Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 202: Every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood! broken! despair!

Chapter 202: Every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood! broken! despair!

 The teleportation array at the station is brightly lit.

 The military chief of Xinghai Prefecture came with soldiers to support him.

 “Mo Kuaishou! Please retreat quickly!”

The camp officer who was stationed at the place, Kong Yifan, with a few seriously injured remnants, saw him coming, and his face changed slightly.

 “I’m here to support the garrison.”

 But Kong Yifan shook his head repeatedly.

“This place has been conquered. The current station is very dangerous. Powerful monsters appear frequently. With our strength, we can only deliver goods to your door.”

Kong Yifan and Mo Rutian are both gold-level players, but in this stationed place, there are as many gold-level players as dogs, and diamond-level players are everywhere.

They really just delivered the goods to your door in a clean way to reward the monster army.

“A powerful holy group has come to support the imperial capital. All we have to do now is to save our own lives.”

Kong Yifan said seriously.

A strong look of fear flashed in his eyes. The moment the wall was breached, he witnessed the most terrifying scene in the world.

Their warriors were like dust, submerged in the monstrous flames spouted by the giant beast, turned into powder, and scattered in the wind.

No matter how powerful the troops are, they are like clay statues in front of this giant beast.

 His slap can shatter the wall.

 In such a situation, it is really not easy to survive!

 But Mo Rutian shook his head.

“Kong Yingguan, the monster has broken through the garrison. Beyond the garrison, there is the human city. How long do you think it will take for him to enter the city?”

Kong Yifan was stunned for a moment.

 “At today’s scale…ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes, if we don’t take action, how many people will die?”

Mo Rutian had a resolute look on his face, and his words immediately stopped Kong Yifan.

The garrison is an area vacated between the wall and the city, and behind them is the city where humans live. Once the monsters enter, they will wreak havoc and the death toll will be in the low seven digits.

“But even if we take action, we can’t stop much time!”

 “Even if it’s only a minute, it’s worth it!”

"We are the military headquarters of Yanxia, ​​guarding the people of Yanxia. It doesn't matter if we die, and there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Now has reached the most critical moment, every inch of mountains and rivers is bloody!"

“Loyal bones are buried everywhere in the mountains, so why return them wrapped in horse leather!”

"I'm not afraid of death. If these **** monsters want to break through the camp, they will pass over my body! What about you? Are you afraid?"

 He asked the military generals brought behind him.

 “Don’t be afraid!”

 “Don’t be afraid!”

 Such a **** scene, even Kong Yifan and others were infected.

 They couldn't help but think about Mo Rutian's words.

 The blood in the heart is aroused, and the man is full of pride!



 The soldiers began to roar one by one.

 As the monsters broke in, they were surrounded by the monsters.

The monster is huge, and this is just a detachment.

 The leader of this detachment is a **** hungry wolf more than thirty meters tall.

 This wolf beast was still chewing something in his mouth, and an arm hung out of his mouth.

 This is the place where soldiers were stationed and the bones of hunters and beasts.

 Mo Rutian and others' eyes turned red instantly, and their murderous intent swelled.

 “Damn beast, ah, ah, ah, ah!”

 This giant hungry wolf is a diamond-level fifth-level monster, more powerful than everyone present!


 The hungry wolf roared greedily.

 Then rushed towards them.

 Monsters fell like rain.

Farther away, there was a one-eyed giant, walking over and knocking down the ten-story building with one slap.

There is even a giant turtle with a body like a mountain and a black steel cannon on its back crawling on the ground. The black muzzle exudes a chill, making people feel like they have fallen into an ice cellar!

These monsters are the leaders of the detachment. They have amazing combat power. Each of them is a powerful diamond level.

 Compared with these monsters, Mo Rutian and the others are simply rubbish!

"not good!"

Mo Rutian's expression changed drastically. The monster attacked, and he faced it with a long knife.


The giant wolf's claws slapped towards them.

 It was just a face-to-face meeting, the wolf's claws lightly flicked on Mo Rutian's blade.


  His long knife suddenly broke.

His figure also smashed through a wall like a meteor and flew dozens of meters away.


Hungry Wolf swatted him away and ignored him.

 A slap fell, smashing all the remaining people into pieces.

The soldiers roared and resisted, but still turned into a pile of mud.

flesh, flesh and bones, mixed with internal organs, blood spurted out like sharp arrows, and a house next to it was directly stained red with blood.

 The ground was covered with mud, and Mo Rutian was dumbfounded.

Kong Yifan, who was chatting with him just now, and so many military officers and soldiers, are all gone!

 There was even a young man who had recently joined the military. He said that he wanted to be like Luo Ming and become the savior of Xinghai State.

Now, they are just a pool of flesh and blood, mixed together.

 “Ahhh! Damn monster, I’ll fight you!”

Mo Rutian roared angrily, and his eyes were about to burst.

Holding the broken knife, he rushed towards the monster.

The huge hungry wolf lowered his head, only to see a tiny figure rushing towards him, with a flash of deep disdain in his eyes.


He raised his front paws and swept them towards Mo Rutian, but the mayflies were just shaking the tree.


Mo Rutian raised his hand and grabbed the hair on his body, then jumped up and climbed onto his instep.


  I stabbed him with a knife, only to find that my knife couldn't even pierce the opponent's fur.

  It was broken directly from the edge of the knife.

 “Ahhh! Damn you bastard!”

He punched and bit with his teeth, but no matter how hard he tried, he only broke the monster's skin.

 It may be possible to recover in a while.

 Despair, extreme despair spread in his heart.

 The gap is too big, and they overestimate themselves too much.

It's like a group of ants standing in front of you, but just one step ahead and you can trample them to death.


The hungry wolf was filled with blood-evil energy and knocked Mo Rutian out.

 Then a paw slapped towards him.

 “Oh, it’s going to end here...I can only go so far.”

 Mo Rutian looked up to the sky, showing a look of despair.

"I shouldn't have brought you here. Really, you all died in vain."

"It's my fault as the leader. I'm not worthy of being the leader of the military. I'm not worthy."

 He gave up resistance.


 The huge paw landed on the ground, and Mo Rutian closed his eyes.

 After waiting for a while, the claws did not fall.

 Instead, drops of blood fell on his face.

 Mo Rutian was shocked.

 He ​​raised his head and saw a spear coming from the air directly hitting the head of the giant wolf, blowing up his entire head.

 The claws rested on his head.

The giant wolf's body collapsed like a hill.

 Smashed a large area of ​​buildings.

Mo Rutian stood up and looked around, and what caught his eye was a sword, shield, blazing fire, and a big flag moving in a hunting manner.

 The uniform team is walking towards this side, it is a group of invincible troops burning with flames!

At the front of the team, there is a **** figure blooming with a fierce aura, frightening many monsters from a distance. His eyes are cold, and murderous intent is almost ready to rush into the sky.

 The shot just now was thrown by him.

  Mo Rutian’s heart suddenly dropped.

"Luo Ming...you are here."

 (End of this chapter)

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