Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 177: The secluded maze! Seven Deadly Sins VS Hot Summer Pride!

Chapter 177: The Maze of the Dark Path! Seven Deadly Sins VS Hot Summer Pride!


 Three figures suddenly rolled out of the portal.


The three of them hurriedly hid in the dark place.


Seeing that the attention of those humans was attracted to the huge glass frame in the center, they breathed a sigh of relief.

 How lucky that it has not been discovered yet.

“Evil was killed instantly with just one move. These seven deadly sins are simply monster-like existences!”

 One of the three people spoke.

“Contact Sora quickly, we have to leave here quickly. This is a human conspiracy and it is very dangerous!”

Their eyes fell on the shy young man in a white coat at the front.

 The other party was also confused at this time.

 “Why haven’t you shown up yet? The best opportunity is right here.”

 Hurry flashed across his face.

“Is this a sequence monster, a numbered monster? I’m really curious.”

Luo Ming smiled and strode towards the huge object covered with red cloth.

"Hey you…"

 The shy young man wanted to stop him.

Who would have thought that Luo Ming would be like a whipping kick when he got up there.

The shy young man blocked reflexively.


 The ground shook, and a figure jumped away suddenly.

 “There is no one here, just us, you don’t need to pretend anymore.”

Luo Ming chuckled.

“That’s right, Fusion Beast, we are all here, and you are surrounded.”

Some people also strode out, Zhao Jishi, Xiao Tianyu, Feng Tianyang and others.

Caught the fusion beast in a corner.

“You guys…have noticed it a long time ago?”

 He had a gloomy look on his face.

“It’s not that we noticed it a long time ago, but we dug this hole, waiting for you to jump in.”

The elevator door opened, and a man and a woman in white coats walked towards this side.

"It's you!"

 Seeing this man, the beast's face was astonished.

 “Introduce yourself, Di Da, Shen Huaqing.”

 “Emperor, Nangong Xi.”

The cold woman also spoke.

 “The Great Demon, Li Quan.”

 “The devil is great, the wind and the sky are yang.”

 “Jinling, Guo Wuxiang.”

 “Zhehai, Xiao Zixuan.”

 “Yanxia University, Zhao has passed away.”

 “Yanxia University, Lin Xiao.”

 “Yanxia University, Xiao Tianyu.”

 “Yanxia University, Luo…ming.”


Luo Ming's big hand reached out and pulled the red cloth covering the huge glass cabinet.


 The mountain-like glass cabinet suddenly exploded, and a fist like a meteor hit the ground from top to bottom.

 “The Emperor is great, King Lu! The violent porcupine!”

A huge creature covered in dark red, staring at two thorn-like fangs pointing toward the sky, appeared in the hall. His figure was so big that it almost reached the ceiling.

 It turned out that King Lu had been hiding in this glass cabinet.


 The cabinet exploded, and the liquid formalin dripped down like a galaxy and hit the ground.


The fusion beast's complexion changed, its body transformed into a beast, and it hid in the distance.

 “Damn it, why haven’t you come yet! I’m going to die here!”

His face was ugly, with the characteristics of a cat demon appearing on his face.

This is the fusion of a black water haze beast and a super-killing cat demon.

 “Hostage...as long as there are hostages, I will...”

 He rushed towards that kind of student.

 What is strange is that these students did not show any timidity at all, and even looked at his expression, there was a faint sarcasm.

“Since it’s a trap, how can we let the real Yanxia students take the risk because of the pain?”

Luo Ming sneered.

 Hurrah hurrah!

 The body of this kind of person began to swell and turned into a black iron giant of more than ten meters.

Hold a spear and a steel shield, and his whole body is filled with the aura of quick killing.

 Hunter beast. These people are all military soldiers.

 “Captain of the Military Department! Ma Jianguo, listen to the orders of all the geniuses!”

The gold-level hunter beast headed by him roared angrily, and his spear shot through the air towards the ground.

This is a young officer, but unfortunately he is not very talented.

 “You...get out of the way.”

Luo Ming spoke.

 “This is our battle.”

 “Yes, this is our debut match.”

 Others also strode towards the fusion beast.

“Oh, it’s so pitiful. A poor kitten is surrounded by a dozen strong men, who take turns to humiliate and abuse it. Human beings are really bad creatures with no kindness. I think...human beings should disappear from this world.”

 “Are you right?”

 The spacious hall suddenly resounded with playful sounds, which continued and echoed for a long time.



“I think human beings are very high-quality ingredients. They have brittle bones and are crunchy when you bite them. They are also good when dried and made into bacon.”

“It would be very interesting to make figurines out of their bones.”

Luo Ming frowned.

"Reinforcements? But there are definitely more than four people... Could it be that the intelligence is wrong?"

 Black shadows came out of the corners.

These people have very strong auras, at least much stronger than the fusion beast in front of them.

"Poor little kitten, your friends are hiding in the corner and don't dare to come out. It's obvious that they have abandoned you."

The leader of the Seven Deadly Sins spoke arrogantly.

The makeup of these seven people looks roughly the same, with dark eye shadow, dark to purple lips, and various grotesque tattoos covering half of their bodies.

 There are men and women.

 Looking full of uncivilized wildness, you can tell at a glance that they are different from humans.

 “Hey! You guys!”

The cat-demon fusion beast had a look of shock on its face.

 “Why don’t you come out and help me?”

The three people looked at each other.

 “Evil was killed instantly, by these seven deadly sins, they are very powerful.”

"We cannot interfere in this battle. This is a battle between the Seven Deadly Sins and Summer Pride."

Luo Ming’s eyes moved.

 “Seven deadly sins...what an arrogant name.”

 The seven deadly sins symbolize the seven evil deeds of human beings. They are derived from Catholic doctrine and are opposite to the seven virtues. They can also be called the seven original sins and the seven deadly sins.

Have these monsters begun to delve into human culture?

 That would be troublesome...

 Their intelligence is no different from that of humans.

"Hey, you guys, don't think that you don't have to do anything. These geniuses of mankind are handed over to us for seven sins, but these remaining ants are left to you to clean up."

“Otherwise, I will leave you here and be buried with these humans.”

Haughtiness spoke.


The four fusion beasts looked humiliated, but they had no choice but to agree.

 “Color Field, spread out the barrier, I don’t want anyone to ruin this hunt.”

Arrogant continued.


The color gamut is a male -like guy, with throat knots, but there are bulging breasts.

Just one glance can make people feel physically uncomfortable.

 “The maze of secluded paths!”

 He exuded a strange aura, and two heads sprouted again on both sides of his head.

Bull head and sheep head, and his original face became more and more feminine, even the skin became smooth, the curled long hair was dispersed, and the glamorous was unusual.

 “Yue! It’s so disgusting, I’m going to spit it out,” Xiao Zixuan complained.

As black soil emerged from the ground, thick fog penetrated this space, more and more clods of soil protruded from the surface like ladders, and then pink will-o'-the-wisps wandered in the air.

Chains wrapped around the sky, and there were no clouds.

 A weird atmosphere filled the whole place.

“Unless you kill your lust, you will not be able to get out.”

“Not only that, if the Youtu Maze is forcibly breached from the outside, all creatures in the maze will die.”

 “You and we are all the same.”

“So, the genius of mankind, on behalf of the Ruin Hunter Monster University, I would like to challenge you. Do you dare to accept the challenge?”

“Let’s decide the outcome in a civilized way!”

 (End of this chapter)

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