Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 168: Imperial capital, Xia family! Hunting and suppression team!

Chapter 168 Imperial Capital, Xia Family! Hunting and suppression team!

 The Imperial Capital is the heart of Yanxia. The five tribes are all in the Imperial Capital. The headquarters of the military is also set up in the Imperial Capital. Even the headquarters of the Holy Group is also in the Imperial Capital.

In addition, there are top technology companies like Yanhuang Technology, as well as numerous other aristocratic families, large and small.

 Gold will always shine, but in the Imperial Capital, even the floors are made of gold.

Teito Monster University, as the number one university in Yanxia on the surface (you can think of one as a military academy and the other as Qingbei), has a lot of geniuses, and they all have strong strength and background.

 There is an old saying that in the imperial capital, the probability of encountering a genius is higher than the probability of encountering a dog.

 “Is this the imperial capital?”

Luo Ming looked out the window with a face full of amazement. The huge cities were like steel forests. The imperial capital of this world was no less splendid than his previous life. Moreover, because of the existence of Yanhuang technology, the entire imperial capital was like a city of the future. .

“There’s someone riding a monster on the street?”

Luo Ming's eyes flashed with surprise.

“After Yanhuang Technology developed the monster capsule, the monster was tamed by humans and can be used on the market as a simple transportation tool and travel tool.”

Xia Qingcheng explained that it was not only the ground, but also the sky. Luo Ming saw a tall horse covered with scales. It ran faster than a Porsche 911. It was so fast.

“However, because they are more expensive than luxury cars, not many people ride monsters in the imperial capital.”

Luo Ming saw with his own eyes a curly-haired beauty dressed in a flashy dress, with black stockings, high heels and a short skirt, getting out of a Ferrari with disdain on her face.

 Then he sat on a scaly-horned beast.

  And say that classic line.

“I would rather cry on a scaled beast than laugh on a Ferrari!”

Luo Ming is directly petrified.

 Abstract world.

 It turns out that the value of anything is given by society.

 The scale-horned beast is really cool to ride, but you still have to wear a raincoat when it rains.

Then the beautiful woman wearing Valentino stockings puts on a raincoat with you. She seems to be smiling happily.

 Wait a moment... What is the difference between this and the electric cars in the previous life?

 You are rebelling against Tiangang, right?

Moreover...you are wearing a raincoat and looking down upon those people sitting in suits and ties drinking red wine in a Maybach?

Luo Ming withdrew his gaze.

 Fortunately, theirs was a military vehicle with the words Yanxia Military Headquarters printed on it in large letters, so no disdainful eyes could be cast on him.

 Otherwise, he must throw a Sky-Eating Divine Spear out of the car window.

 Have you installed it for you to ride an electric bike?

 “Arrived at Xia’s house.”

Xia Qingcheng smiled and said.


Luo Ming raised his head and looked around. Isn't this still on the road? There is also a shopping mall next to it.

 Hold on...this mall is called...Xia's Private Mall?

“No, do you have a shopping mall at home?”


Xia Qingcheng looked like it was natural.

“Many aunts and uncles in my family like it very much, so they built one in the past two years.”

 She nodded.

"If you like anything, you can just go in and get it. Just tell me your name. But... there are no strategic materials or military resources."

The car stopped in front of a manor with red walls and green tiles. Throughout the Xia family, there were various buildings, inside and out, including manors, villas, hotels, apartment buildings, Western style, Chinese style, European style, and Korean style. , various Japanese styles.

Luo Ming had to sigh, this is the arrogance of the five clans in the imperial capital!

 “Do you want to go in too?”

 Getting off the car, Xia Qingcheng asked Lin Yuning.

"Otherwise! I'm afraid that your Xia family will bully my brother!"

 As she spoke, she held Luo Ming's arm.

“Brother! Let’s go, I’ll accompany you to the dragon’s pond and tiger’s den.”

 Xia Qingcheng: “…”

Under the leadership of Xia Qingcheng, Luo Ming entered the Xia family, then like walking through a maze, went around and finally stayed in a guest room with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters.

Then he was like a puppet on strings. Xia Qingcheng took him to meet the elders of the Xia family, and he followed Xia Qingcheng's call.

 As a result, these people looked at him more and more strangely. Wait a minute... I think I called someone dad just now?

 “Luo Ming! Are you coming to the imperial capital?”

 “Yes, I’m at Xia’s house!”

“That’s great! We are all in the Imperial Capital! Come out and get together!”

 Half an hour later.

 Looking at all the members of the Mingcheng team in front of him, Luo Ming couldn't help but feel a little confused.

It is understandable that Tang, Chu and Zhao were locals of the imperial capital.

 Why are Lu Ning and Xiao Tianyu also there?

“I came to Yanxia Technology to discuss some raw material business with Senior Tang.”

 Lu Ning explained.

 “Luo Ming.”

 At this time, Xiao Tianyu spoke.

“This time I asked you to come to the imperial capital. In fact, it was also the intention of senior Ye Changan and my father.”

 His eyes became solemn.

“Twelve fusion beasts sneaked into Yanxia and killed two of them in the Crimson Fire Mountains. We killed two of them on the train. At the same time, you killed three of them in the battle of Xinghai Province.”

“Currently, there are five such monsters in Yanxia, ​​and... according to the intelligence, they are all among the top five in terms of combat power, and the most powerful among them has reached the eighth level of diamond!”

“The above message is to eradicate them before New Year’s Eve! A few of our university’s top students will form a hunting team!”

“At that time, the superiors will use the corpse of a serial monster and the totem as bait to attract them to appear!”

Xiao Tianyu tapped his fingers on the table.

“The current candidates are me, Zhao Jidie, Lin Xiao, three people from the Imperial Monster University, two people from the Magic University, and one person each from Jinling and Zhehai Monster University!”

“Including you, there are a total of eleven people participating in this encirclement and suppression operation! Try to kill them all with one blow and keep them all at the end of the year. Don’t bring them to the 25th year!”

 His eyes flashed with murderous intent.

“But… now there is a question. Do you know Qin Haoyue of the Qin family?”

Luo Ming was stunned and nodded.

"Qin Haoyue has a daughter named Qin Yanran, who is a tutor at the Demon City Monster University. Because last time Senior Ye Changan came to the Qin family for you, he slapped Qin Haoyue, so Qin Yanran obviously came here for you. "

“She has recently admitted a new student, who is the third-ranked genius in the Demon City Monster University! He suddenly joined her a few days ago. I guess it was the result of her using Qin’s resources as bait.”

“Now, Qin Yanran wants his students to participate in this encirclement and suppression mission, and at the same time, he wants to eliminate you because your strength level has not reached diamond level!”

“What she means is that since you have a totem, just use it as a bait. As for military exploits...it has nothing to do with you.”

 “That’s the way it is.”

 Xiao Tianyu explained.

 “What do you think about this matter?”

Luo Ming pondered for a moment.

 “This matter of totem…”

“You don’t have to worry about totems. Even if the superiors know that you have a totem, it won’t matter. Instead, they will protect you even more carefully.”

“After all, your perverted strength can only be explained by totems.”

 Luo Ming was silent, he really didn’t have a totem!

He has never seen any of these totems before!

“So, Qin Yanran’s matter...what are your plans?”

 Xiao Tianyu asked again.


Luo Ming sighed.

  Not because of Qin Yanran, but because of the totem.

 So they think I am so strong because of the totem?

Who do you look down on?

There is one more chapter, a little later, I will definitely finish it before eight o'clock.



 (End of this chapter)

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