playfully.

 “Senior, can you do this for me?”

Lin Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth. It was true that he was a genius, and it was true that he was powerful.

 However, even he is afraid of the oppression caused by age.

 Yan Shi is at the Sapphire level, and he is at the Diamond level. There is a big gap. If he goes to war with Yan Shi, he will definitely be humiliating himself!

“Junior is really good at telling jokes. I have no reason to do such a thing.”

 He shook his head.

"But... today is a dinner party held by the three of us. Although it sounds unpleasant, we don't seem to have invited Senior Yan Shi."

“Isn’t it a bit...”

 Lin Xiao’s meaning is self-evident.

“No, I just came over to have a meal. Our team is having dinner together, so I stopped by to take a look.”

“And...this hotel is similar to my home.”

Yan Shi shook his head and smiled.

"your home?"

“Hey, don’t you know? This Lu Garden is the property of the Lu family, in other words, it is Lu Ning’s property. He said that coming here is just like going home.”

“Since this is my home, is there any place I can’t go to?”

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched.


  A bit outrageous!

However, it can also be seen from the side that Luo Ming's ability is indeed much more powerful than he imagined.

 At the very least, being able to gather so many powerful people around you is an ability in itself.

"Senior Lin Xiao, is there anything else you can do? If nothing else, I'm a little hungry and want to eat something."

Luo Ming saw that Lin Xiao and the others were still stuck here and refused to leave, so he pointed to the dining table not far away.

"never mind."

 He shook his head and moved out of the way.

"Hey, Huang Ze, right?" At this moment, Luo Ming suddenly stopped and spoke.

 “If you want revenge, I’m always welcome.”

“And fellow seniors, if you feel unhappy with me, Luo Ming, and want to step on me to get a higher position, I’m always welcome.”

“Not just me, but also the Mingcheng team.”

 As Luo Ming finished speaking.

Xia Qingcheng and Zhao Jiran, like the guardians on the left and right, took a step forward and stood side by side with Luo Ming.

“Those who want to cause trouble for my captain should go through this first! I like to fight against my cute juniors the most!”

Yan Shi also grinned.

 The students present trembled instantly.

“Luo Ming, you didn’t even acknowledge me when you came here. If Senior Yan Shi hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known.”

 At this time, the door of the banquet hall opened.

 Lu Ning strode in.

 He was wearing a small brown suit and a beret.

Hair has also been cut short. Although his skin is still fair, from a distance, he looks like a weak boy.

 Completely changed the image of the sissy in the eyes of everyone.

“I have set a table for you in the Imperial Hall, as a thank you gift for helping me this time.”

 He smiled.

 The Imperial Hall in Lu Garden is only opened when receiving distinguished guests from the Lu family in Yanxia Region.

 What is a distinguished guest? Starting from the military general level.

Even if Lin Xiao and Zhao have passed away, Xiao Tianyu and others are completely unqualified.

 Unless their fathers come here, they are qualified to enter the Emperor's Hall.

 There is a saying in the Yanxia Domain: Once you enter the Emperor's Hall, you become the richest member of the Yanxia family and the most distinguished guest.

 Not only can you walk sideways, you can also walk backwards.

 “Senior Lu Ning, you’re welcome.”

Luo Ming smiled.

 “Brother Chen Hui, let’s come too.”


 Chen Hui nodded.

"Senior Xiao, are you interested? I have a lot of things I would like to ask senior for advice."

Luo Ming also invited Xiao Tianyu.

Xiao Tianyu was slightly startled.

 laughed immediately.

“I’ve heard about the Lu Family Imperial Hall for a long time, but I’ve never had the chance to go there, so I’ll be disrespectful today! Thank you, Junior Luo Ming, for the compliment!”

 He laughed.

 The gaze he looked at Luo Ming became more and more appreciative.

It is definitely not without reason that his father likes him.

 At the very least, this courage and ability to employ people are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

 Look at the people around him.

The little princess of the Xia family of the imperial capital, the second son of the Zhao family, and I heard that the little princess of the Tang family and the little princess of the Chu family are also with him.

In addition, Yan Shi is the grandson of King Yan Zhan of Jinling, and Lu Ning is the richest man in the Yanxia Region and the heir to the Lu family.

 As for Chen Hui...his identity is also very surprising.

It is conceivable that when these young people grow up, how much energy will there be behind Luo Ming.

This does not include those who protect him.

This guy will definitely be Yan Xia’s biggest backer in the future!

He would never refuse such a person to befriend him.

The departure of Xiao Tianyu and others immediately made the entire banquet hall feel quite empty.

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with a hint of gloom.

Today's test of Luo Ming ended with his defeat?

"See, I told you before that Luo Ming is not an ordinary person."

 Zhao passed away and spread his hands.

 “Hmph! It’s just relying on other people’s influence.”

Lin Xiao snorted coldly.

 Turn around and leave.

"Alas! If you and Luo Ming's births were to be changed, you wouldn't even be qualified to carry his shoes."

Zhao has complained, but I have to say that sometimes he feels uncomfortable with this pretense.

 Although he is indeed strong.

 At the same level, Zhao Gui died in his hands... He couldn't make it past three moves! This is Lin Xiao's strength!

 (End of this chapter)

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