Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 170: Delaying time and letting someone beat me up? Are you sure not?

Chapter 170: Delay time and let someone beat me? Are you sure it wasn't me who beat him?

"What's going on? Xiao Zixuan's eyes are bleeding? Isn't this guy called the magic eye?"

"It must be the one named Luo Ming. Xiao Zixuan looked at him just now, and that's when the blood started to flow."

"This Luo Ming...has some abilities!"

"He has some ability, otherwise Xiao Tianyu wouldn't have brought him here. Is it just something else...it's hard to say."

 “Li Quan, don’t be impulsive.”

The young man named Li Quan from the Magic City side saw Luo Ming approaching and wanted to go up and slap him, but was held back by another man beside him.

“Brother Li, leave Luo Ming to me. With me here, he will definitely not be able to get any benefits today.”

The young man wearing the earrings is a student of Qin Yanran, the Demon King.

 His name is Shi Feiyu.

 “Okay, then come on.”

 Li Quan nodded.

Shi Feiyu nodded and strode towards Luo Ming.

“Teacher Yanran, Luo Ming has arrived.”

“Very good, Feiyu, I’ll help you buy time to stop Dean Xiao and Ye Changan, and you try to destroy Luo Ming for me.”

A cold and clear female voice came from the other end of the phone.

 “Isn’t this...a bit too much?”

 Shi Feiyu's face flashed with a hint of unnaturalness.

"No, what do you have to worry about if I'm here? No fists or feet, competition among peers, Luo Ming's skills are not as good as others, no one will say anything if he loses."

 “If you succeed, I will give you a good reward.”

Shi Feiyu’s eyes lit up.

 “What kind of reward is it...Teacher Yanran?”

 “Just use your favorite position tonight.”


Shi Feiyu’s breath suddenly tightened.

"Promise to complete the mission...I will let him directly ruin his future military career."

Xiao Tianyu guessed wrong. Qin Yanran and Shi Feiyu reached an agreement not relying on the resources of the Qin family at all.

 But her own resources!

Otherwise, how could Qin Yanran, an ordinary tutor who had just graduated two or three years ago, get a top talent from the Magic University to voluntarily join his apprenticeship?

To put it bluntly, a person like Shi Feiyu, as long as nothing unexpected happens, will definitely become a military general or even a general or a war king in the future.

Furthermore, his family is also relatively powerful in the Demon City. Although it is not as good as the Qin family, it is not unable to afford Shi Feiyu's learning resources.

 So, the limited resources are not attractive enough, but the Qin family tightly controls too many resources, and Qin Yanran is not qualified to promise them yet.

However, now it seems that she herself is the best resource.

  It is enough to captivate this magical genius and unlock a new pose in one day.

 “What? Instructor Qin, the students haven’t come yet?”

  Many people gathered in the principal's office of the Imperial Capital Monster University.

For example, Xiao Pingan from Yanxia University, Ye Changan from Tianchi Holy Group, Cheng Jinghong, the president of Imperial Monster University, and the other two tutors from Jinling and Zhehai are all representatives of their respective universities.

 As for Ye Changan, he simply sneaked out.

The holy group had too much business, so he left a letter for Ying Tianzhe and came out to **** Luo Ming.

 Now he is playing games with his legs crossed on the principal’s office chair.

Next to it is the Soldier of Truth, and on the wall behind there are four splendid Chinese characters with flying dragons and phoenixes, God rewards those who work hard.

As for Cheng Jinghong, the principal of Imperial University who should be rewarded by God the most, he was sitting in the guest seat blowing his beard and staring.

 Xiao Pingan has been comforting.

 The other two mentors also exchanged their own affairs.

"Ah, um... Dean Xiao, the appointment time is for one o'clock. It's still early now, it's only half past twelve."

 Qin Yanran pursed her lips and smiled, wearing a long-sleeved black dress, an apricot knitted cardigan on her upper body, and a wide-topped black-brimmed lace hat, dressed in a proper royal-sister style.

Her whole body exudes a charming and mature atmosphere, with a graceful figure and delicate red lips.

It's a pity...the people present are either Sigma men or Lao Deng.

 No one appreciates her.

"Really? Let me call Tianyu and ask. Young people have no sense of time at all. They asked us old men to wait here. If you ask me, we should let them wait for us."

Xiao Pingan took out his mobile phone. Qin Yanran's expression changed when she saw this, "This is not okay. Shi Feiyu was just about to teach Luo Ming a lesson."

 How could I be disturbed by you?

 She stepped forward gracefully.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Xiao, let’s have a cup of tea first.”

 She poured a pot of Longjing for Xiao Pingan.

“Just don’t worry, it’s not good to play two games.”

 Ye Changan's fingers slid quickly on the screen, staring at the phone intently.

“Old man Xiao, why don’t you play? My Lao Deng plays with me every day. He is always being abused and has to be rescued every time. He is a loser.”

 Xiao Ping’an: “…”

How is the atmosphere in your holy group pretty good?

"Ye Chang'an, can you put your feet down from my table? It's made of Hainan huanghuali! It's very expensive, more than five million yuan! It's priceless but not marketable!"

 Cheng Jinghong said angrily.

“It’s okay, my shoes are Adidas, they are also very expensive, more than 500 yuan.

Well, it’s almost the same, no one dislikes anyone. "

 Cheng Jinghong: “…”

 What the hell... Where is the knife? Where is my knife!

Let's make a noise. Just keep arguing.

 Qin Yanran sat by the window and sneered.

 At this point in time, Shi Feiyu should have almost finished Luo Ming.

 “Okay, everyone is here.”

 “It’s almost done.”

Shi Feiyu strode towards Luo Ming.

"Our team needs to discuss something. Luo Ming, you are not from our team. You can go to the side and stay away. Operation secrets are not allowed to be shared outside."

 He pointed to the pile of stones next to him with his finger.

 “Go over there, I’ve prepared two bottles of Coke for you.”

  Luo Ming: “???”

No, bro, who are you? If I want to get out, shouldn’t it be you?

"You really have to avoid it. Go over there. I've prepared two pieces of **** for you."

Luo Ming pointed to the public toilet in the distance.

Shi Feiyu suddenly grinned.

"You mean you don't want to leave? Luo Ming, do you think your gold-level strength is worthy of participating in our mission? All of you present are juniors and diamond-level experts, and you are a gold Level, out of place..."

Shi Feiyu showed a playful expression.

He just wanted to provoke Luo Ming into taking action first, so that he could occupy the moral high ground and destroy him.

"You also know that you are a senior, but I scolded you in my face. This is the first time I have seen such a useless senior like you. Why don't you reflect on why you are so incompetent?"

Shi Feiyu’s cheek twitched.

This bastard’s mouth...

“To be honest, I’ve lived in vain for two years. My dog ​​is more useful than you even if you drag it out. At least he can bark.”

 “You are just superfluous.”

"Look, you are gritting your teeth and grinning like a monkey, but you still dare not take action. Are you still a leader? You are so cowardly!"

Shi Feiyu's face suddenly turned red.

 “I **** your grandma!”

 He kicked towards Luo Ming.

"Everyone saw it. He made the first move. I thought it was self-defense."


Luo Ming's body was blessed by the power of the dragon and phoenix body, and the whip legs were pulled out instantly.

This powerful and heavy kick even knocked out the air.

"No... I didn't want to provoke him to make the first move? Why did I make the first move?"

The wind blowing against his face, accompanied by the roar of dragons and phoenixes, made Shi Feiyu react suddenly.

He was scolded for breaking his guard just now?

 (End of this chapter)

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