Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 180: At a disadvantage! Furious Li Quan! Trying to be stronger

 Chapter 180 Falling into a disadvantage! Furious Li Quan! Trying to be too strong...


Li Quan was suddenly swept away by a sword burning with blazing fire.

The monster he transformed into was a rare three-headed **** dog, with black flames burning all over his body, like a will-o'-the-wisp from the underworld.

The guy named Angry he faced had four pillar-like dragon legs on his lower body, covered with a layer of dragon scales, and in his hand was a three-meter-wide sword burning with blazing fire.

There are flame wings turned into substance on his back, and there are two burning magma belts on his chest. The inside of his body can be seen, all of which are internal organs composed of flames.

 “So strong.”

 Looking at the huge monster walking towards him, Li Quanqiang pushed himself up from the ground.

The three-headed **** dog has a red cape hanging around its neck. After it transforms into a humanoid monster, the other two heads hang down on its shoulders.

He is somewhat similar to Li Tian who was beaten to death by Luo Ming.

 “You are too weak, you are just a puppy, become my food.”


Angry moved his four legs very fast and appeared in front of Li Quan in an instant, slashing his head with a sword.


Li Quan opened his mouth, and the black flame turned into a magic bullet and shot through the air. Li Quan dodged in embarrassment.

 Huge beads of sweat flowed down his forehead.

  I overestimated myself a bit. In order to show off my power, I actually dealt with a monster of this level by myself.

 Asking for help now, it is obviously impossible to get off the stage.

His eyes wandered around.


 At this moment, Li Quan's breath suddenly suffocated.

 “Where is Luo Ming?”

 That's right, he realized that he didn't see Luo Ming's shadow.

 The next second, a burst of anger shot straight into Tianling Gai.

He looked up to the sky and roared in rage.

"Damn Luo Ming, a deserter who ran away from the battle! We were fighting to the death here and almost died, but he actually escaped!"

“If I had known this, we might as well have Shi Feiyu come over. No matter what, he can help us!”

 Li Quan’s roar attracted the attention of many people.

Indeed, when they looked up and found that Luo Ming was not there, their expressions all changed.

"No, Luo Ming is not the kind of person who runs away from a battle. In order to protect the train, he stood up alone to fight against an enemy that he could not win at all. He didn't even run away at that time, let alone now."

Xiao Tianyu shouted loudly.

"Li Quan, don't disturb the morale of the army at this time. You have a personal grudge against Luo Ming, so you are slandering him! You are too vicious, and you are still engaging in internal strife at this time!"

Xiao Tianyu and King Lu are fighting against the astonishingly powerful Gluttony, which is inherently dangerous. The opponent is good at using poison, and its wagging tail will sneak up on you from time to time.

His compound eyes have an extremely powerful void-capturing ability, and they have been able to see through several rounds of attacks.

It was already difficult, but Li Quan was still barking and barking here, which almost made Xiao Tianyu angry.

 “Fight with me, but you still have the mood to yell, little naughty dog, you are not a good boy!”


Sneered angrily, and swung the knife towards him. He couldn't avoid it. One of Li Quan's arms was cut off, and the raging fire almost burned his body.

"My arm! Luo Ming, it's all your fault, deserter. If it weren't for you, how could I have fought so hard!"

Li Quan had a resentful look on his face, as if he was blaming all the blame on Luo Ming, but he forgot that he was the one who tried to challenge his anger before. Angry looked at his distorted face and smiled happily. He was angry. The angrier his opponent was, the stronger he became!

 The uncontrollable power in his body rioted like magma about to erupt, and his anger could not wait to tear Li Quan into pieces.

 Now he was beaten to death.

"The intrigues among you humans are really complicated. At this time, you still want to blame others. After all, isn't the most fundamental reason because you are incompetent?"

 Bang, bang, bang!

Like the arrogance of a six-winged fallen angel suspended in the void, he casually pointed with his finger as if playing a game, and saw pitch-black light **** stirred by the power of destruction piercing the air, making Shen Huaqing scream in agony.

 Let alone counterattack, it’s good to be able to resist.

Shen Huaqing's face was gloomy. He was not a fool. In the current battle situation, the Seven Deadly Sins were stronger than any of them.

Even if Luo Ming is here, it won't mean much.

He raised his eyes and saw that Jealousy was a huge fish monster, with its open mouth like a crocodile, as if it could swallow a piece of the sky.

 But his body is as huge as a giant whale, with rough skin and thick flesh, and even sharp spines on his lower abdomen. Wherever he passes, the ground turns into an ocean, and he can sneak freely in the earth.

 There are long pectoral fins on both sides of the body, which are powerful when photographed. Although the body is huge, it is as powerful and powerful as a dolphin, and it is elusive.

 Feng Tianyang was jealous of each other, and was manipulated at will like the other's toy.

 Fortunately, the monster that Feng Tianyang awakened was a leopard of light and shadow, and it was fast enough to keep up with the jealous ghost, otherwise it would have been swallowed up by him.

Light and Shadow Broken Leopard is a powerful monster with both light and wind attributes. Not only is it fast, its attacks are also penetrating.

Jealousy has an extremely obvious effect on people with rough skin and thick flesh. At present, it can be regarded as comparable to it.

"According to this situation... I'm going to lose. Do I have to use that power?"

Lin Xiao was holding a trident in his hand. After he transformed, he turned into a one-horned tiger with white wings on his back. However, his body was covered with dragon scales and had an evil aura. If Luo Ming were here, he would find that this monster is similar to the legendary one. Qiongqi is very similar!

 “No…look again, I don’t want to expose that power unless I have to.”

Lin Xiao shook his head.

Opposite him, a demon holding a snake spear rushed towards him. The lazy man was extremely weird, his arms were hanging down, almost to the ground. They were covered with dense long hair and were extremely powerful.

At the same time, the body has silver gray hair, the head is like a wolf, with a blood-colored crescent moon engraved between the eyebrows, and a long tail drags behind him, which twists and turns and wraps around his shoulders. It is a fang and poisonous tongue, waiting for an opportunity on the shoulder. And move.

 Wolf, snake, monkey...these seven deadly sin monsters are just like patchwork dolls.

They are full of ominousness and strangeness, but their combat power is extremely amazing, and their variety of methods is astonishing.

at the same time.

 Outside the herbarium.

 Ye Changan, Xiao Pingan and others gathered together.

 Looking at the herbarium wrapped in thick purple fog, several people frowned.

“New enemies have appeared, and they are much stronger than the previous fusion beasts. I didn’t expect that the monsters in the ruins were developed so quickly.”

A middle-aged man in a white coat strode over, and it was Tang Yanhuang.

Beside him was a young figure with a feminine face and a neutral appearance. It was not clear whether he was a man or a woman just from his face.

 “I’m begging you, Three-Eyed Warlord.”

 “You’re welcome, Senior Tang.”

 As soon as he opened his mouth, he could tell his gender. It turned out to be Ji Shuai.

 The three-eyed war general transformed into a white feathered serpent, with a white vertical pupil between his eyebrows.


Vertical pupils pierced the sky, and white light shined out. In an instant, the scene in the fog was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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