Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 193: Total destruction! Teenager! Contempt the overlord! throw a gun

Chapter 193 Total destruction! Teenager! Contempt the overlord! Throwing a spear at him, do you dare to fight?


 The dragon claws and the spear connected, trembling violently. The dragon's grasping hand itself is a technique used by real dragons to capture the enemy. The dragon's claws are invincible. Even the golden-winged roc cannot move at all if caught by these claws.

 It is more than enough to grab a spear.


Luo Ming grabbed the Spear of Longinus with one hand and pulled it out hard, causing the other spear to fly away.

 Then a huge golden dragon tail grew on its back and rolled it back.

The remaining two monsters are a gibbon monkey wrapped in vines, and a black-scaled horse with a single horn.

 When they saw Luo Ming's eyes falling on them, the two of them were instantly sweating.


Without saying a word, the gibbon stretched out a vine from its hand and wrapped it around a large aircraft not far away.


  He ran away immediately.

 “Father! This guy is a monster! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to fight him!”

The black-scaled unicorn also ran quickly and fled out of the airport.

Li Lin's gloomy face can squeeze out water. His son can lose, but he must not run away from the battle!

 Let alone being timid before fighting and being frightened to the point of throwing away your armor!

 What a disgrace!

It’s so embarrassing!

 “Hahahaha! This is your dog, Li Lin. You don’t need to be taught how to escape!”

 Ye Changan laughed.

The crowd watching the show also laughed.

People are always eager to read stories about young people going out, and to see young people from the bottom with nothing, relying on their own strength to break through the oppression of class and powerful people.

 A pair of iron fists will bring peace to the world and repel all injustice.

They saw the brilliance of Luo Ming here. He fought back brilliantly and defeated all the twelve sons of Overlord Li Lin!

Even if they use forbidden weapons, they are not afraid at all!

Then Li Shaoyang wanted to use Luo Ming as a stepping stone, the cornerstone for himself to reach the top and become famous in Yanxia.

How could Luo Ming be the same? The twelve sons of the overlord Li Lin were like the twelve steps of the ladder. He stepped on these ladders one by one and climbed to the top!


Luo Ming shook one hand, and Longinus's spear drew an arc in mid-air, then shot towards the two people who were fleeing for their lives.

No matter how fast the two of them are, they are not as fast as the thundering red lightning!


 One gun connected two people, soared into the sky, and then fell from the sky.

The Spear of Longinus crashed in front of Li Lin with two corpses.

His cheeks twitched, showing how much rage he was suppressing.

“Bawang Li, your dog is good at using a spear, and I’m not bad at it either. I wonder if Bawang has personally tasted the power of Longinus’s spear!”

Luo Ming jumped into the air and chuckled.

The red cloak streaked across the sky like a blazing fire, covering the sun.

The body of the true dragon emits rich golden light, which looks even brighter than the sun.

 The next second, Li Lin's eyes widened.

 I saw the fearless arrogance flashing in the young man's eyes.

 A shot was aimed at him.

Longinus's spear broke through the air and shot towards Li Lin.

Li Lin himself was shocked.

 That look just now, this young man didn’t have the slightest respect for him in his eyes!

If it weren't for Luo Ming's current lack of strength, Li Lin had no doubt that he would have dared to kill him with one shot here!

This is the case now, but if he grows up completely in the future, it will be great!

This guy is too arrogant, too arrogant, and his backbone is too hard!

"you wanna die!"

Li Lin was furious.

 No one has ever dared to take action against him! Not to mention a brat!

 “Are you provoking me!”

Li Lin strode towards Luo Ming, the gun of Longinus that shot suddenly was firmly grasped in one hand.

“Do you know who you were attacking just now!?”

 He was shocked and angry.

"I know."

 “Then you dare to take action!”

 “Why…the overlord only needs to use his strength to suppress others, but I am not allowed to be able to conquer the superiors?”

 “You’re not worthy enough to get in now!”

"You will be worthy one day. No one can stand at the bottom of the valley forever, and no one can fly in the sky for a lifetime." "Are you declaring war on me?"

 “Don’t dare.”

 “I think you are very brave!”

 Luo Ming was silent.

Soon he raised his head, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

“If the Overlord wears a limiter and is willing to fight me, then there is nothing wrong with treating this as a declaration of war!”

Li Lin's pupils trembled.

 Everyone took a breath of cold air.

 “This guy... is so crazy!”

 “Is he inviting a fight with the overlord?”

“If you say this, if Li Lin doesn’t take action, he will really be riding a tiger and be in trouble!”

“Li Lin’s strength is obvious to all. He is a gold and jade-level strongman. Even if he is suppressed to diamond level, he can destroy all diamond-level people!”

 The onlookers were all shocked, this Luo Ming is so crazy!

  Simply a fanatic!

“I thought I was proud enough, but I didn’t expect him to be even more arrogant than me. At least I didn’t dare to provoke him like this in front of the Overlord.”

Shen Huaqing shook his head.

“So you lost to arrogance, and arrogance lost to him.”

Nangong Xi on the side said coldly.

 “Hey! Xi, save some face for me, brother.”

 “But so do I.”

 Nangong Xi laughed at himself.

“What, you’ve fallen in love with me? Brother, do you want me to match you two up?”

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't think about such things until I kill the ghost-eyed golden-eyed beast completely and avenge my father and mother."

 Shen Huaqing's expression became serious again.

"Xi, I will work hard. I must get the serial weapon, and then go to Shanhaixiong Pass to kill that beast myself."

 Shen Hualing put his hand on his sister's shoulder and comforted her.


 She nodded, her voice thin and weak.

At this time, facing Luo Ming's provocation, more than a dozen pairs of eyes fell on him.

 Li Lin had no chance to refuse.

 “You are looking for death yourself! Boy!”

 “So, your challenge…”

Just when Li Lin was about to accept the challenge, there was another strong wind in the sky.

 A huge manta ray lies high in the sky like a purple flying saucer.

 Then two figures fell from above.

 “That’s it, King Li.”

It was a middle-aged man wearing a Tang suit, with a touch of bookishness about him, and he was quite elegant.

Seeing that figure, Lin Xiao in the crowd opened his mouth and shouted.


And Lin Yuning, who was beside the middle-aged figure, also shouted with a smile.

 “Brother Lin Xiao.”

 Then, when he saw Luo Ming, he shouted again.

 “Brother Luo Ming.”

 For a moment, everyone frowned.

The Modu Lin family is also here, and it seems that they are also here for Luo Ming?

“Bawang Li, please don’t continue to embarrass me, my nephew.”

"No matter what, he is also a member of my Lin family. How could he really fight with you?"

Li Lin's pupils shrank.

“Is he the son of that totem girl from your Lin family?”

Lin Yuan nodded.

 “He is indeed the biological son of Qingxin.”

 (End of this chapter)

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